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macrumors 68020
May 2, 2021
That doesn’t answer the question. Your grouping doesn’t show the real choice in the consumer markets. You might as well group phones by cell phone chipset.

Really? Apple is popular and influential, but world wide it’s market share is a minority.

I would be careful with throwing around the term “delusional”. However according to statista the non-iPhone phones have about 75% market penetration - while Samsung is the top shipping vendor.

A minority player can be popular.

To close this off. You are clearly defending this type of investigation/regulatory nonsense- which imo that is what it is and is your prerogative. That is the EU threading the needle. And as I said the aphorism: “if all you have is a nail the world looks like a hammer” applies here.
You can look back as far as you want. And UK and EU have both defined markets and anti competitive practices as wholly different than what US lawmakers have.


macrumors Nehalem
Nov 30, 2013
Gotta be in it to win it
It’s really the same conversation.
They aren’t the same market. Or do you regularly mix USA and Mexican markets as the same?

In the UK iOS and iPhone is the majority platform. In Eau it’s a minority player

And as I have told you before, everything here is based on old laws. In Eau the laws are 30 years old and in UK it’s likely older.
Old laws never specified that iMessage should be regulated.


macrumors 68020
May 2, 2021
It’s really the same conversation.Old laws never specified that iMessage should be regulated
It isn’t. UK and EU markets are as relevant as talking about iOS market share in Japan when you’re talking about the U.S. market.

The global market share is irrelevant towards the national market.
Old laws never specified that iMessage should be regulated
they did. Because iMessage is classified under existing categories such as electronic communication and market.

Or do you honestly think iMessage, programs and smartphones are unclassified/ UN categorized?

The second these things existed on the market they where categorized, and if a category didn’t fit/exist, then one was created for it


macrumors 68020
May 2, 2021
It’s really the same conversation.
Just in EU iMessage is classified under a law from 2006 in regard as a number independent communication service.

Gatekeepers are classified under a law from the 90s.

Or is the U.S. system so chaotic that things aren’t classified untill somthing happens?
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macrumors Nehalem
Nov 30, 2013
Gotta be in it to win it
Just in EU iMessage is classified under a law from 2006 in regard as a number independent communication service.

Gatekeepers are classified under a law from the 90s.

Or is the U.S. system so chaotic that things aren’t classified untill somthing happens?
The US doesn’t nanny regulate like the EU. Dont get me wrong, it’s not perfect. By needle threading apple has become a gatekeeper in the EU.


macrumors 68040
Jun 22, 2014
The US doesn’t nanny regulate like the EU. Dont get me wrong, it’s not perfect. By needle threading apple has become a gatekeeper in the EU.
Oh gosh yes it does, just in other areas and in a different way. There is a clear 'not invented here' syndrome in the USA with litigation. The privacy laws are all over the place with every state attempting to do their thing, yet still all slightly different. And at the same time, influenced by big money lobby groups opposed to the actual taxpayers - the tax residents. And come to that, think about nanny regulation, as a US citizen just look at your wordwide income and the US implications of that. Or another, you'll have missed out on good headlights on cars for decades now. And even when last year it was approved it was a different system causing global suppliers to not be able to utilize their existing systems. But yup, big tech, citizen data is not 'nanny regulated' so you all are the product and seemingly happy about that. Nope give me nanny regulation anyday compared to giving up my private data and the choice of handling of it.
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macrumors Nehalem
Nov 30, 2013
Gotta be in it to win it
Oh gosh yes it does, just in other areas and in a different way. There is a clear 'not invented here' syndrome in the USA with litigation. The privacy laws are all over the place with every state attempting to do their thing, yet still all slightly different. And at the same time, influenced by big money lobby groups opposed to the actual taxpayers - the tax residents. And come to that, think about nanny regulation, as a US citizen just look at your wordwide income and the US implications of that. Or another, you'll have missed out on good headlights on cars for decades now. And even when last year it was approved it was a different system causing global suppliers to not be able to utilize their existing systems. But yup, big tech, citizen data is not 'nanny regulated' so you all are the product and seemingly happy about that. Nope give me nanny regulation anyday compared to giving up my private data and the choice of handling of it.
A lot of what you said falls under the not perfect comment. But it’s difficult to take on the entirety of the ills of the world in one thread in macrumors.
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