I'm new to uBar. Could someone tell me how to drag a favourite from one dock to another please
I've been using uBar for a day, and am really liking it so far. Pretty sure I will pay for the app once my 14 day trial ends.
As for rearranging the favorites... it seems a pretty inefficient way to do it. The only method I've found is to right click on the icons, and in the contextual menu it gives you the option to "move back" or "move forward".... so if you are trying to rearrange a bunch of icons its a pretty slow and annoying way to do it. There is also a menu choice for "move across"... which if the icon is in the left side of the bar, it moves it to the opposite side (over where the trash can is located), and vice vera. Once once moved to an opposite side, you have to then do the "move back" or "move forward" to get it into the position you want.
Please developer, add ability to just drag icon to rearrange...
uBar 4.1.4, for the most part, has been working in macOS Catalina. However, the entire app will occasionally crash completely when I hover over the app with the mouse.
I'm running 4.1.4 (newest version) in Catalina, and so far have experienced no crashes. Knock on wood.
Edit: while I haven't experienced any crashing, I do see what people are mentioning about the list of apps that you can include or exclude not showing all apps. But with Catalina having just come out recently, I hope they are addressing any issues. I don't mind paying the cost of this app, if I know they are actively continuing to develop the app.