Visited a UK Apple Store today to purchase a Mac Mini for a friend. A starter kit if you will. The salesperson said, and I quote:
Salesman: "What will you be using this for."
Me: "Simple DTP etc." NOYB actually.
Salesman: Very quietly. "If I may say this is an unwise purchase."
We assumed that he was trying to sell us more. But then I said:
Me: "My friend is not interested in new tech just something that works. I know there's a refresh coming, But she's happy to buy now."
Salesman: Again quietly. "There isn't a refresh coming."
Me: "There's not?"
Salesman: Shakes his head. "No."
Well, he wouldn't allude to any more detail. But was adamant that no refresh was coming and instead changed the subject and advised my friend that an OS update was coming in about 4 days.
I don't know whatnot make of that.
I would make of it that the salesman thinks... but does not in any way know... that there is no refresh coming.
If sales staff knew future plans then there would be LOTS more leaks. They just don't.
Apple aren't that dumb.