Hello guys !
I bought a Crucial P1 1To to install in a Macbook pro 2014 (A1398). Everything has worked fine but I have a problem with hibernation.. It's very important for me because I'm used to travel with it and let it sleep for hours.
I have readen many pages in this thread but I'm a bit lost...
I bought a CH341A programmer, I tested it on a old motherboard with success. But I would like to know what should I do precisely on my macbook motherboard ? Can someone just explain in few steps please ?
I know I have to read and backup the bootrom, then ?
Thank you a lot !
I just did mine. you need 2 computers (both mac's is easiest!)
I have a mid 2014.
Unplug the battery.
Unplug power.
Connect your SOIC 8 pin clip to the chip MX25L6406E (to the right of the battery connector)
Pin 1 goes to the dot.
plug the other end into your CH341 adaptor
note that pin 1 goes the other way in the CH341a adaptor.
(see the red pin in the middle, as its a 25xx chip)
use flashrom and dump the rom.
use homebrew (brew.sh) and
brew install flashrom ..
may need to fiddle with the soic adaptor positioning.
My chip was a MX25L6406E, so i dumped repeatedly for safety
flashrom -p ch341a_spi -r rom.bin -c "MX25L6406E/MX25L6408E"
flashrom -p ch341a_spi -r rom1.bin -c "MX25L6406E/MX25L6408E"
flashrom -p ch341a_spi -r rom2.bin -c "MX25L6406E/MX25L6408E"
suggest read / dump 2-3 times, then diff between the dumps so you can confirm a good dump.
diff rom.bin rom1.bin
diff rom2.bin rom.bin
or md5 *.bin
should be identical, if not, then DON'T PROCEED, check cabling and retry till you have good dumps..
Next get the uefitool from here -
You'll need to use the non Axx version, eg 0.26.0 (currently), as that allows writing.
Grab the 2015 efi from here -
( MBP114_0183_B00.fd )
use UEFItool and open the fd version, and open a new window and open your dump
in the fd file, search for guid 5111 (APPLE F to search), select it in the search results to open the guid
then right click the guid and export to ffs file.
in the dump search for guid 5111 (apple f to search), select it in the search to open the guid
right click the guid and import the ffs file.
save your rom as modified.rom
reflash with flashrom.
eg flashrom -p ch341a_spi -w modified.rom -c "MX25L6406E/MX25L6408E"
unplug, and test.
If you go wrong, you can always revert the saved rom file and try again.
The instructions at the beginning have more details.
Good luck!