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Newb question: Once you unlock it, does a simple restore back to OS 3.0 stock firmware re-lock it? Can AT&T tell if you are using their SIM in an unlocked iPhone?
So, im thinking that i just dont get the orange network in my house, as ive tried a t-mobile sim and that works too, the only thing is, is my mum is on orange and she gets signal, or at least i assume she does, but im going out later so i'll try it then to see if i receive a signal.

as far as ultrasn0w working though its first time perfect :)
Okay just ran ultrasn0w and it works a treat

hey bro! im trying to unlock my 3g and i do have tmobile service.. you have any web data service from tmobile?? im trying to get either web2go or smartphone web data once i unlock but i heraed 3g service from tmobile dosent work on iphone 3g so i dont know if its worth it.. let me know bro
can anyone help me unlock 3.0 3g?? its jailbroken but i can't find ultrasnow anywhere =(
Does this fix the push problem on T-Mobile US that 2G phones are experiencing or does push not work for 3G phones as well?
I was able to unlock my 3.0 3G and verify that it works with T-Mobile (borrowed a T-Mob SIM from a co-worker).

BUT I could not get a 3G signal. I'm not sure if there is not service in my area (which would surprise me) or if my co-worker maybe doesn't get 3G (though she has the new BlackBerry Flip phone) or what...

I DID turn 3G off prior to unlocking, per the instructions.

Any ideas?
I was able to unlock my 3.0 3G and verify that it works with T-Mobile (borrowed a T-Mob SIM from a co-worker).

BUT I could not get a 3G signal. I'm not sure if there is not service in my area (which would surprise me) or if my co-worker maybe doesn't get 3G (though she has the new BlackBerry Flip phone) or what...

I DID turn 3G off prior to unlocking, per the instructions.

Any ideas?

T-Mobile uses different 3G Frequencies in the US. Does E for EDGE show up?
MMS Proxy
MMS Max Message Size:

Once settings are entered restart ur phone and the little camera icon should show in the Messages...let me know if this helps anyone!

MMS settings i got from a different site! it worked for me!
T-Mobile uses different 3G Frequencies in the US. Does E for EDGE show up?

Does this mean 3G signal doesn't work with T-Mobile/iPhone 3G in the US?? Someone posted a screenshot above showing T-Mobile and 3G - maybe they're in a different country...??

Yes, the E showed up for Edge and I was able to make a phone call.

^ werd, i have tmo and the instructions say to disable 3g, but can it really work?
I pwned my 3g with 3.0 and now I have no carrier, cant remember to u check activate and baseband update in pwnage.?
what OS is better to use or it doesnt matter, vista ultimate or xp pro to do the jailbreaking?
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