I'm going to amend my opinion of Linux, I know the OP just posted above this post about no interest in Linux, but I would like to restate me opinion
In the thread:
Linux Mint vs Mac OS I posted my latest attempt to install/use Linux. I'll not duplicate that post, but suffice to say the operation was largely successful.
I'm going to say I was wrong in some of my assessment of linux. My opinion was born out of stale and out of date information, and in my ignorance I put forth an argument that may very well be largely off the mark. I'm actually quite pleased with my initial success of install Linux on my SurfaceBook. Its not perfect, but for what I do use the SB for, I think it should be fine. I need to fix the small annoyances that do exist and then I can fully vet out the stability, performance and usability of the OS.
So what's more important to you, hardware or software (by software I include the OS and apps)?
What I mean by this, is your frustration born out of inadaquite hardware from Apple? It seems you're wanting to leave the platform due to Apple's laptop offerings, but you lament what Windows has to offer, at least in terms of iOS integrations.
Why not look to buy a used machine, or even a new "2015" laptop from Apple? If you enjoy the ecosystem that Apple provides and the OS is stable and fullfill your needs, then looking for hardware shouldn't be a show stopper if you widen criteria. The thinkpad is not a pad machine, I'm partial the Dell XPS myself and almost pulled the trigger a few times this past year, however what kept stopping me, is the apple ecosystem. I find that I'll lose too much if I leave the platform outright, and while high sierra is not perfect, this latest update has increased the stability for me. Random crashes have since stopped which is a big one that I was dealing with. From my perspective how your work is more important then what you work on.