I also have seen a couple commercials for it but i used to see some for the Nexus on Sports channells as well but thats it. I dont think the Pixel will do as well as the Nexus because it costs more. Tig Bitties keeps mentioning the $800 but for me, if i got one id get the $649 model as 32 GB would work for me, but even then, im not interested in spending $649 up front. The most ive spend for a phone up front was for the Nexus 5. I think it was $399 plus tax, ...around $430 total and it was OK but it wasnt good enough and i missed having a Galaxy phone.
My GS7 has a list that high but ill never pay it off because of JoD, ill trade it in for a GS8 before then and i didnt pay a dime for a down payment, so it wont ever cost me the retail price. I could trade in my GS7 right now(3 times in 18 months) for a different phone but there isnt anything that interests me,... ive never been interested in getting the iPhone either.
Sure you'll pay retail...you're essentially just leasing your phones. Yes, you'll have had more than one phone if you choose to swap but you're still paying monthly--how much will you have paid after two years? And after 2 years, how many phones will you have in your possession, that you actually own? Compare that to someone you signs up for the 2 year payment financing for the Pixel--they'll have paid roughly the same amount but will own their phone--you won't if you swapped at any time.