Fingers Crossed . . .
I'm curious what others have experienced when modifying the basics? I ordered my 17" 2.0 GHz iMac from Apple on the 25th, and have a "ship on or before June 3rd" status -- I changed the default RAM from 512 to 1 GIG, and the 160 GIG drive to 250.
As far as the RAM, I'm already realizing I should have probably bought it from Crucial, however, I'm going to have a GIG of RAM, so, it's hard to feel too badly about researching AFTER the purchase . . .
Anyway -- back to my question; when you add RAM or change the drive does it REALLY take them a whole week to do that? Should I expect it to ship before June 3rd?
Thanks for sharing any thoughts.
P.S. By the way, this was an unexpected parental gift -- and I'm absolutely thrilled to be upgrading from my trusty, much-loved 3.5 year old 600 MHz G3 14" iBook . . . I use Garageband constantly, and will now be able to actually use those new keyboard sounds / amp simulations, etc!