Phoned London City this morning. Spoke to a guy in redeliveries who confirmed that my ipad was there and said I could come and collect it today. When I got there it was Ms Jobsworth on the desk, she told me that policy was that they had to attempt a home delivery first (apple's orders apparently) We argued back and forth for a while, my main arguement being what was the point of sending it to my house today when the knew I wasn't there......because I was standing in front of her desk...
Anyway, I had to resort to my best "angry posh voice" and asked to speak to the manager. She eventually backed down and said that they would make an exception in my case.
So, the upshot is.....I HAVE MY iPAD !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Can't use it until I get home a sync though, this will be the longest day at work ever. I'm settling for gazing adoringly at it as it charges on my desk.
Thank you all for being as nuts as me !
I look forward to joining the "How much is everyone loving their iPad" thread.