Here is an update to the JEYI newer enclosure:
佳翼 雷电3移动硬盘盒 M.2 NVMe Type-C 40G 笔记本台式雷电三固态硬盘盒子全铝材质 雷电40G 藏线版图片、价格、品牌样样齐全!【京东正品行货,全国配送,心动不如行动,立即购买享受更多优惠哦!】
Their official JD(TaoBao) shop now seems to have real photos of the product ready, the little embedded TB3 cable looks to be a nice touch, but the overall dimension is larger than the previous model as a result.
The spec sheet also emphasis it using the JHL6340 chipset. Interestingly they keep using the LEIDIAN-X4 model number.
Another thing of note are that there are 2 other models/options, one with built-in fan and dual TB3 ports, the other with 110mm NVMe support, but these still only have generic placeholder images and not much more details.