Think TNT call staff are getting their own back
Hi new member here . I have enjoyed reading this topic as I am as excited as the rest of you to get my new iPad.
I have had the same problem as everyone my TNT UK Ltd delivery kept showing the !.
Finally the system has recognised the 802 number and indicated that my iPad was out for delivery.
At which point I nearly fell of my chair. There was a contact number 0800, so I have called it to see if I could collect from the depot this evening, nearly fell asleep waiting for it to be answered, however a very pleasant lady answered the phone , and then proceeded to destroy my day, she first asked me if the delivery was a new iPad, and when I confirmed it was she advised that mine was not due to be collected until the 28th...... and as it was a bank holiday weekend , I should not expect delivery until Tuesday.....!!
So I went and got a glass of wine to cheer myself up and then went back into the tracking system and the status had changed again to ,
consignment reference destination pickup date status
8022***** 81152***** BLACKPOOL 26 May 2010 In Transit
input screen tips
email results
8022***** Details
Reference 81152*****
Pick up date 26 May 2010
Destination BLACKPOOL
Delivery Date
Date Time Location Status
26 May 2010 15:35:00 Nuneaton Shipment In Transit.
Summary / input screen
So it would appear that either TNT have a very poor tracking system or the staff are getting a bit pi**ed at having so many calls and are starting to wind people up.
I dont really blame TNT, however I think Apple sending and email last weekend to say that your iPad was out for delivery and giving you a tracking number was at best misjudged and at worst the act of lunacy.
It has wasted everyones time and has caused a lot of problems for the couriers.
Still lets hope everyone gets there iPad on Friday and nobody has to wait until Tuesday.