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macrumors newbie
Nov 18, 2017
With E3 around the corner, the "buzz" has started.

This guy seems to have the right thoughts....

Post all news/thoughts here...

(please be nice... ;) )
[doublepost=1511035527][/doublepost]This is a wish list specification for a ps5:

True octa core processing clocking in at around 3.2 GHz,

A revamped cell processor thrown in as a second processor to give true backwards compatibility with revamped visuals of older games.

A 4 gigabyte GPU with the use of 16 Gb of ddr4 RAM.

A ten terabyte hard drive edition with the use of a 500 Gb or 1 TB SSD.

Use of the graphics compiz fusion desktop effects with Sony's use of the freeBSD OS so enabling GUI effects like cylinder of games etc.

The use of two mobile GPUs on the motherboard sharing the GPU and APU RAM so enabling low power usage of graphical output and enabling three screens with three hdmi outputs.

Playstation VR 2 with display link bluetooth connection to the base unit and with HTC vice like sensors added to the webcam enabling true player motion capture.
4k 144 Hz graphical output

Finally using the same sensory housing unit adding hologram formation and production lights to the webcam and the sensors so enabling holograms in games.


Oct 21, 2008
Time, because it rules EVERYTHING!
Now E3 has been and gone, my thoughts are just how many of the awesome games we saw, are actually for the next gen platforms..?? Because I didn’t hear anyone say which platforms they are coming to, like Beyond Good and Evil 2.

I also think Microsoft will have he more powerful console, but may cost more?


macrumors 603
Aug 19, 2017
Now E3 has been and gone, my thoughts are just how many of the awesome games we saw, are actually for the next gen platforms..?? Because I didn’t hear anyone say which platforms they are coming to, like Beyond Good and Evil 2.

I also think Microsoft will have he more powerful console, but may cost more?
I’d say 50:50 elder scrolls 6 will be next gen as it’s 2 releases out and at the concept/ writing stage currently. They might make it to the limit of PS4 capability and then re release on PS5 as they did with Skyrim though.


Oct 21, 2008
Time, because it rules EVERYTHING!
Hmm yeah I think 50/50 could be right.

Sony need to make the PS5 a hell of a lot quieter that’s for sure and a hell of a lot cooler running, it’s kinda embarrassing compared to the Xbone in this area!!

And they need to keep the price below the next Xbox too and just as powerful.

They need to keep the user interface the same but make it faster, as that’s one of the key benefits over the Xbox it has, hence why MS has changed its layout several times since launch.
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Oct 21, 2008
Time, because it rules EVERYTHING!
Reading the comments in this thread are interesting.

We’ve gone from 2018 to 2019 and now Sony pretty much confirming 2021 more or less.
Would have been nice to see it launched next year :(
That guy is notorious about BS predictions. He's wrong a LOT.

My bet is - PS5 isn't even announced until 2019 and doesn't show up until 2020 holidays at the earliest. They will have the PS4 Pro transition to become the standard PS4 that people buy in stores and they will periodically reduce the price of it to keep it competitive.
The Xbox One X is going to be very niche unless Microsoft gets ultra aggressive and lowers the price while absorbing a substantial financial hit. Sony can ride it out for a while on their games library.

I do hope that there are new systems from both Sony and MS in the not too distant future (2020ish). I don't want this to turn into phones where each company is releasing a slight upgrade every year.

Both Sony and MS have been pushing for this for years but the problem is there is a huge part of the world where the internet infrastructure just isn't good enough to pull it off. There are parts of the US where it would be a bad idea to put everything in the cloud and stream games.
Plus with how absolutely awful Sony and MS are with getting hacked and having spotty security, do you really want all your games in the cloud? If their services go down you are stuck with a bricked system and can't play anything.
Another thing is, if you put all your games in a companies cloud they are going to want to charge you for storage. So you are going to pay for games and then also pay for the access to them each month/year. That might not be too bad for most people, but some people are not going to like it.

I have about 50mbps down and 10mbps up. And you can still see stuttering if you steam games.

I don’t expect to be able to get anywhere near 300mbps for a few years where I live!
So no, despite what some think, we will not have streaming games for one and possibly two more generations. They need all markets and potential users to already have fast internet otherwise it just won’t work.

I’m currently weighing up the prospect of upgrading to 70 ish mbps down and 20mbps up which is the fastest I can get.
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macrumors member
Jan 2, 2015
Both Sony and MS have pretty much confirmed that development is underway on the new systems. Not that anyone was actually expecting otherwise.

But I'd say 2020 is the earliest and 2021 is more likely.

We'll probably hear of a new version of the Switch too around 2020.


macrumors 6502a
Aug 13, 2004
They bought some time by releasing the PS4 Pro, so 2020 seems a nice guess indeed.

Must say i'm not really counting down to the PS5. Loads of nice games coming for the current generation and with stunning graphics. We can always get a higher framerate and more details, but I feel like we're at a point where it doesn't matter that much, at least not for me. Maybe the online FPS players see it from a different perspective :)


macrumors 601
Jun 16, 2010
They bought some time by releasing the PS4 Pro, so 2020 seems a nice guess indeed.

Must say i'm not really counting down to the PS5. Loads of nice games coming for the current generation and with stunning graphics. We can always get a higher framerate and more details, but I feel like we're at a point where it doesn't matter that much, at least not for me. Maybe the online FPS players see it from a different perspective :)
Yup, especially when you look at Last of Us 2. The only thing I'm looking forward to with this next gen is native 4k, and hopefully 4k Blu-ray.


macrumors member
Jan 2, 2015
They bought some time by releasing the PS4 Pro, so 2020 seems a nice guess indeed.

Must say i'm not really counting down to the PS5. Loads of nice games coming for the current generation and with stunning graphics. We can always get a higher framerate and more details, but I feel like we're at a point where it doesn't matter that much, at least not for me. Maybe the online FPS players see it from a different perspective :)

Yeah, same here. I'm fine with the PS4 Pro and Switch I have now. Plenty of things to play.


macrumors 6502a
Aug 13, 2004
We're really at a point where the leaps in between generations seem to be getting smaller.

They can always keep bumping the resolution to 8K and 50K at some point (or whatever) but I'm at 10 feet (3 meters) from my tv so I don't see the difference that much. I have a PS4 Pro and 65" 4K HDR tv yet I don't see that much difference when play at 1080p or 4K to be honest. You can tell if you pause a game and start looking, but when playing you stop noticing the small difference.


macrumors G3
Original poster
Dec 31, 2004
"No escape from Reality...”
We're really at a point where the leaps in between generations seem to be getting smaller.

They can always keep bumping the resolution to 8K and 50K at some point (or whatever) but I'm at 10 feet (3 meters) from my tv so I don't see the difference that much. I have a PS4 Pro and 65" 4K HDR tv yet I don't see that much difference when play at 1080p or 4K to be honest. You can tell if you pause a game and start looking, but when playing you stop noticing the small difference.

Resolution is only part of the equation. Frame Rate, Textures, and Lighting will show massive improvements as well...



macrumors G3
Original poster
Dec 31, 2004
"No escape from Reality...”
Resolution is only part of the equation. Frame Rate, Textures, and Lighting will show massive improvements as well...

Anyone hearing PS5 rumors yet? I know it is a way off probably holidays 2020, but I came across this video showing what the next generation will be capable of:

It will be breath-taking, hense 2020 or even 2021 for a $400 PS5 capable of this is more feasable...


macrumors 6502a
Aug 13, 2004
I must say that I'm not really waiting for the PS5 to hit the shelves. I'm really happy with all the games that are getting released and i'm having a hard time finding enough time to finish them all.

Then again, with my backlog of games to play, I can wait for the PS5 to drop in price after it gets released...
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macrumors 601
Nov 10, 2018
I must say that I'm not really waiting for the PS5 to hit the shelves. I'm really happy with all the games that are getting released and i'm having a hard time finding enough time to finish them all.

Then again, with my backlog of games to play, I can wait for the PS5 to drop in price after it gets released...

I usually wait a year after a new console and then jump in. By backlog is huge and Assassin's Creed Odyssey alone will take forever to finish.


macrumors 68000
Apr 24, 2010
Rock Ridge, California
Anyone hearing PS5 rumors yet? I know it is a way off probably holidays 2020, but I came across this video showing what the next generation will be capable of:

It will be breath-taking, hense 2020 or even 2021 for a $400 PS5 capable of this is more feasable...

The talk has begun...
MARK CERNY WOULD like to get one thing out of the way right now: The videogame console that Sony has spent the past four years building is no mere upgrade.

You’d have good reason for thinking otherwise. Sony and Microsoft both extended the current console generation via a mid-cycle refresh, with the Xbox One and PlayStation 4spawning mini-sequels (the Xbox One S and PS4 Pro). “The key question,” Cerny says, “is whether the console adds another layer to the sorts of experiences you already have access to, or if it allows for fundamental changes in what a game can be.”

The answer, in this case, is the latter. It’s why we’re sitting here, secreted away in a conference room at Sony’s headquarters in Foster City, California, where Cerny is finally detailing the inner workings of the as-yet-unnamed console that will replace the PS4.

If history is any guide, it will eventually be dubbed the PlayStation 5. For now, Cerny responds to that question—and many others—with an enigmatic smile. The “next-gen console,“ as he refers to it repeatedly, won’t be landing in stores anytime in 2019. A number of studios have been working with it, though, and Sony recently accelerated its deployment of devkits so that game creators will have the time they need to adjust to its capabilities.

As he did with the PS4, Cerny acted as lead system architect for the coming system, integrating developers’ wishes and his own gaming hopes into something that’s much more revolution than evolution. For the more than 90 millionpeople who own PS4s, that's good news indeed. Sony’s got a brand-new box.

A TRUE GENERATIONAL shift tends to include a few foundational adjustments. A console’s CPU and GPU become more powerful, able to deliver previously unattainable graphical fidelity and visual effects; system memory increases in size and speed; and game files grow to match, necessitating larger downloads or higher-capacity physical media like discs.

PlayStation’s next-generation console ticks all those boxes, starting with an AMD chip at the heart of the device. (Warning: some alphabet soup follows.) The CPU is based on the third generation of AMD’s Ryzen line and contains eight cores of the company’s new 7nm Zen 2 microarchitecture. The GPU, a custom variant of Radeon’s Navi family, will support ray tracing, a technique that models the travel of light to simulate complex interactions in 3D environments. While ray tracing is a staple of Hollywood visual effects and is beginning to worm its way into $10,000 high-end processors, no game console has been able to manage it. Yet.

THE LARGER A game gets—last year’s Red Dead Redemption 2 clocked in at a horse-choking 99 gigabytes for the PS4—the longer it takes to do just about everything. Loading screens can last minutes while the game pulls what it needs to from the hard drive. Same goes for “fast travel,” when characters transport between far-flung points within a game world. Even opening a door can take over a minute, depending on what’s on the other side and how much more data the game needs to load. Starting in the fall of 2015, when Cerny first began talking to developers about what they’d want from the next generation, he heard it time and time again: I know it’s impossible, but can we have an SSD?

Solid-state drives have been available in budget laptops for more than a decade, and the Xbox One and PS4 both offer external SSDs that claim to improve load times. But not all SSDs are created alike. As Cerny points out, “I have an SSD in my laptop, and when I want to change from Excel to Word I can wait 15 seconds.” What’s built into Sony’s next-gen console is something a little more specialized.

To demonstrate, Cerny fires up a PS4 Pro playing Spider-Man, a 2018 PS4 exclusive that he worked on alongside Insomniac Games. (He’s not just an systems architect; Cerny created arcade classic Marble Madness when he was all of 19 and was heavily involved with PlayStation and PS2 franchises like Crash Bandicoot, Spyro the Dragon, and Ratchet and Clank.) On the TV, Spidey stands in a small plaza. Cerny presses a button on the controller, initiating a fast-travel interstitial screen. When Spidey reappears in a totally different spot in Manhattan, 15 seconds have elapsed. Then Cerny does the same thing on a next-gen devkit connected to a different TV. (The devkit, an early “low-speed” version, is concealed in a big silver tower, with no visible componentry.) What took 15 seconds now takes less than one: 0.8 seconds, to be exact.

As you’ve noticed, this is all hardware talk. Cerny isn’t ready to chat about services or other features, let alone games and price, and neither is anyone at Sony. Nor will you hear much about the console at E3 in June—for the first time, Sony won’t be holding a keynote at the annual games show. But a few more things come out during the course of our conversation. For example, the next-gen console will still accept physical media; it won’t be a download-only machine. Because it’s based in part on the PS4’s architecture, it will also be backward-compatible with games for that console. As in many other generational transitions, this will be a gentle one, with numerous new games being released for both PS4 and the next-gen console. (Where exactly Hideo Kojima’s forthcoming title Death Stranding fits in that process is still unconfirmed. When asked, a spokesperson in the room repeated that the game would be released for PS4, but Cerny’s smile and pregnant pause invites speculation that it will in fact be a two-platform release.)
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macrumors G3
Original poster
Dec 31, 2004
"No escape from Reality...”


macrumors regular
Dec 19, 2018
Thanks for the story.

I don't think we'll see anything until Spring 2021 - as Sony wants to keep it at a $400 launch.

With PC parts prices sometimes going "crazy", they would have to wait until then...

PS4 Pro and Xbox One X both have plenty of life left in them anyways, especially if the price drops (XBOX is already down to $400).

You're probably right, which is a shame. Can't wait for next gen consoles and the possibilities they will bring. It's always interesting seeing the advancements with every new generation.


Jun 8, 2018
I had a dream about 5 years ago that the PS5 came out, but was a budget option with lower specs than the PS4... Made no sense, but most of my dreams don't.

I haven't owned a PlayStation since the 2, I ended up going with the 360 last gen. I stopped playing games for the most part in 2011-12 and haven't done much since. Still waiting for the next Halo 2 or San Andreas, a game that will blow me away.
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