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Latest update from TNT:

Consignment xxxxxxxxxx
Pick Up Date 23/05/2010
Delivery Service EXPRESS
Destination BIRMINGHAM
Delivery Date 27/05/2010 at 13:12
Items Delivered 1
Signatory butler
Date Time Location Status
27/05/2010 13:12 BIRMINGHAM Delivered
27/05/2010 06:37 BIRMINGHAM Out for delivery
26/05/2010 23:30 BIRMINGHAM At delivery depot

This is all very well but... I'm at work.... and nobody is at home (except the cats and the parrot).... and I don't have a butler.... or know anybody called Butler... I'm now a bit worried.... and can't leave work for another 2.5 hours... :eek:
everytime i hear a car or anything outside i am jumping up. phoned ups in excitement and the man said my ipad will defo be with me today. could be up to 7pm if they have a high volume of shipments. hope it soon got to leave for work at 4:30pm

I know the feeling. Phoned UPS, told same. I have to have a shower before rehearsal so the latest I can reasonably sit here like a sad tragic lemon is until about 4pm. My friend in Norwich (center as opposed to outskirts like me) had his delivered at 10am. C'mon UPS - Norwich isn't that big with that many iPads to deliver surely !
The TNT site was a bit slow to update but mine has been out for delivery from around 9am.

It could be as late as 2000 before I actually get it though.

Latest update from TNT:

Consignment xxxxxxxxxx
Pick Up Date 23/05/2010
Delivery Service EXPRESS
Destination BIRMINGHAM
Delivery Date 27/05/2010 at 13:12
Items Delivered 1
Signatory butler
Date Time Location Status
27/05/2010 13:12 BIRMINGHAM Delivered
27/05/2010 06:37 BIRMINGHAM Out for delivery
26/05/2010 23:30 BIRMINGHAM At delivery depot

This is all very well but... I'm at work.... and nobody is at home (except the cats and the parrot).... and I don't have a butler.... or know anybody called Butler... I'm now a bit worried.... and can't leave work for another 2.5 hours... :eek:

I am hoping your tracking info has got munged up with someone else's. Have you rung TNT to see what is going on ?
WTF? I've been here all day...any bets on whether the tracker is wrong or the driver decided he didn't feel like actually attempting delivery?

A few of us has had this, not sure why it's happening. If I track mine on the international site it still says out for delivery, as does Apple's site. But on the UK site it says held in warehouse.
Does anyone know whether the TNT tracker will show it's been delivered immediately, or after some delay?

Definitely a delay. Missed a phone call from the driver; mine had been delivered to the porter almost two hours before I realised.
Latest update from TNT:

Consignment xxxxxxxxxx
Pick Up Date 23/05/2010
Delivery Service EXPRESS
Destination BIRMINGHAM
Delivery Date 27/05/2010 at 13:12
Items Delivered 1
Signatory butler
Date Time Location Status
27/05/2010 13:12 BIRMINGHAM Delivered
27/05/2010 06:37 BIRMINGHAM Out for delivery
26/05/2010 23:30 BIRMINGHAM At delivery depot

This is all very well but... I'm at work.... and nobody is at home (except the cats and the parrot).... and I don't have a butler.... or know anybody called Butler... I'm now a bit worried.... and can't leave work for another 2.5 hours... :eek:

That's worrying!! On the UPS delivery slip it specifically said 'No Delivery to Neighbour' so I don't see who else could have signed for it for you!! :eek:
WTF? I've been here all day...any bets on whether the tracker is wrong or the driver decided he didn't feel like actually attempting delivery?
Omg, I feel for you!

I hope that doesn't happen to mine, I'm in Nottingham too, where abouts are you in Nottingham?
Has anyone received their ipad cases yet? mine was apparently shipped May 22nd but i haven't got it yet!? :confused:
IPAD HAS LANDED! CB1 Cambridge. I asked about CB4, different van.. Someone in Fulbourn is getting the next one;)

my delivery was on 2 consignment numbers and all confused, it took the guy like 5 minutes with his ass hanging out the van to work it all out.. I've never wanted to bash someone over the head with a blunt object so much in my life.. GIMMIE!

Anyway, unboxing time..
Those who ordered an iPad and the Apple case in the same order, did they arrive in 1 package together or individually?

Still waiting for my TNT delivery....

2 packages - one with the iPad, one with the case and the micro-SIM. Both seemed to arrive on the same truck though (delivered to work so I didn't sign for it, but I believe that's correct)
Those who ordered an iPad and the Apple case in the same order, did they arrive in 1 package together or individually?

Still waiting for my TNT delivery....

Mine arrived in two boxes: iPad and case in one, then camera kit and O2 sim in the other.

Typing this on my iPad having skived off work and synced at home. Steve was right - this thing is magical! :D
PHEW made it home.
Got notification at 11:00am that UPS was out for delivery in Manchester. Rushed to train station in Lancaster, arrived home about half an hour ago.

Now still waiting. Anyone in Manchester received iPads from UPS?
Omg, I feel for you!

I hope that doesn't happen to mine, I'm in Nottingham too, where abouts are you in Nottingham?

I'm in Lenton, NG7.

Just got off the phone with them, apparently they're doing two deliveries today anyway so they're going to try again this afternoon. I guess we'll see if they turn up this time.

Edit: also, interesting note, when I phoned TNT I got transferred to their "Apple desk". I guess they've had so many calls from us they just have people handling nothing but iPad calls.
I know the feeling. Phoned UPS, told same. I have to have a shower before rehearsal so the latest I can reasonably sit here like a sad tragic lemon is until about 4pm. My friend in Norwich (center as opposed to outskirts like me) had his delivered at 10am. C'mon UPS - Norwich isn't that big with that many iPads to deliver surely !

i am in work for 5. they just phoned me and asked if i come in at 4. errrm nope.

i live by liverpool, the wirral to be exact. i don't think it should have taken from 6am lol, but i am sure ups know what they are doing with their delivery service so i will have to sit and wait quietley. macrumoring on my macbook. not my ipad :(
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