I hate the current time. Apple is clearly favoring the consumers and forgetting the professionals. They are clearly dedicating a lot more of their time and money creating children´s consumer toys and forgetting and ignoring the professional´s "big boys toys".
Why can´t Apple just love all their children just the same? Is money really that important?
Apple would be bad parents. I think this negligence will come back to them. If they lose the professional market, the iPads, iPods and iPhones will not sell as well anymore, because it´s all about the image. Any company always needs a flagship product (in this case Mac Pro), so that the rest of the cheaper stuff will sell as well.
Why can´t Apple just love all their children just the same? Is money really that important?
Apple would be bad parents. I think this negligence will come back to them. If they lose the professional market, the iPads, iPods and iPhones will not sell as well anymore, because it´s all about the image. Any company always needs a flagship product (in this case Mac Pro), so that the rest of the cheaper stuff will sell as well.