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I still haven't tried it because i'm outside the US but check it out

Post a comment if it works!

This is absolutely, 100% a scam. Or it will get you kicked off of Sprint/Verizon.

The SIM you get from Sprint/Verizon is a SIM from a partnership with an overseas GSM carrier. The only way you could conceivably use an iphone would be if you successfully unlocked it, but even then the SIM is set to the overseas carrier. You'd essentially be paying whatever roaming fees you pay for GSM to use it. And you'd STILL be getting AT&T's 3G even if you got it to work, since Sprint and Verizon don't maintain a GSM 3G network.


Please don't hand these *******s your phone number. And anyone who does, do you mind posting what insanity they'll send you? I am curious to know what they're claiming to give you.
I think this is just the jailbreak that allows you to change the provider name in the upper right hand corner. Especially since there is no iPhone 3G unlock yet and they are claiming that it works on the iPhone 3G.

Sorry folks. This is BS.

So this e-mail or should i say you-tube video is a hoax?

PLEASE CONFIRM I have SPRINT and would love to USE the I PHONE on the SPRINT NETWORK
Thnx again for your reply
ben I did, curious how this video is supposed to work and have been searching the internet to see if this is possible? i read something about a software install that could or would make this happen?

all in all on this site (mac rumors) people are saying noway-no how correct?

this could never be possible ever correct?

Dude, did you read the thread? NO, iPhone WILL NOT WORK ON SPRINT
ben I did, curious how this video is supposed to work and have been searching the internet to see if this is possible? i read something about a software install that could or would make this happen?

all in all on this site (mac rumors) people are saying noway-no how correct?

this could never be possible ever correct?

Repeat after me, 'GSM and CDMA are 2 different technologies' The iPhone will NOT work on Verizon and Sprint, no matter what you do, there is simply no way for it to work.

Let me break this down in simpler terms. If you have a car that runs on regular petrol and you put Diesel in it, it will NOT run, because a petrol engine is not a Diesel engine and is not intended to run Diesel.

Got it. Now this thread should be closed.
ben I did, curious how this video is supposed to work and have been searching the internet to see if this is possible? i read something about a software install that could or would make this happen? all in all on this site (mac rumors) people are saying noway-no how correct?
this could never be possible ever correct?

never ever,
Think of an iPhone, okay, got it?
Now I want you to think about changing that iPhone into a sexy lady- no hooker, no blow before hand;)
Could you do it? no, you couldn't
so there you go:)
Ben amazing Analogy !
HA! SO those people trying to trick certain folks out there with special offers and software are full-of it!

Got-cha man thanks for showing a brother the way!
I phone unlocks for sprint

here is the VIDEO again reposted today it claims you can unlock the iphone for sprint with detailed instructions....are these people allowed to post this kind of misleading information?

never ever,
Think of an iPhone, okay, got it?
Now I want you to think about changing that iPhone into a sexy lady- no hooker, no blow before hand;)
Could you do it? no, you couldn't
so there you go:)
Danny were u able to make this work?

NO. Nobody was. You see those videos? Look up sprint's customer care number and store it in an iPhone as *2. Call it. OHHH MY GOD YOU'RE CALLING SPRINT *2 FROM AT&T! Now jailbreak and change your carrier icon to a Sprint icon. WHOA IT'S TOTALLY UNLOCKED!

it can't be done. Stop asking.
I don't mean to repeat what everyone has been saying about CDMA and GSM. BUT THE SERVICE DOESN"T MATTER. What matters is if the phone is a QUAD-BAND phone or a DUAL-BAND phone. Quad-band phones (like the blackberry) can work for verizon or tmobile. WAIT! DOES that mean they are both GSM or CDMA?! NO!!!!!

Verizon/Sprint= CDMA
AT&T/Tmobile= GSM
Cricket/Virgin/etc=Who cares? lol

SO, some phones can work with all four services (if unlocked). These phones are quadband, like the blackberry and blackberry pearl. The iphone is only a Dualband phone. Only works with GSM services. Some Dualband phones only work with CDMA services (like the samsung instinct. It cant be unlocked for TMobile because (I believe) it is a Dualband phone).

Hope that helped a little. Sorry if someone posted something like this already, but I didn't read the whole thread.
I don't mean to repeat what everyone has been saying about CDMA and GSM. BUT THE SERVICE DOESN"T MATTER. What matters is if the phone is a QUAD-BAND phone or a DUAL-BAND phone. Quad-band phones (like the blackberry) can work for verizon or tmobile. WAIT! DOES that mean they are both GSM or CDMA?! NO!!!!!

Verizon/Sprint= CDMA
AT&T/Tmobile= GSM
Cricket/Virgin/etc=Who cares? lol

SO, some phones can work with all four services (if unlocked). These phones are quadband, like the blackberry and blackberry pearl. The iphone is only a Dualband phone. Only works with GSM services. Some Dualband phones only work with CDMA services (like the samsung instinct. It cant be unlocked for TMobile because (I believe) it is a Dualband phone).

Hope that helped a little. Sorry if someone posted something like this already, but I didn't read the whole thread.

You're a little off actually. There are dual cdma/gsm phones, which blackberry makes for Verizon and Sprint, yes. But those are not quad-band phones. When you hear about a quad-band phone, that's a GSM phone with all 4 GSM bands included. The iPhone is a quad-band GSM phone.

Wikipedia on quad-band phones

It's confusing, but you have to remember that the blackberry "world phones" for verizon and sprint are actually dual standard phones. They utilize the CDMA standard in the United States, and the GSM standard abroad. That is not the same as being quad band.

And unlocking simply allows a phone to be used on any carrier that matches the phone's wireless standard. In the case of the iPhone, that means unlocking it will only connect it to GSM networks. There is different software and radio circuitry for CDMA phones, and no amount of unlocking is going to make a GSM phone work on a CDMA standard, and vice versa. It's like having a train and a bus going to the same destination. The train can use anyone's train tracks, but it can't drive down the road. The bus can use any road, but it can't hop on the train tracks. Does that make sense?
You're a little off actually. There are dual cdma/gsm phones, which blackberry makes for Verizon and Sprint, yes. But those are not quad-band phones. When you hear about a quad-band phone, that's a GSM phone with all 4 GSM bands included. The iPhone is a quad-band GSM phone.

Wikipedia on quad-band phones

It's confusing, but you have to remember that the blackberry "world phones" for verizon and sprint are actually dual standard phones. They utilize the CDMA standard in the United States, and the GSM standard abroad. That is not the same as being quad band.

And unlocking simply allows a phone to be used on any carrier that matches the phone's wireless standard. In the case of the iPhone, that means unlocking it will only connect it to GSM networks. There is different software and radio circuitry for CDMA phones, and no amount of unlocking is going to make a GSM phone work on a CDMA standard, and vice versa. It's like having a train and a bus going to the same destination. The train can use anyone's train tracks, but it can't drive down the road. The bus can use any road, but it can't hop on the train tracks. Does that make sense?

I'd take your advice from this guy/girl. He/she seems to know a little bit more than a 17 year old high school kid :D Thanks for the clarification.

But in my defense, I was not saying that you could unlock any phone for any service. I was saying exactly what you had said, you could unlock any phone for the service it was designed for. EXCEPT for the rare cases (blackberry) which CAN be unlocked for any service provider; well any 'main' service provider (and by that I mean tmobile, at&t, verizon, sprint (in the US anyway)). The phone itself DOES have the same frequencies or whatever set in it. I had a blackberry from verizon, went to cingular (with the bb) and now have the iphone for tmobile. CERTAIN phones can be unlocked with ease for any carrier. Most phones cannot. IDK anything about the frequency stuff though. SO don't listen to me about that. Other than 3g for tmobile is at a different frequency than 3g for cingular so even when they do unlock the iphone 3g, it wont work for tmobile. Well the 3g part wont.

It's like having a rocket car. Cars can't travel in the air/space and rockets can't travel on land. But if you have a rocket car, it can be street legal AND air/space legal. I guess for the sake of this, a better simile would be a dual purpose motorcycle (the blackberry) which you can ride off road and on the street unlike dirtbikes (iphone) which cant be street legal and a street bike (samsung instinct) dirtbiking it would screw up your motorcycle.
It works...

Coworker did it last night. I have the iphone in my hand on Sprint's network. Sprint sent him the SIM card with instructions.
Coworker did it last night. I have the iphone in my hand on Sprint's network. Sprint sent him the SIM card with instructions.

Your coworker is a liar. Sprint does not have SIM cards for their USA network. The SIM card you get from a Sprint phone is for use with overseas partners. If you somehow unlock and use your sprint SIM, you're still using AT&T's network.

Repeat after me: Sprint and Verizon do not maintain physical GSM networks. Therefore Sprint and Verizon do not have GSM-compatible SIM cards that can be used on their USA networks. Therefore anyone who tells you their iPhone is using a CDMA service is either horribly mistaken or lying. Repeat as needed.
Coworker did it last night. I have the iphone in my hand on Sprint's network. Sprint sent him the SIM card with instructions.

Good luck not getting booted for abusing roaming. CDMA will never be interchangeable with GSM.
Your coworker is a liar. Sprint does not have SIM cards for their USA network. The SIM card you get from a Sprint phone is for use with overseas partners. If you somehow unlock and use your sprint SIM, you're still using AT&T's network.

Repeat after me: Sprint and Verizon do not maintain physical GSM networks. Therefore Sprint and Verizon do not have GSM-compatible SIM cards that can be used on their USA networks. Therefore anyone who tells you their iPhone is using a CDMA service is either horribly mistaken or lying. Repeat as needed.

If you want to nit pick, saying at&t is a GSM network is a half truth. While the old technology is GSM, the 3G network is W-CDMA (Wideband Code Division Multiple band Access).

CDMA and W-CDMA are not compatible, however.
Hey guys, one of my friends has an iphone running on the Sprint network and he even has MMS on it!

j/k! :D
Thank you kas23. I appreciated that little insight of humor among all this battling! lol I with what everyone has said so far. I hate it when people say that its unlocked for verizon/sprint. Maybe they are thinking of the iphone clones? lol

But seriously, humor is great.
Thanks again kas23

Thank you kas23. I appreciated that little insight of humor among all this battling! lol I with what everyone has said so far. I hate it when people say that its unlocked for verizon/sprint. Maybe they are thinking of the iphone clones? lol

But seriously, humor is great.
Thanks again kas23


Yeah, people were getting too worked up over something that is likely next to impossible.
Thank you kas23. I appreciated that little insight of humor among all this battling! lol I with what everyone has said so far. I hate it when people say that its unlocked for verizon/sprint. Maybe they are thinking of the iphone clones? lol

But seriously, humor is great.
Thanks again kas23



Could you please contact me through my username. I have some I phone questions for you.

Yeah, people were getting too worked up over something that is likely next to impossible.

Oh, it's cake, really.

Find some CDMA phone internals.
Hook that up with a NAND flash chip for storage.
Hook them into a battery.
Rewrite the iPhone OS to accept CDMA signals.
Shove it all into an iPhone case.
Make a little cover for the SIM slot; you don't need it anymore.


I ams witching to sprint and can tell you I have tried everything to get a nextel/sprint sim to work and it simply won't. Nextel/sprint gsm works on IDEN and simply reads NO SERVICE when you insert it into a jailbroken iphone. The kid on youtube is trying to sell something. When he calls *2 he is using a contact not a number, thee contact is routed to a sprint number which calls sprint customer care. All you see is the contact name not the actual number dialed.

The sprint career is in all caps and is a product of MAKEIT MINE which is an app from the modmyiphone repository which will basically allow you to rename your phone career what ever you want.

The kid on youtube claims you dont need a jailbroken iphone, which is BS the locks on the iphone are so difficult to break the dev team just now released their software unlock for it. Also notice the theme the kid is running on his iphone which clearly is a product of summerboard an iphone theme program for jailbroken phones.

All the best!
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