The doubters of SSDs only doubt because they've never swapped out a spinner for a SSD. Once you do, the difference is night and day for everything. Sure, booting and app launch are way faster of coarse, but every time you open a folder of do -anything- (except something like 3D rendering), the SSD is soooo much speedier.
It's like real sex. Once you've experienced it... then you understand the rave reviews.
2017 is coming, SSD is not exciting news anymore at least for the SATA type. Even ones with PCIe or M.2 interface don't create much excitement. Most people already know what to expect.
It's just that in some applications, using HDDs is far more economical or even sensible than using SSDs, in the same way I don't need RO water to wash my hand. Even you seem to acknowledge that by mentioning about 3D rendering task.