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Fraser Speirs (@fraserspeirs)
6/10/18, 3:17 AM
This WWDC made it clearer than ever that Apple is sticking with the “buy both” strategy for touch and desktop systems.

I remain unconvinced that “buy and manage two devices to get all aspects of a modern computing experience” is a strong offer.
I’m not convinced at all that Apple has a “buy both” strategy. Like I said before I think Apple’s strategy is buy the right tool for the job. You might argue the right tool is a hybrid device but obviously Apple doesn’t think so.

Also no doubt there is a large percentage of Apple customers who don’t own a Mac and maybe don’t even own an iPad. I really don’t think anyone is being forced into buying two devices. For those who are heavy Mac uses and also own an iPad what do you use the iPad for? Just consumption? Whag exactly is the pain point and is there any device that really could solve it? Seems like a really good laptop would make for a heavy and bulky tablet and a really good thin and light tablet wouldn’t make for a great laptop for power users.
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Apple has HUGE income from iOS Appstore while Mac Appstore is so barren. Obviously they want to milk Mac users who may want to install iOS Apps on their Mac. So it is more like iOS getting added to MacOS, but not the other way around, so we cant speak of a "merge".

Ultimately though, if Apple wants more people to use iPads as work computers instead of cycling around drawing bugs and flowers, they will need to push for more pro Apps which will require more horse power. Hence the incredible advancements in their mobile chips year after year. Who knows, couple years from now Apple chips can be so much advanced and iOS will have so many pro Apps that noone will need Mac anymore. Even now people say they can work on 4k videos on iPad Pros faster than Macs.
Heres what I think Apple means ......iOS will eventually be THE platform. iOS is gaining Mac like features much faster than the other way around. So in a few years it’ll make sense for just about everyone to use iOS since by that time there will be desktop class apps, etc. the Mac will still be around for the ultra heavy lifting but I totally see a day when final cut and other pro apps are on iPads. The horsepower is pretty much there anyway right now. Once they dump intel they can go full force but right now they can’t even advertise that the iPad Pro multicore performace is equal or greater than a MacBook Pro. Since that would tick off intel big time.
Heres what I think Apple means ......iOS will eventually be THE platform. iOS is gaining Mac like features much faster than the other way around. So in a few years it’ll make sense for just about everyone to use iOS since by that time there will be desktop class apps, etc. the Mac will still be around for the ultra heavy lifting but I totally see a day when final cut and other pro apps are on iPads. The horsepower is pretty much there anyway right now. Once they dump intel they can go full force but right now they can’t even advertise that the iPad Pro multicore performace is equal or greater than a MacBook Pro. Since that would tick off intel big time.

Not sure if the bolded text is true, but regardless...

I see the motivation Apple has to make itself independent of Intel, and slowly having iOS take over macOS is one way to do that, but the only way I could see iOS completely replacing macOS is if iOS compromises on what makes it iOS—extreme portability, touch UI, simplicity—in order to cater to heavy users who need extreme power, k+m UI, completely flexible software. At that point, iOS would basically be macOS running on ARM and in my opinion iOS would lose its core identity. I don’t know how Apple can cater to both with one OS (whether iOS or macOS) which is why I think they are adamant on keeping the two OSes separate and intact.

I would agree that iOS can do the job for most users, EXCEPT that I think a lot of users prefer a mouse/trackpad for a lot of work applications. And I have doubts that is ever coming to iOS.
Because they don't want to do it, they have said IOS is better on iPhone and iPad is optimised for touch where MacOS is best on the Mac with a point and click, it's clear that Apple are against hybrid devices. Whether you agree or not is a different matter.
Which is why I said IF they were to make a hybrid they would make it run both and switch based on the mode. Also Apple said they didn’t want to make large sized phones and then 2 years later released one and said they worked on it for 2 years. Soooooooooooooo.………
Not sure if the bolded text is true, but regardless...

I see the motivation Apple has to make itself independent of Intel, and slowly having iOS take over macOS is one way to do that, but the only way I could see iOS completely replacing macOS is if iOS compromises on what makes it iOS—extreme portability, touch UI, simplicity—in order to cater to heavy users who need extreme power, k+m UI, completely flexible software. At that point, iOS would basically be macOS running on ARM and in my opinion iOS would lose its core identity. I don’t know how Apple can cater to both with one OS (whether iOS or macOS) which is why I think they are adamant on keeping the two OSes separate and intact.

I would agree that iOS can do the job for most users, EXCEPT that I think a lot of users prefer a mouse/trackpad for a lot of work applications. And I have doubts that is ever coming to iOS.

A lot thought split screen and drag n drop would never come. And with iOS 11 the iPad took a HUGE leap. IF they come up with some sort of new input for the UI /mouse it could indeed be a game changer once again.
A lot thought split screen and drag n drop would never come. And with iOS 11 the iPad took a HUGE leap. IF they come up with some sort of new input for the UI /mouse it could indeed be a game changer once again.

This seem like more of a fundamental type of change, but we’ll see. It would be game changer for many, I agree.
Which is why I said IF they were to make a hybrid they would make it run both and switch based on the mode. Also Apple said they didn’t want to make large sized phones and then 2 years later released one and said they worked on it for 2 years. Soooooooooooooo.………

That is true of Steve jobs but Tim Cook has been far more vocal about devices like the Surface, calling them a compromise, confusing and remember the toaster and refrigerator comment?

Whether you agree with him or not is a different matter, personally at this moment in time i'm conflicted, i can see what Tim Cook is saying, as mentioned by many people the Surface isn't good as a tablet and the iPad is much better BUT the Surface shines when it comes to replacing a laptop.

My conflict comes in the way of i own an iPad Pro which i use for drawing, taking notes, Netflix, Youtube and so on, i also own a 2011 MacBook Pro which i use for long writing sessions minor games like Theme Hospital, Tropico and the Sims. I must admit that it would be great to have one device that replaces them all (i still love my iMac as my desktop at home and would keep that regardless).
The screen that is currently the upper part of my MacBook Pro could just as easily be an iPad. I mean, an iPad is obviously a bit thicker than a mbp lid, but really... whats so confusing about that? 'When it's connected to the lower part it's a Mac, when I take it off it's an iPad. And it runs both OSes, or whatever hybrid apple chooses to create down the line.
But just because Apple says it doesnt make sense to fully combine the two or come out with a laptop/ipad hybrid doesn’t mean they won’t.
actually them saying that is exactly why they won't do it. and it will stay that way until someone can make a valid argument that it does make sense. but not even Microsoft doing exactly that kind of hybrid and actually managing to get decent sales has convinced them that it makes sense
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