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Staff member
Feb 21, 2012
New Jersey Pine Barrens
5 years: 6s Plus to 12 Pro Max (which I still have). Honestly see nothing compelling in the new phones and have no plans to upgrade as long as it works.


macrumors 68020
Oct 27, 2008
7 to 13 pro.

My biggest frustration with tech these days is I don’t really feel like I’m buying a better product, I feel like I’m buying the same product over and over because they gradually erode the basic functionality with os updates (like typing without massive lag).

And yes I know you can claim there are lots of new features being added that are power hungry and require more powerful hardware. but realistically, I have not bought a phone since the 4s because I was craving whatever they’re marketing is the latest must have new feature. Generally I upgrade because the device I have has been rendered nearly unusable by lag.

Stuff like battery degradation is understandable, so I get that hardware is gonna wear down eventually. My grievance is that it sometimes feels like they intentionally make even basic functionality heavier to process under the hood so only their latest chips will run without issue.


macrumors 6502
Sep 15, 2015
6s+ to 13 Pro what's that? 6 years? I still have the 6s+.. Still works.. I like the weight of it better. 13 Pro Max too heavy.. battery nice but too heavy.


macrumors 6502a
Feb 17, 2016
San Diego
I used to go every year up to the 12 pro max. Then I skipped 13 and got the 14 pro max. Upgrading isn’t as exciting as it once was. I’ll see what the 16 holds but I may skip that one too.. like others here it’s almost like you’re buying the same device over and over again. My 14 pro max is a great phone with no issues 🩷


macrumors 6502
Apr 5, 2019
My biggest frustration with tech these days is I don’t really feel like I’m buying a better product, I feel like I’m buying the same product over and over because they gradually erode the basic functionality with os updates (like typing without massive lag).
Agree 100%

Within reason and the same version, iOS is iOS regardless of what device you run iOS on...

I suspect the biggest difference you see (moving from the 7 to the 13) was the use of faceID and swipe gestures.

Once the initial "excitement" and "novelty" wears off, you find (as I did) that the phone is essentially the same. There is no "revolutionary change" Apple and MR posters may make you believe when upgrading to a newer model...

I'm planning to hang onto my XR for another year or so. More than likely I'll consider upgrading when I run into app support issues...or an iOS update cripples the phone (hopefully not!).

The only compelling "upgrade" to the latest and greatest iPhone is USB-C. Whilst I've had very few issue with the lightning cable and the lightning port (across 2 lightning equipped iPhones), all of my other electronic devices I commonly use charge via USB-C, so it makes practical sense for my phone to use USB-C as well...
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macrumors member
Oct 27, 2016
From the 5 to the 6S, and from an 11 to a 13 mini which I bought when the 14's were announced, so that's three years for both.


macrumors 603
Feb 7, 2011
7 plus to 13 PM - February 2017 to December 2021 so 5 years. Would have kept the 13 PM longer if it weren't for a pickpocket :confused: Now got my 15 PM and planning to keep it for a few years, hopefully as long as the 7 plus.


macrumors 68040
Apr 7, 2008
Flea Bottom, King's Landing
I'm still using my iPhone 7 Plus.


macrumors member
Jun 28, 2023
iPhone SE 2016 -> 13 Mini

6.75 years

I bought the iPhone SE in October 2016, and the 13 Mini in June 2023… so that’s over 6 years.

I wanted to hold out until October. Unforunately, I knew that once the 13 Mini was taken off Apple’s site in September they be very difficult to come across new.

Now that I know what a new 13 Mini is like, I have a solid baseline for a refurbished model should that be necessary.


macrumors member
Jun 28, 2023
7 to 13 pro.

My biggest frustration with tech these days is I don’t really feel like I’m buying a better product, I feel like I’m buying the same product over and over because they gradually erode the basic functionality with os updates (like typing without massive lag).

And yes I know you can claim there are lots of new features being added that are power hungry and require more powerful hardware. but realistically, I have not bought a phone since the 4s because I was craving whatever they’re marketing is the latest must have new feature. Generally I upgrade because the device I have has been rendered nearly unusable by lag.

Stuff like battery degradation is understandable, so I get that hardware is gonna wear down eventually. My grievance is that it sometimes feels like they intentionally make even basic functionality heavier to process under the hood so only their latest chips will run without issue.

My reason for keeping the 13 Mini on iOS 16.5.1 (updated the iOS by force because I got myself locked out of the phone on day 1)

I’ll eventually update, but here’s hoping a 17 mini or 18 mini comes out. I want the recent security updates that came with iOS 17. Though I do expect them to refine and expand them with iOS 18 and especially iOS 19


macrumors G5

Me too because I'm subbing in Cellular iPad Mini as my "Phone" with buds + VOIP app. The hop was iPad Mini 2 to 6 after 8 years. I expect the next hop to be Mini 9 or 10 in about 2029-30.

iPad doesn't seem to "long in tooth" so quickly, so if it can work for you too, you can spend LESS money than iPhone and much less for 5G cellular service to get much more time out of your "phone." All three legs of that tangible money savings adds up.

Just as an iDevice can also be a flashlight, a tape measure, a map, a video camera, a compass, etc, telephony (calls & texts) is only an app too. Even a Mac + VOIP app can be a telephone & texting device... an "iPod + phone + internet browser." Pretty much ALL apps are better on a bigger screen... your calling & texting can be too.

Doubt it? Download a free VOIP app to any iPad you already have. Most will give you a free number. Use it to call someone and have them call you (it will ring). Text someone and have someone text you. It "just works" because telephony is only an app.

"Think different."
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macrumors regular
Nov 6, 2020
7 to 13 pro.

My biggest frustration with tech these days is I don’t really feel like I’m buying a better product, I feel like I’m buying the same product over and over because they gradually erode the basic functionality with os updates (like typing without massive lag).

And yes I know you can claim there are lots of new features being added that are power hungry and require more powerful hardware. but realistically, I have not bought a phone since the 4s because I was craving whatever they’re marketing is the latest must have new feature. Generally I upgrade because the device I have has been rendered nearly unusable by lag.

Stuff like battery degradation is understandable, so I get that hardware is gonna wear down eventually. My grievance is that it sometimes feels like they intentionally make even basic functionality heavier to process under the hood so only their latest chips will run without issue.
A lot of people are in the same boat as you. There's only so much Apple can do each year.
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