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macrumors 68000
Original poster
Jul 14, 2003
Omicron Persei 8
I got my new iMac today. I switched from a 13" MacBook Pro to the 21.5" entry level iMac.

I decided to go for the iMac as I thought it would be a significant upgrade from my MacBook Pro. I mostly used my MBP at my desk so I decided I would be better off with something more desktop oriented.

The iMac is brilliant and very, very fast and the display is amazing. However, there are 3 very small niggling things that are bothering me:

When the computer is starting up (whether it be a cold start or a restart) a grey screen appears for about 30 seconds before the spinning circular thing appears with the Apple logo, and then it starts up very fast. The whole start up procedure takes about 1 minute, but I don't think my MacBook Pro hung at the grey screen for so long. Is this okay?

Secondly, when I put the computer to sleep and the computer powers down, there is a strange "woosh" noise, but I think this is coming from the Superdrive, although I am not certain.

Thirdly, I leaned over the back of the iMac to plug in my external HD and I noticed a tiny blue/white spark as the USB connector touched the connector on the iMac. I think I've heard of this before, and I'm assuming it's normal?

Anyway, I've been using the iMac for around 6 hours now and it's extremely fast, responsive and quiet. The new mouse is just brilliant, but it would be better if it was a tad more ergonomic!

I got my new iMac today. I switched from a 13" MacBook Pro to the 21.5" entry level iMac.

I decided to go for the iMac as I thought it would be a significant upgrade from my MacBook Pro. I mostly used my MBP at my desk so I decided I would be better off with something more desktop oriented.

The iMac is brilliant and very, very fast and the display is amazing. However, there are 3 very small niggling things that are bothering me:

When the computer is starting up (whether it be a cold start or a restart) a grey screen appears for about 30 seconds before the spinning circular thing appears with the Apple logo, and then it starts up very fast. The whole start up procedure takes about 1 minute, but I don't think my MacBook Pro hung at the grey screen for so long. Is this okay?

Secondly, when I put the computer to sleep and the computer powers down, there is a strange "woosh" noise, but I think this is coming from the Superdrive, although I am not certain.

Thirdly, I leaned over the back of the iMac to plug in my external HD and I noticed a tiny blue/white spark as the USB connector touched the connector on the iMac. I think I've heard of this before, and I'm assuming it's normal?

Anyway, I've been using the iMac for around 6 hours now and it's extremely fast, responsive and quiet. The new mouse is just brilliant, but it would be better if it was a tad more ergonomic!



Will get back to you on this - if I have the same issues lol

Just transferring all my files from Time Machine so haven't noticed anything abnormal - yet.

Will get back to you on this - if I have the same issues lol

Just transferring all my files from Time Machine so haven't noticed anything abnormal - yet.

What about the gray screen? I noticed yours hung at the gray screen at initial startup for a while. When you restart the machine do you see the grey screen (and nothing else) for around 30 seconds?
What about the gray screen? I noticed yours hung at the gray screen at initial startup for a while. When you restart the machine do you see the grey screen (and nothing else) for around 30 seconds?

I have only booted it up once - will reboot it and check it out.
Thank you! Apart from that, I love it. What time did you buy yours? I got mine around 11:30am. Prior to walking into the store, I seen a guy lugging about an iMac - was that you?!

Naa, I paid for mines at around 12'ish and then came and picked it up at 2'ish.
i noticed something similar on the very first boot, however when i restored from TM i checked for software update and there was a performance update, have done a restart and its pretty much the same startup as the 24" maybe that was a bug fix
here is my pic of the 27"

here is my pic of the 27"


does the 27" seem to big? I sit about 4 feet away from my computer and have a smaller desk (previously only use 20" widescreen). I don't mean too big as in pixels or screen real estate, I mean too big as in your face is positioned closer to a computer monitor, might it be troublesome? Just wondering because if it's too big (eye strain or anything) it might not be a good idea. THoughts?
a little eye strain but have that issue every time i buy a new tv, so i just need to get used to it, i do find also im moving my head literally left to right lol, but i am like 3 feet away not even that but not bothering me, i am over the moon with it
Stunning machines guys, I wish you all the health to enjoy them.

The ONLY thing I don't like about the new iMac is the "uneven" nature of the black trim around the screen.

I notice that the trim now expands right out to the top left/right corners, whereas before it was rounded corners that matched the aluminium case, resulting in a thin aluminium "trim" around the black trim of the screen.

I don't like the way it's a blunt black horizontal line across, it just looks a little too drastic and uneven to my eyes.

However, I was always one of the people who didn't bother about the iMac "chin", but I sure as hell notice it now on my 20" aluminium model now that these new models are out.

The new iMac certainly looks more "aspect ratio" and wide compared to the more square appearing models it replaced, however I just wish they'd kept the trim rounded at all four corners and not cut it off so abruptly at the bottom ... not that I'll ever own one of these.

It took me long enough to convince my wife I needed this iMac in March to replace my 3 year old 17" white Intel Core Duo iMac ... 7 months down the line and a new iPhone 3G purchased little under four weeks ago for £342, I somehow don't see me being "allowed", especially when our combi-boiler packed in last night. :(

Enjoy them though guys, fantastic kit. :D
Re: the gray screens at startup...

It is not unusual for the first boot on a computer (or the first after a software update is installed) is a little slower. You should see it booting faster in future boots.
The design is brilliant, it could not have been better if I designed it. Which says nothing, of course, but I like it. The new length-width ratio is particularly pleasing. If my future mac ever breaks beyond the capabilities of the best mac-surgeon to repair, I'd still have the thing around on display as a work of art :rolleyes:.
Thanks for the pictures, oh you lucky few.
Mouse makes a very small noise - when compared with my logitech revolution.

Damn, this thing is smart and very very unique.
Congrats on your new purchases. The new iMac looks absolutely stunning, and I love the aluminum back. Should help dissipate heat.

I also want to know about real life experiences of the new magic mouse. Is there anyway to activate expose from the mouse? Also, can you swipe back and forth through pages, with resting one finger on the mouse and moving the other? Or do both fingers have to make the swiping movement?

I've just done a clean install of Mac OS X and the hanging grey screen has went away. The computer boots up in around 25 seconds, I'm very pleased!

I went for a minimum install - so no language translations, X11 or printer drivers for me!
Congrats on your new purchases. The new iMac looks absolutely stunning, and I love the aluminum back. Should help dissipate heat.

I also want to know about real life experiences of the new magic mouse. Is there anyway to activate expose from the mouse? Also, can you swipe back and forth through pages, with resting one finger on the mouse and moving the other? Or do both fingers have to make the swiping movement?


Trying to sort the Magic Mouse video out but Screenflow aint helping. Should find the answers to these soon.
The computer boots up in around 25 seconds, I'm very pleased!

Understandably, 25 seconds is nothing. About 4 seconds longer than my PS3's startup-time, and sorta kinda like half an hour shorter than the time it takes for the pc that I'm currently using to boot :eek:.
Trying to sort the Magic Mouse video out but Screenflow aint helping. Should find the answers to these soon.

I just checked out your YouTube page via your profile here, and realised I've actually watched a few of your videos before without realising who you were on here!

I have to ask though mate, what do you do for a living to be able to go out on launch day and buy the latest Apple gear at the age of 22?!

Maybe you're the perfect example to NOT get married, my disposable income ends up spent on the house, kids, and "family" cars first! :D
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