No. There will always be flash plug in after. You will be amazed to see how many people still using floppy disk and CD drive these day.
I go all out a
Dude... I am all out against everything adaptor. With your mentality, Apple created a MacBook with just one USB C port. With your mentality, you need a adaptor for plug in your iPhone to MacBook Pro. I do not want and I believe most Poole do not want bring all these adaptors with them. You aren’t bring with the adaptor with you all the time.
I rather have devices with multiple ports than have one port. One port fits all never works. And no, adaptors suck.
With regarding of online storage. We are long from stable internet connection everywhere. Until then, I rather have my files stored locally. Plus, you know, I am sure some of you Apple fans will hate, these cloud storage provide will scan your files.
So, Adaptors are bad idea and online storage is bad idea as well.
Fine. You don’t like adaptors - I get it. Different opinions.
The fact of the matter is that solutions exist (if you like them or not is immaterial). You always have the choice to buy something from another company other than Apple.
Frankly I think you’re just here to argue. I don’t see any Apple device in your signature list of devices so I’m not sure why you care or are even on a site for Apple stuff.