Agreed, when I went into the Apple Store I just thought 'WOW' as soon as I picked it up.
Very premium look and feel!
It was a little hard stepping back and not wanting it! Had to remind myself it was just 'a look' as I have no intention of replacing my 10.5 yet, and see no need to as the 10.5 is a great device.
Although I have mixed feelings about it being Apple's best design yet.... I think that's true in a way as the new 11 Pro looks amazing and feels so good.... but the design bit that lets it down is the cover options... Not really impressed at all with the Folio Keyboard from playing with it in the store (the pressing against keys when you have it folded back just doesn't feel very Apple!... or the Folio case... by the time you've put in in there the 'best design' is lost completely. Personally, I love the Smart Cover on the 10.5 - really don't know why they've excluded that option with the new ones... seems strange (and another reason why I'm so pleased that I'm keeping the 10.5).