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Should I trade an iPhone X for an XR

  • keep the iPhone X

    Votes: 152 62.8%
  • Trade for an XR

    Votes: 90 37.2%

  • Total voters


macrumors 6502a
Original poster
Jul 8, 2014
Northamptonshire, United Kingdom
I rely on 3D Touch features that the Xr doesn't allow yet. I know they are going to expand it with more options soon. I'm not a big camera guy, so going down to an Xr wouldn't be a big deal to me. I may replace my X with an Xr next year, provided the long press options expand to what I use 3D Touch for. If you go to the store and like it, then go for it.
Thankfully I dont use 3D touch a huge amount and the little I do use it for has mostly got an alternative option thankfully, so loosing 3D touch wont be a big deal for me.

Shamefully it wasnt a feature really used to its full potential, I wouldn't be surprised if they slowly phase it out entirely.
No you aren't mad! I think it's a wise choice!
yeah I think so too, for my usage it seems to be a much better device than the X that I already have at a lower cost.
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macrumors 603
Apr 11, 2014
I have to admit my own stupidity over the years has left me stuck with o2 contracts to upgrade as I wrecked my credit score and I am now working to build it back up again, I think if I tried with another carrier I'd likely fail the credit check. I could pay upfront but the situation I am in would mean I'd still be paying off the X as the only reason I can trade in is because the contract I am on. I can either keep my phone for the full length of contract or trade in in January for a new device, I cannot hand it back and abandon the existing contract

In terms of device cost it only works out £97 more than purchasing direct from Apple to spread that over a 3-36 month contract which over 18 or 24 months is probably the same you'd pay if you got it on a credit card for the same time, but I have to admit the tariff costs seem to get hiked up for contract users over sim only which is a bit s**t.

If I traded in for the XR I would actually be saving money per month, and to be honest I am only considering an 18 month contract so I'd only be extending my contract for 6 months for a years newer device, hopefully in 18 months my credit score would've improved to the point where I will have more options in future.

And before anyone gets on their high horse saying I shouldn't have nice things if I don't have a good credit score or the money to buy up front, I have the money to pay every month like I have been doing since the iPhone 3G and I am happy to pay a bit more for the convenience of spreading the cost. In future I will most likely buy the device upfront and use a sim only contract, but for now this works for me.
If you have the money for either I'd stick with the XR the 8+ doesn't feature in the list. The XR has the far superior battery, its slightly smaller for a bigger screen, its faster, it has a better camera (sans 2x lens) and potentially a years more software support.
For me if the XS/XS Max were all that were available this year I wouldn't bother. I like the size of the XS Max but its FAR to expensive.
We dont get that over here I'm afraid, hell my network doesnt even have the Apple watch yet as they cant do one number over multiple sims.

Yeah it’s provably not worth the money for me. I’m enjoying my X and it’s not like it’s an old iPhone where I would notice significant changes if upgraded, especially to the XS. Meaning, if I was using an iPhone 6 then no bezels, OLED, camera, and so on would be a big change. But coming from a X I just don’t know. The MAX is for sure bigger which is awesome but i mean...that price ugh


macrumors 68020
Jun 20, 2010
I desperately want and XR in Coral for no logical reason. If I didn’t have a max I would totally get one. I was going to get one for my kid...but he misbehaved yesterday pretty badly so no dice there.
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macrumors 6502a
Original poster
Jul 8, 2014
Northamptonshire, United Kingdom
No need to rationalize. You obviously want the XR based on your posts here. Enjoy your shiny new phone!
You are correct I do want the XR, and this thread has really helped cement my decision. I guess I was wrestling with the fact that I'd be trading in a £1150 phone and dropping to an £800 phone and I just needed to convince myself this was the right call.

As I said before I can get the XR on an 18 month contract for less a month than I pay now and that would get me a years newer phone for only 6 months longer of a contract which to me isn't bad at all. The features I'd be loosing OLED 2x camera arent enough to keep me with the X especially when the XR offers a better base camera, a larger screen with landscape mode, and the main reason I am upgrading the far superior battery life.

I knew the XR would be the better fit for me, but the psychology of trading in what was Apple's latest and greatest just 12 months ago for what is now Apple's base model phone took a bit of getting my head around, but at the end of the day it is the smartest choice for me for savings and features that I'd actually use.
Yeah it’s provably not worth the money for me. I’m enjoying my X and it’s not like it’s an old iPhone where I would notice significant changes if upgraded, especially to the XS. Meaning, if I was using an iPhone 6 then no bezels, OLED, camera, and so on would be a big change. But coming from a X I just don’t know. The MAX is for sure bigger which is awesome but i mean...that price ugh
Oh for sure if the XS or the Max were the only phones available this year I wouldn't bother. They are far too expensive for what they are, however the XR for me was a very interesting device due to the relatively little sacrifice you have to make over the XS/Max for the huge savings and for me in the areas that matter most to me the XR is an improvement over the X in every way.


macrumors 6502a
Original poster
Jul 8, 2014
Northamptonshire, United Kingdom
Yeah I saw those Rene Ritchie vids they were very informative, and I have watched and read a lot of reviews of the XR over the last couple of days.

So far everything I want from the XR over the X it delivers on, battery life is a beast and the camera whilst it lacks the 2x optical zoom would still be a significant improvement over the X especially in low light and sub optimal photography conditions. As for screen everyone says its decent and you'll only really see the difference if held next to an X or XS and by itself its good enough.


macrumors 68040
Jul 11, 2009
Now I didnt know that 2x was often performed with the main lens, I assumed the minute I hit that 2x button it just switched the lenses. However I think far better low light of the XR will trump 2x for me, most photos I take are under sub optimal lighting conditions.

Most people don't realize that. What Apple's dual camera setup in fact does is to assess the conditions (lighting, mostly) and choose the best lens at that moment. That's actually a better behavior than automatically using the telephoto lens, but it means the telephoto lens isn't used as much as people think. You can actually test this on your own -- cover the telephoto lens with masking tape and hit the 2X button in various situations.

Of course, the telephoto is absolutely necessary for the phone to have depth perception (i.e., for true portrait mode), but Apple as always has designed a miracle software workaround -- in this case, using facial recognition and assuming in portrait mode that the identified face is a foreground object.

I agree with you that better low light capability trumps telephoto for most people, most of the time. I'm therefore very optimistic that people are going to love the Xr camera.
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macrumors 601
Sep 16, 2006
Down south
Yeah that first video is really informative. I feel like he was a bit more honest about the pitfalls, of which there aren’t many. I’m looking forward to mine arriving tomorrow so I can see what I think!


macrumors 68040
Aug 8, 2002
I'm still on the fence. At first I thought that the main consideration from X -> XR would be the screen, i.e. if the screen were good enough to my eyes, then I'd go for it.

But as days have passed I've become more focused on the camera. The XR's single lens and sensor is better than the comparable pieces in the X. But, having optical zoom and Portrait mode regardless of subject are actually important to me. It actually leaves me coming out thinking that I may wind up trading to the XS or XS Max. Ideally, there'd be an XS model the same size as the XR! I guess I can't have everything :)


macrumors 6502a
Original poster
Jul 8, 2014
Northamptonshire, United Kingdom
So the poll you posted doesn't have any influence?
To be honest I'm not sure why I posted a poll as the idea of this thread was to get a discussion point going and see peoples point of view.

From this thread I have ascertained that a lot of people wouldn't trade in for the XR because of the screen, they wont be happy with the drop to an LCD no matter what advantages the XR might offer over the X.

Those who would choose the XR would do so for the reasons I would, and that is that they don't mind loosing the OLED for the massive battery life gain, the larger screen with the Plus features, and the far better base camera which negates the loss of the 2x lens somewhat.

Thing is for me and I said it above this thread was more a case of reaffirming my choice as the psychology of trading in a £1150 device for a £800 device even though I would save money per month and the device I am trading for is a better fit for me was a hard barrier to get over.
Last edited:


macrumors 6502a
Original poster
Jul 8, 2014
Northamptonshire, United Kingdom
Most people don't realize that. What Apple's dual camera setup in fact does is to assess the conditions (lighting, mostly) and choose the best lens at that moment. That's actually a better behavior than automatically using the telephoto lens, but it means the telephoto lens isn't used as much as people think. You can actually test this on your own -- cover the telephoto lens with masking tape and hit the 2X button in various situations.

Of course, the telephoto is absolutely necessary for the phone to have depth perception (i.e., for true portrait mode), but Apple as always has designed a miracle software workaround -- in this case, using facial recognition and assuming in portrait mode that the identified face is a foreground object.

I agree with you that better low light capability trumps telephoto for most people, most of the time. I'm therefore very optimistic that people are going to love the Xr camera.
Well holy crap I’ve just held my finger over the 2nd lens and you are right I can zoom all the way to 10x without the 2nd lens.

The 2x lens seems almost pointless and loosing it on the XR won’t be a big deal. I guess if I was outdoors on a bright day the 2x lens would make the difference but inside it seems to be largely ignored.


macrumors regular
Jun 16, 2009
I have an X and I have been considering downgrading to the XR because of the size. While I like the compactness of the X if fat finger it a lot when I text. So having a bigger screen would help. So no you are mad or crazy for wanting to downgrade


macrumors 6502
Jun 20, 2009
At first I expect camera is similar to the Xs until I realized portrait mode only support human faces and not everything else? That’s a little disappointing to me


macrumors regular
Jun 16, 2009
At first I expect camera is similar to the Xs until I realized portrait mode only support human faces and not everything else? That’s a little disappointing to me

I don't care much about the camera function. Because if I want to take some real photos. I will bring along my Nikon.
For me its more about day to day functionality.


macrumors 68040
Jul 11, 2009
I want to switch to the XR just for the battery life and the product red color !

Those are compelling reasons. I'm a pushover for color, actually. For me, that (and the camera, size, and battery life, among other things) makes the Xr a more exciting product than the XS, even though I also understand why many would choose the latter.
If I could buy an iPhone X or XR right now, same cost, same storage, I would hands down go XR (either red or coral).

LCD Screen doesn't matter to me. Pixel density (between those 2) doesn't matter to me. Bezel doesn't matter to me. 3D touch doesn't matter (much) to me. The camera differences are kind of a wash, but since I use to wide-angle lens way more than telephoto, I think the XR wins that one. XR processor is much better. FaceID 2nd gen. Fun colors.

But I'm currently an X owner, and I don't think it's worth it for me to pay for such a minor upgrade.


macrumors 6502a
Original poster
Jul 8, 2014
Northamptonshire, United Kingdom
If I could buy an iPhone X or XR right now, same cost, same storage, I would hands down go XR (either red or coral).

LCD Screen doesn't matter to me. Pixel density (between those 2) doesn't matter to me. Bezel doesn't matter to me. 3D touch doesn't matter (much) to me. The camera differences are kind of a wash, but since I use to wide-angle lens way more than telephoto, I think the XR wins that one. XR processor is much better. FaceID 2nd gen. Fun colors.

But I'm currently an X owner, and I don't think it's worth it for me to pay for such a minor upgrade.
Oh for sure, if I weren’t on a contract that allows me to upgrade early in January then I wouldn’t feel like I’m missing out by not upgrading this year, however because I can upgrade the XR was a very interesting device for the upgrades I would get vs the things that I would loose.
I have an X and I have been considering downgrading to the XR because of the size. While I like the compactness of the X if fat finger it a lot when I text. So having a bigger screen would help. So no you are mad or crazy for wanting to downgrade
Oh yeah I agree, I would like a bigger screen as I’ve come from a 6S+ to the X and I’m having the same issues as you, sometimes my typing is terrible because the screen is smaller especially in landscape mode because the keys are squished to fit the screen.
At first I expect camera is similar to the Xs until I realized portrait mode only support human faces and not everything else? That’s a little disappointing to me
To be honest I never use portrait mode so it’s not something that bothers me, plus with software updates it may get the ability to take photos of other things but this is by no means a deal breaker for me.


macrumors 603
Mar 12, 2012
Swindon, England
If you had struggled to read the screen on the X then yes the XR makes a great cheaper alternative to the XS Max. I love my Max but if Apple hadn't introduced the MAX then i would have replaced my X with the XR rather than the XS.


macrumors 6502a
Original poster
Jul 8, 2014
Northamptonshire, United Kingdom
If you had struggled to read the screen on the X then yes the XR makes a great cheaper alternative to the XS Max. I love my Max but if Apple hadn't introduced the MAX then i would have replaced my X with the XR rather than the XS.
To be honest with you, you the tech geek me would have gone max all the way. Older more mature me sits here thinking the Max is ludicrously expensive for very little gain over the XR.

Back in the day (in the circles I move in, may not apply to everyone) having the latest and greatest Apple toy was envied but now if I were to get the Max people would think I’ve got more money than sense and nowadays I would agree with them.

I mean technically I could afford the Max but paying £350 extra for very little gain over the XR seems stupid to me, but then again my use case is far different to others. For some the iPhone is their main media consumption device and for those I would say the Max would be worth it, but for me the battery life of the XR beats anything the Max could offer me.

Now I’m not belittling anyone who has the XS or Max, if you enjoy it then fair play to you but for me nowadays the XR is this years winner as it’s got the best price to features ratio in my opinion.
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