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macrumors 6502a
Feb 23, 2020
Another Saturday morning Mac (MacPro 5,1) and coffee post!

Dunkin' Midnight (dark roast) in my Dunkin' coffee mug. :)

View attachment 2198212
Oh - you show off, you!

..where as I am drinking cheap sachet coffee made with my capsule machine so I don't use capsules.

Oh - and you've kept ya work area tidy, where as I still haven't tidied mine since the last time we spoke of such things Dang!!!


macrumors 6502
Aug 27, 2021
I saw this interesting video. It talks about drip coffee makers--and there a section I found fascninating on the 1970s Mr. Coffee design. (I remember my parents had one of those.) It's perhaps a bit long, but it has chapter divisions.



macrumors 6502a
Feb 23, 2020
..Tis fantastic to see how ideas evolve. Actually I didn't think people still used paper filtered coffee makers any more? And this reminded me of the first one we had. I came home to find my brother and dad trying it out. "See wot you think of this coffee?", they asked.
I wasn't a coffee drinker back then, but took a sip. "If I drank that", I replied "..Id get a guts ache!"
My dad (being a helpful sort of guy) said, "Well don't drink it!"

Discovered later they'd loaded it up with instant coffee. Who would have thought you needed ground coffee beans?
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Aug 6, 2017
Cheney, WA, USA

2017 MacBook Air - my first favorite thing. It's not "Early", but it's going to be soon enough. Still massively on the fence about an M1, but I don't need that kind of power for what I do.

The little photo "You can't make everyone happy, you are not coffee." was given to me by a client, and the composite train photo to its left was given by another client.

Coffee in the Lisa Brown for Congress cup is Safeway Select 90% Arabica / 10% Kona. I like it better than the Don Francisco version, and it's available in the stores around here. Don Francisco is very hit or miss, unless it's their flavored coffee, which I don't like.

Coffee maker is a simple Hamilton Beach one cup coffee maker.
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macrumors Penryn
Original poster
Aug 31, 2011
..Tis fantastic to see how ideas evolve. Actually I didn't think people still used paper filtered coffee makers any more? And this reminded me of the first one we had. I came home to find my brother and dad trying it out. "See wot you think of this coffee?", they asked.
I wasn't a coffee drinker back then, but took a sip. "If I drank that", I replied "..Id get a guts ache!"
My dad (being a helpful sort of guy) said, "Well don't drink it!"

Discovered later they'd loaded it up with instant coffee. Who would have thought you needed ground coffee beans?

2023-05-20 18.06.15.jpg 2023-05-20 18.06.29.jpg

Our daily use drip coffee maker. Paper filtered coffee maker. Since my wife got me into coffee, it's been this type of coffeemaker since 1995. We do own Keurigs now, but that's just for convenience.

Perhaps you were thinking of something else? We do have a percolater and a French press as well.

Oh yeah, back when I didn't know anything, my mom had Swedish ground coffee around. I thought it was instant (it wasn't) and made myself 'instant' coffee with about three spoons of the stuff then went to work. I was wired all night. :D
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macrumors Penryn
Original poster
Aug 31, 2011
View attachment 2204958

2017 MacBook Air - my first favorite thing. It's not "Early", but it's going to be soon enough. Still massively on the fence about an M1, but I don't need that kind of power for what I do.

The little photo "You can't make everyone happy, you are not coffee." was given to me by a client, and the composite train photo to its left was given by another client.

Coffee in the Lisa Brown for Congress cup is Safeway Select 90% Arabica / 10% Kona. I like it better than the Don Francisco version, and it's available in the stores around here. Don Francisco is very hit or miss, unless it's their flavored coffee, which I don't like.

Coffee maker is a simple Hamilton Beach one cup coffee maker.
When my wife and I were first married, we drank a lot of Don Francisco's. This was well before Starbucks or any other specialty brand was selling anything in grocery stores. So, yeah, you're right. Very hit or miss with Don Francisco's.
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macrumors 6502a
Feb 23, 2020

View attachment 2205003 View attachment 2205002

Our daily use drip coffee maker. Paper filtered coffee maker. Since my wife got me into coffee, it's been this type of coffeemaker since 1995. We do own Keurigs now, but that's just for convenience.

Perhaps you were thinking of something else? We do have a percolater and a French press as well.

Oh yeah, back when I didn't know anything, my mom had Swedish ground coffee around. I thought it was instant (it wasn't) and made myself 'instant' coffee with about three spoons of the stuff then went to work. I was wired all night. :D
yep - definitely one of those..though the sales man suggested we dont use the filters..just pop a folded paper towel in instead to save costs.

In my visits to NZ homes today I dont recall any one still having one of those..its usually a modern coffee making machine that give a barista experience one gets at a proper cafe. They've all moved on to lattes, cappuccinos, flat whites, long blacks, etc rather than an Americano.


macrumors 6502
Aug 27, 2021
I'm using a drip maker with paper filters. At one point (I posted about this IIRC on an earlier page in this thread), I was using French press pot. Then I got corrupted and decided to try electric drip maker again. The electric drip maker is a nice balance of quality coffee with convenience. I think this was mentioned in that coffee maker video I posted above.

In the late 1980s, my mother shifted from paper filters to a permanent filter. I can't remember the before/after--but I do recall the argument that the coffee was better. Plus, of course, it eliminates having to buy filters. thing I like about paper filters: they make the cleanup faster and easier.

I also recently went back to white filters. I'd used brown paper for a long time. But thought I'd try white. I thought the coffee was better with the white. (Same brand of filter, but of course there could be some other variable at work. Also it might be possible to get the brown filter to improve. I think I recall hearing suggestions of thoroughly rinsing the filter with warm water first before putting in coffee. But this does not fit my current model of let's keep this fast and simple!)
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macrumors 6502
Aug 27, 2021
Bought a bag of Safeway O Organics coffee yesterday. They have a line on the side saying: "Freshness is an essential ingredient in the perfect cup of coffee."

I read that, and sarcastically said to myself: "You mean I can't brew the perfect cup of coffee with a can of coffee that was opened in 1998?"
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macrumors Penryn
Original poster
Aug 31, 2011
Bought a bag of Safeway O Organics coffee yesterday. They have a line on the side saying: "Freshness is an essential ingredient in the perfect cup of coffee."

I read that, and sarcastically said to myself: "You mean I can't brew the perfect cup of coffee with a can of coffee that was opened in 1998?"

My wife had a canister of coffee that had been hanging around for a few years. In trying to use up our overabundance of bad coffee a few months back I brewed it. I had to throw out the entire pot on the first half-sip. The rest of the stuff in the canister went right into the garbage.

No idea what brand/flavor it was or when my wife put it in that canister!
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macrumors Penryn
Original poster
Aug 31, 2011
Two of my favorite things…Mac and Star Wars!

Started this last night, finishing up this morning. Diana Lee Inosanto being interviewed.

2023-05-28 06.44.18.jpg

For those who do not know, Diana is the son of Dan Inosanto, basically a god in the martial arts world. He became friends with Bruce Lee and Bruce Lee is Diana's godfather. The work of Dan Inosanto and Bruce Lee are exactly WHY there is Mixed Martial Arts today. They started all that collaboration between the schools and cultures of martial arts.

Diana is being interviewed about her role as Morgan Elsbeth, the Magistrate, who fought Ahsoka Tano in the Mandalorian. She is reprising her role as Elsbeth in the upcoming Ahsoka series.

MorganElsbeth copy.jpg AhsokaVsMorgan-TMCh13 copy.jpg

Of course, here she can't say much. NDAs and all that. :)
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macrumors Penryn
Original poster
Aug 31, 2011
Went out for my daughter's birthday yesterday (she's 15 now) and stopped at Albertsons for a cake on the way home. Got this…

2023-06-24 07.42.00.jpg

Giving it a try this morning. MacPro in the background.


macrumors 6502
Aug 27, 2021
I recognize the Caribou name, although I don't think I've had any of their coffee. I should see if anyone has it locally--and at a price I'm willing to pay! I think I mainly know of this brand because of someone in my family who lives where the Caribou coffee shops exist, who (I think) gets Caribou gift cards from someone else on birthdays or something.

Currently, I'm drinking Seattle's Best. I've recently mostly avoided the brand--partly due to the (last known) distribution by Nestle, partly because the quality didn't seem to be there any more. Recently, I've almost felt the brand name should be "Seattle's Will Do in a Pinch." But I got some not long ago--I think I felt I needed I'd better get some coffee, but before the bag was needed, I was back at the store adn found something else. Finally started the bag of Seattle's best, and it seems better than I remember it. Maybe quality has improved. Maybe some time away has helped. Maybe it's just that it's something different. Who knows?
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macrumors 6502
Aug 27, 2021
I also recently went back to white filters. I'd used brown paper for a long time. But thought I'd try white. I thought the coffee was better with the white. (Same brand of filter, but of course there could be some other variable at work. Also it might be possible to get the brown filter to improve. I think I recall hearing suggestions of thoroughly rinsing the filter with warm water first before putting in coffee. But this does not fit my current model of let's keep this fast and simple!)
Past white vs brown paper, I've recently noticed a difference between brands. I recently got a small box of Target store brand filters, and found that the coffee wasn't as good as it is with Melitta filters. Fortunately, Melitta filters aren't that expensive and more convenient for me to buy.

I've got a permanent reusable filter (new, in box) that I could try next...but as I've commented before, one thing I've come to like about paper filters is the cleanup convenience, which appeals to my slothfulness desire for efficiency.
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macrumors 6502
Nov 10, 2014
Past white vs brown paper, I've recently noticed a difference between brands. I recently got a small box of Target store brand filters, and found that the coffee wasn't as good as it is with Melitta filters. Fortunately, Melitta filters aren't that expensive and more convenient for me to buy.

I've got a permanent reusable filter (new, in box) that I could try next...but as I've commented before, one thing I've come to like about paper filters is the cleanup convenience, which appeals to my slothfulness desire for efficiency.
I used to use a reusable but getting all the old grounds out was a pain. Dollarama brand filters for me from now on lol.

Speaking of Dollarama, they used to sell a really good dark roast, but havent in a long time... I miss it :(


macrumors Penryn
Original poster
Aug 31, 2011
Past white vs brown paper, I've recently noticed a difference between brands. I recently got a small box of Target store brand filters, and found that the coffee wasn't as good as it is with Melitta filters. Fortunately, Melitta filters aren't that expensive and more convenient for me to buy.

I've got a permanent reusable filter (new, in box) that I could try next...but as I've commented before, one thing I've come to like about paper filters is the cleanup convenience, which appeals to my slothfulness desire for efficiency.
I used to use a reusable but getting all the old grounds out was a pain. Dollarama brand filters for me from now on lol.

Speaking of Dollarama, they used to sell a really good dark roast, but havent in a long time... I miss it :(
We have a couple of permanent filters hanging around from various drip coffeemaker purchases over the years. I keep them for the few times I forget to pick up new paper filters, which has happened.

I don't think they are that hard to clean out though. Basically, a few taps on the side of the garbage can to get the main chunk of grounds out. Then you just blast it from the outside with the kitchen faucet on full. Tapping it on the bottom of the sink while doing that dislodges most of the other bits.

The final deal is running your fingers around the inside while holding it under the faucet to dislodge the last bit of grounds. Once it's smooth and you don't feel any more grounds, it's clean.
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macrumors Penryn
Original poster
Aug 31, 2011
So there's a vendor on eBay that sells materials for stained glass projects. The vendor sells various glass pieces and I've bought two squares of beveled glass and four beveled rounds them. When I have little knickknacks or whatever to put on my desk they go on these pieces of glass. But I don't like the fact it's just boring transparent glass.

I've had this large Death Wish Coffee sticker (round) for several years now and it goes on my desk. I have it under one of the round pieces of glass I bought recently (before it was under one of the squares).

Where this all relates to coffee is that I ordered some stickers a few days back. So, here's what I've done.

2023-09-03 07.51.53.jpg 2023-09-03 07.51.59.jpg 2023-09-03 07.52.09.jpg 2023-09-03 07.52.18.jpg 2023-09-03 07.52.28.jpg

These are all on the desk I use my MacPro on (and other Macs). I find it interesting that IRL you can tell that the DWC sticker sticks out from the glass round a little bit - but when you take a picture it looks like the sticker is actual glass. These have all been taped underneath (except the DWC sticker). I wanted them to be under the glass and I hate applying stickers unless I know it's a final place for it.

Yeah, I hate the tape showing too. Someday I'll get to doing it more professionally, but for now it works.


macrumors 6502
Aug 27, 2021
I'm back to using Seattle's Will Do, er, Seattle's Best. Although it seems better than when I last had it. Has it improved? Did I luck out with the bags I've gotten? Or has my taste deteriorated? You be the judge!

I've also oddly have been using basket style filters, folded to fit a cone filter holder. It seems like it's working OK, apart from hassle. In one way, it might be theoretically better--the filters are thinner, although I end up with thicker sides at some points after it's folded. One definite plus: these filters are a lot cheaper and a bit easier to come by than the cone filters that fit my coffee maker, which doesn't use the most common filter size.
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Certificate of Excellence

macrumors 6502a
Feb 9, 2021
RE: cone coffee filters

My coffee basket brewer uses cone filters as well. I had problems getting the same filters and the ones I could get were too thick which would make the basket overflow making a sucky to clean up mess and Id get grinds in my carafe. So if the commercially available filters I did have access to made a big mess that I had to clean each day, I opted to go back to the steel mesh basket it came with and have stayed with that, rinsing daily for the next day's brew cycle. I've never liked this brewer because it was on the slower side but at the end of the day, it gets the job done and makes a decent cup so I havent spent the cash to replace it yet. I am sure at some point I will - ideally with a unit who's brew cycle is faster than this one.
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Certificate of Excellence

macrumors 6502a
Feb 9, 2021
So there's a vendor on eBay that sells materials for stained glass projects. The vendor sells various glass pieces and I've bought two squares of beveled glass and four beveled rounds them. When I have little knickknacks or whatever to put on my desk they go on these pieces of glass. But I don't like the fact it's just boring transparent glass.

I've had this large Death Wish Coffee sticker (round) for several years now and it goes on my desk. I have it under one of the round pieces of glass I bought recently (before it was under one of the squares).

Where this all relates to coffee is that I ordered some stickers a few days back. So, here's what I've done.

View attachment 2254527 View attachment 2254528 View attachment 2254530 View attachment 2254529 View attachment 2254531

These are all on the desk I use my MacPro on (and other Macs). I find it interesting that IRL you can tell that the DWC sticker sticks out from the glass round a little bit - but when you take a picture it looks like the sticker is actual glass. These have all been taped underneath (except the DWC sticker). I wanted them to be under the glass and I hate applying stickers unless I know it's a final place for it.

Yeah, I hate the tape showing too. Someday I'll get to doing it more professionally, but for now it works.

If those stickers are never going to be stuck to anything, what I have used in the past is scotch brand spray adhesive for this sort of thing. Cheap and it works well + you can then peel off the back of the sticker and and use that adhesive surface to stick some felt or other material on.
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macrumors Penryn
Original poster
Aug 31, 2011
I'm back to using Seattle's Will Do, er, Seattle's Best. Although it seems better than when I last had it. Has it improved? Did I luck out with the bags I've gotten? Or has my taste deteriorated? You be the judge!

I've also oddly have been using basket style filters, folded to fit a cone filter holder. It seems like it's working OK, apart from hassle. In one way, it might be theoretically better--the filters are thinner, although I end up with thicker sides at some points after it's folded. One definite plus: these filters are a lot cheaper and a bit easier to come by than the cone filters that fit my coffee maker, which doesn't use the most common filter size.
A couple weeks ago I discovered that IHOP is selling their coffee in stores, or at least at Walmart. I'm not a fan of the chain (my wife is though) but the coffee is really good. It's not what you'd drink if you wanted a real great cup, but for every day it's now my go to.

2023-09-17 15.02.40.jpg
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macrumors Penryn
Original poster
Aug 31, 2011
We finally got around to visiting a Dunkin' Donuts store that's been open for a year or so now. I seem to gravitate towards Dunkin' coffee mugs for some reason so had to come home with another one.

This one won't have any printing on it rub out, LOL.

2023-11-08 15.23.02.jpg


macrumors Penryn
Original poster
Aug 31, 2011
I like them too because they hold a lot of coffee and my hands are big, so the size works out.
A few minutes ago I went ahead and washed it by hand (going to use it later tonight). There was a sticker on the bottom. Taking it off revealed that it is a 20oz mug. Mugs of that size are normally my wife's purview so this shocked me. It doesn't LOOK that big. My largest Dunkin' mug is 12oz. That mug was bought in 2009-2010 when DD opened it's first store close to my house. I got it on their grand opening day.

I like that my mugs have history. :)
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