There are still downsides to managing files on an iPad-only setup. Some of them have been around for a long time; others are a by-product of recent additions to the iOS platform.
iCloud Drive app folders are isolated from each other. iOS apps like Documents and Workflow can't access or display the contents of other apps' folders. This prevents the existence of a full-featured iCloud Drive file manager that offers functionalities Apple doesn't want to build in their iCloud Drive app. There should be an API to allow third-party apps to gain access to the entire contents of your iCloud Drive filesystem, just like there are APIs for photo and music access.
You can't pass around multiple files at once. Something I miss from macOS is the ability to move multiple files around from one location to another. If you want to copy multiple files to another app on iOS, your best chance is to compress them as a single .zip archive or upload them to the cloud and download them again afterwards.
This shouldn't be the case. Apple needs to rework the entire 'Copy to/Import with' extension system (the
former 'Open In' menu) and the document picker with support for multiple items.
iCloud Drive is missing features available on the web app. Did you know you can view recently deleted files and restore them in iCloud Drive? I wouldn't be surprised if you didn't, because this option is
only available on the iCloud web app, which isn't even supported on Safari for iOS. The iCloud Drive file management UI needs to be completely revamped, and Apple has to include these hidden features in the redesign.
No drag & drop for files on the iPad. This applies to Split View in general, but there should be an easier way to move files between two apps that doesn't require tapping multiple times through menus and share sheets. Drag & drop is an obvious solution: it would be nice if I could drop an image from iCloud Drive into an image editor, or if I could drag a file from Dropbox into my email client to quickly attach it to a message. This is basic stuff for the Mac; the iPad should have this feature, too.
- the "root" directory, iCloud Drive, can be opened within documents 5. There is a blue + button in the right bottom corner. Press it and you can copy files/folders to the documents 5 by readdle folder. Also files located in "desktop", "chunky comic reader, playgrounds, scanner by readdle, tested it or textastic or preview can be copied in this way. This is a restriction by apple, you can't manipulate these files like the ones in the REaddle folder. But I dump each and every file just in my documents 5 folder and manage them right there like I need to.
- in documents 5 press the "select" but ten in the right top corner and select multiple files & folders. Move them, copy them, delete them, zip them, star them, colour tag them, upload them into another ap or email them.
- see previous point to pass multiple files;
- is limited, but you are not limited to it can be done, it is done by me on a daily basis. I know about the recently deleted files, I know everything about it. I hardly ever use it, but when I'm on my ipad and do make a mistake, I use iCabMobile to access and retrieve them. Happened two times in well over 18 months, both times I was really happy to retrieve these files.
- Documents 5 will allow some drag and drop, but drag and drop on a touch-screen with my fat fingers isn't something I like to do. Drag & drop between applications still isn't possible.
This is just 1 app, there might be dozens of others that do the same or more.
Seriously, I work as a consultant with dozens of files, around 35 active client folders, around 250 not-active client folders, about 100-150 emails a day, about the half that number of xls/word/PDF-files and if I couldn't store these in a logical way, I would be stark raving mad in just 2 weeks time and have lost my clients because I can't find the files.
You have to rethink some ways you work, but most of the things you are used to do, can be done just as easily on an ipad as on a macOS.
Edit: one idiotic thing I just found out (and never used before since I went 100% iPad Pro) you can't copy a CBR file back to the Chunky directory. That seems annoying, but hold your horses.
Rethink it and you can select multiple files in Documents5 (e.g. that you just zipped, renamed and collected in a folder,) then open them with chuncky and it will copy the files for you to Chunckys directory.
So even that doesn't look doable at first happens to be easy and not very complicated when you rethink/understand iOS.