Well damn. Today was my turn for a never ending series of failures trying to get my pre-order through. I guess I am paying for the last 3 years of everything working fine and getting the iPhone delivered on launch date. Today, I was in the store on my iPhone with my "ready to go" pre-order 1 minute past 5AM and spent the next 45 minutes being tortured that my Apple Card data was incorrect, the one or two times it made it past that the Citizen's one loan was denied and they will be sending me a letter even though the pre-order was supposed to take care of all that.
I had appointments to attend to and did not get back to try again for about 2 hours, same crap, your Apple Card info is wrong. I changed the MOP to a different card, still your credit card information is wrong. Finally called GS Apple and they said, as I knew, nothing wrong with my Apple card just too many people crashed the auth system. By this time 6 or 7 hours after I first started the ship date was now October 18TH!!!!FML. Tried a few more times with the pain of cutting and pasting my Apple card information, CVV, expiry date and all that still no go. Finally at 12:08 it went right through, shipping 18-25Oct. 7 hours to get it ordered to be shipped in about a month. Not happy with you Apple.
On the other hand I have my pretty new nice smelling leather Apple Pro Max case sitting on my desk as it arrived today...