Imagine Apple released a flagship iPhone with a smaller screen than before and half the processing power.
No you can't becasue they're share price would impolde and they'd be the laughing stock of the tech world. That people might still buy it is another worry!
The new Mac iSlab lower (kinda) price line up is interesting for install where you don't need power but after that there is nothing great or welcome about this update. In fact it's a disaster. They lost a lot of core sales with this update. Madness.
I have a commercial interest in upgrading our 2008 macpro server to newer hardware for so many obvious reasons I was dismayed at this development. I've seen it happen before.
What needs to happen is every mac mini user needs to directly email the samle email address, not with a copy and paste job but with a personal insight into what they have done. Otherwise nothing will change. If they get 10,000 emails or more from disgruntled customers and each professes their mac mini 2014 buy status as "hold" they'll take note very quickly.
I'm now in the process of sourcing whatever quad i7 2012 mini I can find.
It doesn't matter the reasons people are searching for but this should simply have been shelved as an update. To me it seems marketing was more on hand here and if we now have a marketing company selling computers then Apple is not going in a good direction.
I run my business on macs and it's not graphics based and removing the server-option on the mac mini is not a business friendly move at all.
A very stupid decision even as a stop gap. It's amazingly dumb.
I'm still trying to think of obvious well know precedent when a company actively retard their new products and the ony examples i can think of are other Apple instances of this retardation of new tech because of marketing?
Japanese car companies worked by a gentleman's agreement not to get into a horse power war with their muscle cars of the 90's followed but you could tune the engine if you wanted breaking their limiter, like upgrading your mac and send it to the moon. They where not that dumb to put in a half powered engine in a beautiful car. These companies still made they're popular cars too. Why does apple have to make every line perform like an iPhone sales curve. The've losing the plot if you ask me.
You see these internal patterns happen in large organisation be they governments or corporations or even sports teams usually before a collapse. I'm not going to predict a timeline but the wash of hubris breaks down things get's messy. They seem to be on a internal path of hegemony as well as an external one. Inner and outer monopoly. Diversity is an important factor in the survival and innovation of any company. No one person can have the monopoly on that, I think Steve Jobs may have provided the authoritative vision. What's Apples vision now?
Look at samsung, they make so many models of phones, yet they still have their flaghsip models and they make a ton of other consumer electrical goods. Very well I might add. The last company that looked like Apple that I can think of was SONY, even SONY had a far greater reach and an internal Japanese market that got more products that the international one.
I've heard stories of other products being screwed around by marketing but this takes the biscuit in computer terms.
While it's not officially known I know of one instance where a famous global design had a specific feature added becasue of the influence of marketing when from a desing point of view they had no function.
I'll expect "go faster stripes" on the next mac mini update to compsate for Moores Law.
To summarise, adding one lower priced option and reducing the price over the line does not compensate for a major failed key points that came with this update few want.
Someone or some group within Apple wanted this, most likely because they are on the march to expand their markets being top priority.