CDMA will never be interchangeable with GSM.
And that by itself has stung a few people: Australia recently moved away from CDMA, and some people have suddenly found that their NZ CDMA phones no longer work over there!
CDMA will never be interchangeable with GSM.
Nope...All you need for this to work is:
- a Sprint SIM card (for international use)
- a jailbroke iphone
- be in some other country
Seems pretty simple to me. Also seems very expensive being charged those international roaming rates (You won't be on a Sprint network but you'll be paying Sprint to use some other network).
Those of you in the US living EXTREMELY close to the Canadian border, can you receive GSM signals from Canada? If so, then technically someone could be using an iPhone in the US and pay via their Sprint bill...a likely very very large bill.
I ams witching to sprint and can tell you I have tried everything to get a nextel/sprint sim to work and it simply won't. Nextel/sprint gsm works on IDEN and simply reads NO SERVICE when you insert it into a jailbroken iphone. The kid on youtube is trying to sell something. When he calls *2 he is using a contact not a number, thee contact is routed to a sprint number which calls sprint customer care. All you see is the contact name not the actual number dialed.
The sprint career is in all caps and is a product of MAKEIT MINE which is an app from the modmyiphone repository which will basically allow you to rename your phone career what ever you want.
The kid on youtube claims you dont need a jailbroken iphone, which is BS the locks on the iphone are so difficult to break the dev team just now released their software unlock for it. Also notice the theme the kid is running on his iphone which clearly is a product of summerboard an iphone theme program for jailbroken phones.
All the best!
Ummmm, I'm sorry to bust you guys bubble but yes it is possible to jail break an iphone for the sprint network whether you're international or not. There are plenty of instructions showing you exactly how to do it on youtube and plenty of other people on the net in other forums that has done it successfully. But here's the trick, they are not using a GSM network, they are unlocking it some other way. Just do a youtube search for unlocking iphone for sprint and even verizon. You will see
Ummmm, I'm sorry to bust you guys bubble but yes it is possible to jail break an iphone for the sprint network whether you're international or not. There are plenty of instructions showing you exactly how to do it on youtube and plenty of other people on the net in other forums that has done it successfully. But here's the trick, they are not using a GSM network, they are unlocking it some other way. Just do a youtube search for unlocking iphone for sprint and even verizon. You will see
I tried to PM you, but you seem to have disabled that.
At any rate, if you would be so kind as to send me the instructions for getting an iPhone to work on Sprint's service I'd like to give it a shot.