The New Mac Pro is Here – But Can We Build it Better (and Cheaper) PC DIY Style?
TL;DR version: Nope.
1) What does "TL;DR version" mean?
2) There's an important unasked question, and that's: Is the nMP worthy of imitation in any or in every one of it's various ways? My answer to that question is "The nMP is definitely not worthy of imitation as to any or all of it's various ways. Although I like the size and weight of it, I abhor the things that Apple did to get there whether those things were necessary or not. There are too many compromises made. Plus those compromises did not result in a lower priced Mac Pro line - they just shifted to after-purchase expenses, the costs for the items cut out. It was a masterful move by Apple - price it as though it included every thing the oMP included and make the faithful swallow additional costs later. Also, I've seen how other threads try the trick of having one compare what it would cost retail to do the impossible, i.e., to build a system identical to the nMP, to justify the high prices for a line of MPs, that even less than the old ones, fullfill my needs. Apple doesn't buy components at retail prices. None of us know what Apple's true total costs are."
3) (A) Does the call of your question mean, "Can we build, for less money than Apple charges, a Mac Pro that's identical to the nMP in every way?" If that's what it means, then my answer is "Definitely Not."
3) (B) Does the call of your question mean, "Can we build, for less money than Apple charges, a Mac Pro that's identical to the nMP in every way and is better than the nMP in any way?" If that's what it means, then my answer is "Definitely not as to the first part of your question, but you've definitely lost me by the second part. How can something be truly identical and yet better in any way?"
3) (C) Does the call of your question mean, "Can we build, for less money than Apple charges, a computer that (a) better, than the nMP, enables us to accomplish our tasks and (b) is faster than the nMP at enabling us to accomplish those tasks?" If that's what it means, then my answer is "I definitely can build such systems for myself. See, e.g., my signature line,
below. Apple didn't cover many of my needs with the oMP, and Apple covers even less of them now with the nMP. But for the right price, I just
might buy a used one if I ever perceive a compelling need for it in my work and it didn't call for any significant post-purchase expense. It's a little "might," however, that I do not currently anticipate occurring."