I am upgrading the Labor daybargain Lenovo m700. First upgrade will be 2 sticks of 16gb ram on the b150 mobo I can use 2 sticks of 16gb ram. cost at amazon 127. This will bring my gear's price from 300 to 427. So for 427 you get 32gb ram a pentium g4400t cpu and a 128 gb samsung ssd with windows 10. I can add a m2 ssd from crucial a 525gb for 150. Which would give me a 2 ssd unit with 32 gb ram for 575.00 Not so sure about cpu. I know it can be upgraded but I do not need it. I have a mining pc with an i5 6500t in it I can do a simple swap if I want to in the future.
I then need to decide if I want to downgrade to windows 7 Stay with windows 10 or load in a linux booter.
I then need to decide if I want to downgrade to windows 7 Stay with windows 10 or load in a linux booter.