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The doubters of SSDs only doubt because they've never swapped out a spinner for a SSD. Once you do, the difference is night and day for everything. Sure, booting and app launch are way faster of coarse, but every time you open a folder of do -anything- (except something like 3D rendering), the SSD is soooo much speedier.

It's like real sex. Once you've experienced it... then you understand the rave reviews.

2017 is coming, SSD is not exciting news anymore at least for the SATA type. Even ones with PCIe or M.2 interface don't create much excitement. Most people already know what to expect.

It's just that in some applications, using HDDs is far more economical or even sensible than using SSDs, in the same way I don't need RO water to wash my hand. Even you seem to acknowledge that by mentioning about 3D rendering task.
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2017 is coming, SSD is not exciting news anymore at least for the SATA type. Even ones with PCIe or M.2 interface don't create much excitement. Most people already know what to expect.

It's just that in some applications, using HDDs is far more economical or even sensible than using SSDs, in the same way I don't need RO water to wash my hand. Even you seem to acknowledge that by mentioning about 3D rendering task.

SATA 3 SSD? You mean the "poor mans SSD"? People still use those things? People only defend SATA SSD's because they haven't experienced a real SSD (PCIe). I think people only buy those slow SSDs because they can't afford a good one and/or they don't want their comrade SSD advocates to make fun of much....

See what I'm doing? I'm going to become a advocate of PCIe SSDs and anti SATA SSDs like people are around here toward HDDs.

(Puts on flame suit) Yes I'm playing devils advocate so go gentle on me...hahah
Next updated device coming down the pipe (if it doesn't get canned) is the Mac Pro. That will be when apple deems the enthusiasm for the laptop has waned.

After that gets released, then there will ba a long ass wait for the new iMac.

And when the new iMac is released, Apple will tack on a "oh yeah" here's the new Mac mini with 10% improvement compared to 4 years ago.

It will also be welded shut.
That would be a better upgrade than 2014. The base 2014 Mini is 5% slower than the base 2012, and the top of the line 2014 mini is 42% slower than the 2012 top of the line mini. ;)

I have the top of the line 2012 Mini. It's a good machine, and I wasn't interested in the 2014 model because of all the ways it was downgraded. But I think I understand Apple's strategy. They're not designing new models with existing customers in mind. They didn't ask themselves, "How can we improve this thing so that MarsViolet will upgrade from his 2012 model?" I already bought one. They asked themselves, "How can we make more money selling these things?" Most people don't upgrade their computer after just two years, so pleasing existing customers is barely a consideration. It's all about the new sale.
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So, can I ask, what the heck do you do with your computer such that you spend all your time transferring data to and from long-term storage? You're not spending any time crunching numbers, or viewing graphics, or typing? Just sitting there watching progress bars move back and forth, back and forth?

I use my computer the same way 95% of the public uses their home computer. You can have a top-of-the-line $1200 i7 CPU and maxed out 64GB of RAM, but your computer will feel laggy and slow as hell if you are running a 5400 spinner. That's really the bottom line. There is nothing more important than a SSD for day-to-day use.
But I think I understand Apple's strategy.

I really don't. And it was probably unprecedented for Apple to introduce an "upgrade" where both the bottom and top of the line are actually slower than the previous model. This certainly makes a mockery of Phil Schiller's claim “We don’t design for price, we design for the experience and the quality people expect from Mac”
sorry if this has been posted already, I've been away for a while... Series (Kaby Lake)/index.asp?cat=#Features

That's pretty much what I personally would like the next Mac Mini to be, is it too much to wish for? :(
Therefore? There is no therefore. How could there be a therefore? There's no therefore.

You have to read that using the voice of George Costanza.

Does Apple sell 270 million iPhones per year? Where did you get that number?

Actually they sell about 50 million per quarter, I mixed up billions of $ with millions of units sold
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I really don't. And it was probably unprecedented for Apple to introduce an "upgrade" where both the bottom and top of the line are actually slower than the previous model. This certainly makes a mockery of Phil Schiller's claim “We don’t design for price, we design for the experience and the quality people expect from Mac”

I'm not saying that I approve of the strategy, or that I enjoy being lied to by Apple's spokespeople. But I think the fact that Apple introduces upgrades in which both the bottom and top of the line are slower than the previous model bolsters the theory that Apple is not designing new products for existing customers. Same with the UI. Beginning with the Dock it has been systematically compromised to make it less intimidating to new customers, but to the detriment of experienced Mac users.
So the question must be asked...

At what price would the the bare bones 4 core MacPro seem worth it?
I'm thinking something under 2k. Then they'd sell a ton of them.
So the question must be asked...

At what price would the the bare bones 4 core MacPro seem worth it?
I'm thinking something under 2k. Then they'd sell a ton of them.

Considering that it’s packed with 3-year-old technology, has never been updated, isn’t upgradable, isn’t compatible with the new 5k LG display Apple is pushing — and because Apple refuses to say whether or not they’re ever going to upgrade the line — I think it would be foolish to spend any money on it.
At what price would the the bare bones 4 core MacPro seem worth it?

I guess there are other advantages, but the quad 3.7 2013 Pro is only about 15% faster than my quad 2.6 2012 Mini (GeekBench 14426 vs 12567). $2000 doesn't sound like much of a bargain to me. I considered one of these, Apple currently sells the 3.7 Pro refurbs for $2549 which is more than twice what I paid for the Mini.
I get a tax credit up to about $900 every three years on a purchase of a computer, and I can't use the credit again until 2017 so Apple I grant thee 34 more days at least to get your Mac Mini act in order and get something ready.

In fact, I am on holiday for a lot of January so you can have another month. Ok? But get it together.
If my order of noise-cancelling headphones works out well tomorrow than I may never think about a quiet mini again.
I just can't stand the sound 6 fans while doing work.
Nope! Dream Vienna Symphonic Library/VEP6 server/Pro-Tools Mini for me: The fastest Skylake Quad-core or better, 32GB RAM, Dual Gb Ethernet, 3x-Thunderbolt, 5 USB 3, discreet graphics (or separate mobile graphics and optional Wi-Fi and/or Bluetooth on BTO.)

You want a Mac Mini with those specs? And what's the Mac Pro going to have, an afterburner?

They've got MBnotPro computers they need to sell, what, they're going to build competition to their own machine??
I get a tax credit up to about $900 every three years on a purchase of a computer, and I can't use the credit again until 2017 so Apple I grant thee 34 more days at least to get your Mac Mini act in order and get something ready.

In fact, I am on holiday for a lot of January so you can have another month. Ok? But get it together.
If my order of noise-cancelling headphones works out well tomorrow than I may never think about a quiet mini again.
I just can't stand the sound 6 fans while doing work.
My mid tower hack with 6 fans in it including the Nvidia gpu runs perfectly quiet.
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It is with GREAT SORROW that I share this post from Yahoo today - ""

I'm afraid the Mini has been declared "Vintage - Obsolete". This "time" may become the much needed respite from Apple fanfare. I've trended and lurked for years - shared and learned much - learning the most now ... even great companies, which Apple clearly used to be, rot if left to their own micro management and myopia - think Ives and thin ... thinner ... thinner and finally "tin" for creativity and empowerment for professionals - the one's who have made the long-haul.

Kick us to the curb will you?

I challenge this group who have held firm in their lust and patience for Apple to truly make a difference in you - empower yourself to get along on old hardware and software while broadening your reach, creativity and presence in all that you do - you'll look back one day and realize it has always been about YOU not the device you use!!

Peace and hopefully we'll meet again when the technology truly catches up with the dreams!
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It is with GREAT SORROW that I share this post from Yahoo today - ""

I'm afraid the Mini has been declared "Vintage - Obsolete". This "time" may become the much needed respite from Apple fanfare. I've trended and lurked for years - shared and learned much - learning the most now ... even great companies, which Apple clearly used to be, rot if left to their own micro management and myopia - think Ives and thin ... thinner ... thinner and finally "tin" for creativity and empowerment for professionals - the one's who have made the long-haul.

Kick us to the curb will you?

I challenge this group who have held firm in their lust and patience for Apple to truly make a difference in you - empower yourself to get along on old hardware and software while broadening your reach, creativity and presence in all that you do - you'll look back one day and realize it has always been about YOU not the device you use!!

Peace and hopefully we'll meet again when the technology truly catches up with the dreams!

I believe that's only the 2009 model mini being considered vintage not the whole Mac Mini line. One can translate that the opposite way as they didn't discontinue the line.
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I would love to believe I read that the wrong way ... I truly would ... so please continue the mantra .. but honestly when a model is MD it's various renditions aren't long behind...

The new Mac mini is almost certainly coming..
Actually it also includes the mid 2010 Mini. Big deal, they six and seven year old computers to the "vintage" (not "obsolete") list… :rolleyes:

Vintage products are those that have not been manufactured for more than 5 and less than 7 years ago. Apple has discontinued hardware service for vintage products
  • Mac mini (Early 2009)
  • Mac mini (Late 2009)
  • Mac mini (Mid 2010)
  • Mac mini Server (Mid 2010)

Obsolete products are those that were discontinued more than 7 years ago.
  • Mac mini [original]
  • Mac mini (Late 2005)
  • Mac mini (Early 2006)
  • Mac mini (Late 2006)
  • Mac mini (Mid 2007)
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