...I’m limping along with a 2010 iMac...I’m ready to upgrade...my uses are limited to Microsoft office and some light websurfing. I was hoping to hear from some of you that intermingle iOS with a windows machine. I love iOS for what it is and my iPad Pro is perfect for travel and my needs. I have no interest in leaving...
Ever though of just getting the office apps for your iPad Pro with a keyboard and get almost everything you want with it?
Newbie on this forum here but it is usually not recommended to tell someone who has never touched a windows machine to get a windows machine, especially with most new laptop with Windows 10 will focus update until you unknowingly breaks something you usually use or the bloatware(unwanted softwares) gets in the way and slow everything down. Windows (all versions) overall requires more time and dedication to maintenance the machine to get stability (you could get driver issue, software issue, a lot of bloatware that slows the pc, etc) then a Mac because Mac is based on a small selection of Apple machines (bloatware is never the problem). So unless you came for gaming or entertainment (didn't work? whatever, I'll play on the iPad), windows could get you quite frustrated.
In addition, you've said that you are "ready to upgrade". From wording, that just meant you just wanted new hardware. Without indication your true reason is because your software is getting/feeling slow or hardware is breaking apart, your most straight forward solution is to get the newest Mac available. For portability wit office and light surfing use, a Macbook Air might meet every requirement you want (get an older version if you wanted to avoid this gen problem). Not to mention, with a Mac you have a choice in installing other OS later on.
Since I've presume you don't use any of the office macro and VBA scripting, your iPad Pro is actually your next best and simple solution. Like I've said, get a keyboard (bluetooth) and the office apps and you're done, office and light surfing all in one.
Linux is an off-topic item not directly related to hardware choice so I normally would not care to recommend, but most popular linux distribution has everything you want in terms of office and surfing right out the box. To get linux all you need is a usb, download and setup linux installer on the usb, and boot your current Mac with the usb. Click on try linux and BAM office and surfing all right there. Switching back to Mac is as simple as a quick shutdown. Linux could be your choice only if you wanted to "continue to use old hardware" but your current Mac is getting slow (due to software or hardware).
So getting a new Mac would be the recommended choice. But If you really wanted to jump on and try the Windows ship, these are some windows pc brand choices you could pick.
ThinkPad - This is Lenovo business focus windows laptop series. With bigger battery come with thicker thickness, it has the up side of having the least bloatware preinstalled with the main focus on office and surfing.
Dell /hp - They recently have more thin laptop options here which are focus on portability and light use, which meet your office and surfing requirement. However depends on the series there could be a few to a lot of bloatware.
Asus/ Lenovo - The few remaining brand with 2in1 laptop-tablet computer. You get this only if you want to flip your laptop to a tablet. Bloatware is to be expected.
Everything else - so much bloatware you'll want to buy a new windows laptop 1-2years later.
tl;dr I recommend you to get a new Mac or use your iPad. Windows laptop can be quite frustrated.