So with Intel removing tick-tock releases that means Apple will be unable to refresh their computers every year.,31472.html
Apple relies on consumption and planed obsoleteness to sell more devices. They make more money off the IOS App Store than they can ever hope with OS X.
IOS devices can be upgraded every year because Apple controls the in house chip design.
The alternative for their computers is either slow sales because refresh Intel chips will be 1 1/2-2 year cycle or port OS X to their own chips for yearly refresh.
You might argue that well....what about BootCamp? I don't think Apple cares because MS apps are available in IOS and thus no need for BootCamp any longer.
Apple chip development has matched the performance of Intel chips on the lower and mid levels.
Apple may phase this in over time but I see this coming with the push towards IOS becoming Apples main OS while weaning us off OS X X86 computers.,31472.html
Apple relies on consumption and planed obsoleteness to sell more devices. They make more money off the IOS App Store than they can ever hope with OS X.
IOS devices can be upgraded every year because Apple controls the in house chip design.
The alternative for their computers is either slow sales because refresh Intel chips will be 1 1/2-2 year cycle or port OS X to their own chips for yearly refresh.
You might argue that well....what about BootCamp? I don't think Apple cares because MS apps are available in IOS and thus no need for BootCamp any longer.
Apple chip development has matched the performance of Intel chips on the lower and mid levels.
Apple may phase this in over time but I see this coming with the push towards IOS becoming Apples main OS while weaning us off OS X X86 computers.