OK, I stand corrected. MOST other calculators don't do it that way.
Maybe not: The real-life TI-89 on my desk says: 2+2*10 = 22. Real-life TI-36X on my brother's desk says: 2+2*10 = 22.
Timmyboy, the double-tap-shift to caps-lock option isn't new to 1.1.1. It's an option in Settings -> General -> Keyboard -> Enable Caps Lock.
The automatic Shift in SMS and some Safari forms was also pre-1.1.1. When you are in certain text fields, the keyboard notices that you are at the beginning and helpfully puts on the Shift, because you're about to start typing a sentence. It doesn't do this on properly formed HTML password fields in Safari, nor should it. It seems some HTML text input types confuse the keyboard, and it sometimes doesn't turn on Shift. I noticed this, but I haven't spent any time trying to figure out what triggers the auto-shift of the keyboard.
Ryanide, the keyclick sounds are a setting in Settings -> Sounds -> Keyboard Clicks. Also pre-1.1.1.