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macrumors 68020
May 9, 2008
I value people attempting to be objective, and not trying to carry out a one person propaganda campaign.


This is a fact and is indisputable.

You are simply incredulous and therefore are not adding anything to this discussion other than derailing it.

I'd tell you exactly why you're completely wrong (again), but since it appears that you were banned I guess I don't have to bother. Which is good for my blood pressure.


macrumors 6502
Jul 22, 2002
Picked up a 16GB last night. Here are my first impressions from someone with zero Android experience:

1) Hardware. Good for a 249$ tablet. It's not 'Apple good', but IMO for the price it's very good. I like the soft back and it feels good in the hand. The only thing I'm not too fond of is the power btn/sound rocker location and feel, but it's not too bad.

The screen seems fine, and the speakers are passable.

2) Software. I was very excited about digging into Jelly Bean, but after the last 18 hours my excitement has waned a bit. It was cool playing with something different, but the OS is kind of a mess (coming from so much experience with iOS). I was stoked about the notifications, but it's really not that much better than iOS now. Chrome runs great on it, though, I'll definitely use it often. I was expecting Gmail to be unbelievably great, but it's just kinda meh.

3) Apps. The stock apps aren't nearly as nice as Apple's iOS stock apps, but they seem to function well enough. Most of the apps I d/l were similar in feel to the iOS apps I have experience with.

4) Experience. This tablet is fast. No doubt about it. I've experienced zero lag using this thing pretty hard. Very impressive for the money.

Loading up apps from the Play store is simple enough (I did receive an error or two while downloading a few apps).

• Fast
• Great value for the money
• Feels great to hold
• Calendar app is awesome on the tablet

•*Coming from iOS, I kind of feel Android is a mess. That feeling may subside as I use it more, but it's the same feeling I get when I jump on a Windows 7 box after using a Mac all day.
• Most stock icons and widgets are ugly.
• Seems to take a long time to charge compared to iPhone/iPad.

Overall I'm satisfied with the tablet - it's a value at $249. I'm not so gung-ho at dumping my iPhone anymore, but I appreciate some aspects of Android and I'm looking forward to integrating the N7 into my other tech.


macrumors 68020
Sep 16, 2008
• Fast
• Great value for the money
• Feels great to hold
• Calendar app is awesome on the tablet

•*Coming from iOS, I kind of feel Android is a mess. That feeling may subside as I use it more, but it's the same feeling I get when I jump on a Windows 7 box after using a Mac all day.
• Most stock icons and widgets are ugly.
• Seems to take a long time to charge compared to iPhone/iPad.

Overall I'm satisfied with the tablet - it's a value at $249. I'm not so gung-ho at dumping my iPhone anymore, but I appreciate some aspects of Android and I'm looking forward to integrating the N7 into my other tech.

Good review. I just bought one a few hours a go from the local sams club. It seems pretty decent, but different from the iPad as you pointed out. I am charging it up and going to set it up similar to the ipad for comparison...we will see how it is.
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macrumors newbie
Jul 31, 2012
Great hardware, terrible media content experience

I am an iPhone 4s user and a big mac fan but I wanted to get a tablet for my wife who really doesn't care much about brand. I wanted the functionality of a Kindle Fire with hardware specs of something more, so I ordered the Nexus 7.

I think I'm going to return it and buy her an iPad 2 instead.

While the hardware is impressive (especially for $200), and the OS is much more responsive than I had expected (still not quite up to par with my 4s) it's the Google Play app store that really bummed me out.

I can't stand the fact that this device doesn't have access to the HBO Go app, or any of the other network apps (ABC Player, NBC Player, The CW app, etc.). To make matters worse, these networks have not optimized their mobile websites to display non-flash formatted video for Jellybean, apparently, because all I seem to get is "this is not a flash enabled device".

On my iPhone it's so easy to watch whatever I want, wherever I want. Be it through an app, or a mobile website. I am not going to purchase network TV shows from the Google Play store when most of the networks offer them for free (albeit with commercials) via their mobile applications.

I'm also not expecting my non-techy wife to start downloading .apk files and side loading apps or learn how to root.

The entire app shopping experience just drives me crazy. There is no way of knowing which apps have been optimized for jellybean until after you install them, or at least attempt to do so. This is nuts!!! I'm so used to the iTunes store that browsing Android's is practically impossible.

I wish this had worked out, because it's a sweet piece of hardware but with only 15 days to make a decision, I don't think I can afford to wait around.


macrumors 6502a
Jul 30, 2008
Good review. Can you explain what you mean by the piece below? I've seen this from many IOS users and just interested as to what exactly you mean.

•*Coming from iOS, I kind of feel Android is a mess. That feeling may subside as I use it more, but it's the same feeling I get when I jump on a Windows 7 box after using a Mac all day.


macrumors 6502
Jul 22, 2002
Good review. Can you explain what you mean by the piece below? I've seen this from many IOS users and just interested as to what exactly you mean.

Sure, while much more customizable than iOS in terms of the 'homescreen', adding widgets and other items ends up looking like a Linux skin gone bad. Perhaps it's the fact that almost all of the widgets are ugly as sin, or most of the icons were also terrible in terms of quality and sharpness, but it's just an unholy eyesore.

While I always wanted latitude in customizing iOS, I now begrudgingly understand why some things aren't allowed.

As I said, I like the tablet and most of Jelly Bean - but IMO iOS is still a much more 'cohesive' experience. The way I look at it is simple, when you start up an iPad it's all about the apps and consuming content. I feel like when I start up my N7, the apps are secondary to the system OS.

I still like it, though. It's a winner.


macrumors G4
Jan 8, 2012
I am an iPhone 4s user and a big mac fan but I wanted to get a tablet for my wife who really doesn't care much about brand. I wanted the functionality of a Kindle Fire with hardware specs of something more, so I ordered the Nexus 7.

I think I'm going to return it and buy her an iPad 2 instead.

While the hardware is impressive (especially for $200), and the OS is much more responsive than I had expected (still not quite up to par with my 4s) it's the Google Play app store that really bummed me out.

I can't stand the fact that this device doesn't have access to the HBO Go app, or any of the other network apps (ABC Player, NBC Player, The CW app, etc.). To make matters worse, these networks have not optimized their mobile websites to display non-flash formatted video for Jellybean, apparently, because all I seem to get is "this is not a flash enabled device".

On my iPhone it's so easy to watch whatever I want, wherever I want. Be it through an app, or a mobile website. I am not going to purchase network TV shows from the Google Play store when most of the networks offer them for free (albeit with commercials) via their mobile applications.

I'm also not expecting my non-techy wife to start downloading .apk files and side loading apps or learn how to root.

The entire app shopping experience just drives me crazy. There is no way of knowing which apps have been optimized for jellybean until after you install them, or at least attempt to do so. This is nuts!!! I'm so used to the iTunes store that browsing Android's is practically impossible.

I wish this had worked out, because it's a sweet piece of hardware but with only 15 days to make a decision, I don't think I can afford to wait around.

HBO Go isn't available?

If not then its coming very soon. I had it on my Xoom (Nexus) when it had ICS, I haven't checked since JB though. Keep checking for it, I prefer it over the iOS version even though in the end it does the same thing...

Also watch xda developers. What happens is someone modifies the existing app to work. The same thing happened to Netflix on a tablet. Netflix didn't have a tablet version so the phone version was modified to work and it worked flawlessly. Finally Netflix released an official app which was identical to the modified version...
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macrumors 68020
Apr 17, 2010
Just got a nexus 7 yesterday. I really wanted to try android and this way I can do it without any contracts. I am very impressed so far. There are some things that the iPad clearly does better, and the app store is a lot better than google play, but the nexus has its perks for sure. The price point is almost unbelievable. I was expecting a lot less quality and was pleasantly surprised. The weight is very nice as well.

If apple does make an iPad mini, they have to sell it for $200. This is a major reason why the nexus is selling well. It's relatively cheap and the OS is actually very nice. This is my first experience with android so I guess I missed out on a lot of the issues it used to have.


macrumors regular
Aug 7, 2007
• Fast
• Great value for the money
• Feels great to hold
• Calendar app is awesome on the tablet

•*Coming from iOS, I kind of feel Android is a mess. That feeling may subside as I use it more, but it's the same feeling I get when I jump on a Windows 7 box after using a Mac all day.
• Most stock icons and widgets are ugly.
• Seems to take a long time to charge compared to iPhone/iPad.

Overall I'm satisfied with the tablet - it's a value at $249. I'm not so gung-ho at dumping my iPhone anymore, but I appreciate some aspects of Android and I'm looking forward to integrating the N7 into my other tech.

Spot on review in my opinion. I picked up an 8GB version a week ago as I had no experience with Android and wanted to give it a chance.


macrumors G5
Oct 20, 2011
Austin, TX
•*Coming from iOS, I kind of feel Android is a mess. That feeling may subside as I use it more, but it's the same feeling I get when I jump on a Windows 7 box after using a Mac all day.
• Most stock icons and widgets are ugly.
• Seems to take a long time to charge compared to iPhone/iPad.

I like your analysis. iOS is neat and tidy from the start. Android takes some effort. This was difficult for me at first, as it took some time to find the desired feel on my galaxy sIII. It took trying a few launcher options and getting a couple of third party widget apps (beautiful widgets is great) for me to really find the look I liked.

The icons are a little give and take. It's really easy to change those through the play store. GoLauncher Ex has a ton of configurable themes that could make your device look like an unlocked iPhone, also.


macrumors 6502a
Jun 30, 2010
Wow. People saying Android is ugly. I have NO idea what people are looking at. Or perhaps they just can't be bothered to take 10 minutes out of their life. Or, I guess some just prefer the sea of app tiles.

And no, I'm not rooted. Perfect stock.


  • Screenshot_2012-08-02-06-41-34.png
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macrumors 68040
Dec 16, 2011
Ordering my Nexus today.

I'm really excited. I was somewhat scare off from Android devices because other than the GNEX and the N7, you can't find a clean GOOD stock Android device. I would have gotten a GNEX instead of the iPhone if it wasn't 300$ at time of purchase.

Android itself as a really great strong OS. It's the crappy OEM skins and OEM/Carrier bloatware that kill it. I admit I do really love HTC's interface, but I want a pure, clean, stock tablet with no OEM garbage or crappy pre-installed apps that override the permissions of the stock apps. In my opinion, the Nexus 7 is the best Android tablet on the market period, because of that stock "the-way-it-was-meant-to-be" feel.


Wow. People saying Android is ugly. I have NO idea what people are looking at. Or perhaps they just can't be bothered to take 10 minutes out of their life. Or, I guess some just prefer the sea of app tiles.

And no, I'm not rooted. Perfect stock.





Android OEMs have gotten A LOT better at skinning their devices (Look at Sense 4.0 or Meizu) but there's still many ugly ones (LG, Samsung, Sony) and still scars of the past.

Many people don't see stock Android. They see these.
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Night Spring

macrumors G5
Jul 17, 2008
Wow. People saying Android is ugly. I have NO idea what people are looking at. Or perhaps they just can't be bothered to take 10 minutes out of their life. Or, I guess some just prefer the sea of app tiles.

And no, I'm not rooted. Perfect stock.

Personal preference, I guess, but I do prefer the iOS look. My iDevices are jailbroken, and I do have my clock and weather icons showing the real time and weather, but otherwise they look like a stock icon -- and that's how I like it. I don't like having widgets on my home screen. I also don't like the flat look of the Android icons. Your home screen may be set to your preference, but to me, it's just another example of an android screen that makes me take one look and say, "okay, no."

David Menzel

macrumors regular
Apr 1, 2012
I have mixed feelings about the nexus 7. Yes ok, the size is very cool, it feels good and even Android's last version Jelly Bean runs better and has some nice features like Google Now but when you look at the apps (except Google's own apps) you will find only a few ones with a optimized resolution for the nexus 7 or any other Android tablet. Smartphone apps on the nexus 7 are more disappointing as iPhone apps on the iPad. If you use them in portrait mode then ok, but not if you turn them into landscape mode. It looks very bad.

There is no reason to buy an Android phone or tablet if you like Apple's design and passion for details, because Google's app are not that polished. Google's apps are very functional but really not that nice. For example Notes, Calendar or Reminders - I know it is a matter of taste but - Apple is really designing here and you will find so many details in their apps (like impressions of leather, their calendar app has the look of an real calendar, or the notepad).

I tested the nexus 7 for week and yes, it is a very good product, at least for 200$ (8GB), but as I said before, if you like Apple's design and already have bought tones of apps, then I would recommend to wait for the "iPad mini".

Just make a calculation of what apps you have to buy again and add it together with the price of your nexus 7 version (8GB/16GB) and then compare it with a 16GB iPad 2 or "the new iPad mini/nano/xxx"


macrumors 603
Feb 3, 2008
Essex (UK)
Got my Nexus 7 delivered this afternoon and so far so good!

Initial setup was effortless as it synced all of my Android apps, Google mail, contacts, calendar, music and pictures in on the initial login - that was easy.

The 7" form factor will be far more manageable when reading in bed (I find my iPad 2 and Transformer Prime quite bulky for bedtime browsing) and the screen isn't at all bad, especially considering the price.

When it comes to entertainment, inadvertently, I believe Google and Asus have created one of the best casual gaming devices around. Another really pleasing thing to report is despite the constant cries of "frgmentation" in Android land, everything I've installed and used so far has worked flawlessly

Screenshots from games tested so far can be seen here:

The biggest gripe from me about the thing will be the lack of 3g data connectivity. Such a portable device would be perfect with mobile data. Still, the mobile hotspot feature and unlimited data on my Galaxy S III will do.

To finish, I like the Nexus 7. :cool:


macrumors 6502a
Jun 30, 2010
Personal preference, I guess, but I do prefer the iOS look. My iDevices are jailbroken, and I do have my clock and weather icons showing the real time and weather, but otherwise they look like a stock icon -- and that's how I like it. I don't like having widgets on my home screen. I also don't like the flat look of the Android icons. Your home screen may be set to your preference, but to me, it's just another example of an android screen that makes me take one look and say, "okay, no."

What in the blue hell is the difference whether an icon on a 2D panel is "flat" or not? This isn't a 3DS, dude.

If you like the app tiles then so be it. But I think many people are on the same wavelength as you where your preference is rooted in minutiae to the point you're essentially applying a placebo effect on yourself.
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