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All you need for this to work is:
  1. a Sprint SIM card (for international use)
  2. a jailbroke iphone
  3. be in some other country

Seems pretty simple to me. Also seems very expensive being charged those international roaming rates (You won't be on a Sprint network but you'll be paying Sprint to use some other network).

Those of you in the US living EXTREMELY close to the Canadian border, can you receive GSM signals from Canada? If so, then technically someone could be using an iPhone in the US and pay via their Sprint bill...a likely very very large bill.
All you need for this to work is:
  1. a Sprint SIM card (for international use)
  2. a jailbroke iphone
  3. be in some other country

Seems pretty simple to me. Also seems very expensive being charged those international roaming rates (You won't be on a Sprint network but you'll be paying Sprint to use some other network).

Those of you in the US living EXTREMELY close to the Canadian border, can you receive GSM signals from Canada? If so, then technically someone could be using an iPhone in the US and pay via their Sprint bill...a likely very very large bill.
I ams witching to sprint and can tell you I have tried everything to get a nextel/sprint sim to work and it simply won't. Nextel/sprint gsm works on IDEN and simply reads NO SERVICE when you insert it into a jailbroken iphone. The kid on youtube is trying to sell something. When he calls *2 he is using a contact not a number, thee contact is routed to a sprint number which calls sprint customer care. All you see is the contact name not the actual number dialed.

The sprint career is in all caps and is a product of MAKEIT MINE which is an app from the modmyiphone repository which will basically allow you to rename your phone career what ever you want.

The kid on youtube claims you dont need a jailbroken iphone, which is BS the locks on the iphone are so difficult to break the dev team just now released their software unlock for it. Also notice the theme the kid is running on his iphone which clearly is a product of summerboard an iphone theme program for jailbroken phones.

All the best!

Have you tried it in a different country?
Ummmm, I'm sorry to bust you guys bubble but yes it is possible to jail break an iphone for the sprint network whether you're international or not. There are plenty of instructions showing you exactly how to do it on youtube and plenty of other people on the net in other forums that has done it successfully. But here's the trick, they are not using a GSM network, they are unlocking it some other way. Just do a youtube search for unlocking iphone for sprint and even verizon. You will see
Ummmm, I'm sorry to bust you guys bubble but yes it is possible to jail break an iphone for the sprint network whether you're international or not. There are plenty of instructions showing you exactly how to do it on youtube and plenty of other people on the net in other forums that has done it successfully. But here's the trick, they are not using a GSM network, they are unlocking it some other way. Just do a youtube search for unlocking iphone for sprint and even verizon. You will see

Because no one lies on YouTube. The iPhone can only use GSM signals.

It's fake. It's impossible. If you can't accept this, I have a 15" unibody MacBook Pro to sell you. Only $1,300.

Also, jailbreaking is not unlocking, so I have no idea what you're talking about.
Ummmm, I'm sorry to bust you guys bubble but yes it is possible to jail break an iphone for the sprint network whether you're international or not. There are plenty of instructions showing you exactly how to do it on youtube and plenty of other people on the net in other forums that has done it successfully. But here's the trick, they are not using a GSM network, they are unlocking it some other way. Just do a youtube search for unlocking iphone for sprint and even verizon. You will see

Please stop spreading misinformation. Sprint and AT&T device are not compatible. Think of WiFi. No matter HOW hard you try, you won't get an 802.11a card to work on an 802.11g network. One is 5.0GHz, the other is 2.4GHz. CDMA is a different wireless transmission technology all together than GSM. Sheesh.
If you actually have it, probability theory and human nature say that you will be bragging about it and showing people proof if you actually have it. You aren't, and you don't, therefore you won't.

Unfortunately, the logo can be replaced with any text, so I could make my iPhone run on the Scrooge McDuck network if I wanted to.

Or SkyNet.

Unfortunately again, is that the physical hardware inside the iPhone... you know, the stuff that lets you make calls... won't let you make calls on Sprint's CDMA network, as the iPhone hardware is GSM hardware.

Oh, and on top of that, you would have had to rewrite around 20% of the iPhone's OS to use new hardware, gotten new hardware, built an entirely new phone, installed the modified software onto it, and shoved it into some other case.

You didn't do it. It can't be done. Don't even think you can beat us. :cool:

I'll bet you paid for it too, you know? That one site that is hocking logo name changes as "carrier unlocks" for ten dollars or something is in a lot of YouTube links. You paid for it and are sore that you were scammed and are trying to turn it on us.

Simple proof: Show us the "About" window under Settings with "Sprint" as the carrier.
Okay. I have a Gainestown Mac Pro. Sure, the chips aren't out, and sure the computer hasn't even been built yet, but I have one.

No, I won't show you any pictures of it, easily proving myself right, I will just lord over you guys with the knowledge that I have one and claim my side to be right.

That's what you're saying.

Fortunately, again, you know nothing about what you are talking about, refuse to prove that you have it, and don't have it.

You created an account to post your lie, now either back it up so that we can laugh at you when we prove you wrong anyway, or just get off of this website, please.

Anyone who wants to know the truth, or according to him, our "theory", can read these two articles:


Just replace all instances of "Verizon" with "Sprint".

Oh, and from Sprint themselves:

So either prove all of these links wrong, including your own company, or don't pretend you know any more than us about cell phones.

'Kay? 'Kay.:cool:

I'm sorry for proving you wrong using your own company against you.

I tried to PM you, but you seem to have disabled that.

At any rate, if you would be so kind as to send me the instructions for getting an iPhone to work on Sprint's service I'd like to give it a shot.


I tried to PM you, but you seem to have disabled that.

At any rate, if you would be so kind as to send me the instructions for getting an iPhone to work on Sprint's service I'd like to give it a shot.


There are no instructions. The only way to get an iPhone to work on Sprint would be to completely reverse engineer every single piece of hardware on the iPhone to figure out how to replace the GSM radio with a CDMA radio, then you'd have to get your hands on the iPhone OS source code to rewrite a large chunk of the OS to work with the CDMA radio. Good luck with that.
The iPhone will never work with Sprint, or Verizon for that matter.
Prescious: You created an account yesterday, and you say that we are inexperienced? How you can even say that is beyond me. You have no proof that the iPhone does work with Sprint, but yet you argue with everybody claiming that yours does.
I was having a bad day. But then, since I subscribed to this thread, I got that automatic email notification. I read all the new stuff and I'm not having a bad day because this made my day!!

You guys are hilarious, all of you except those who think the iphone can work for sprint/verizon. They=dumb, you guys=awesome/hilarious.

Thank you for making my day!
This just in!

I was just on Youtube watching some of the fake iPhone-Verizon videos and I came across this one, looking at the comments of the video, there is a YouTube user by the name of "Prescious3" who is claiming that this can be done and using the same words and phrases as he was in this very thread.
Could this be the same "Prescious" as on MacRumors?
I think so.
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