I'll get a hold of my lady's MBA to test and let you know the outcome.
Sounds like a plan, good luck.
I'll get a hold of my lady's MBA to test and let you know the outcome.
Given what you've said it looks likely that something is limiting the MyBook to USB 2 speeds. Any idea what that might be?
Yes, I am sure. And yes, it is Asmedia 1142 chipset, the only USB 3.1 chipset for now in the market.Mountain Lion support, are you sure? Is the chipset Asmedia ASM1142? Others are reporting no support except 10.10.3 and newer.
I've had mine for about a week now (installed in 3,1). Haven't really put it through it's paces yet, though I'm fairly certain that it is more than I need in this particular cMP.New Sonnet USB 3.0 card launched. Now with dedicated controller for each port and UASP support.
Allegro Pro USB 3.0 PCIe
Well that is why I bought the card because i thought it was designed to work with the pro.
There are a few threads on the Inateck forums with the same info that the card won't work. Im not disputing that yours doesn't work, I can only go with the fact mine doesn't.
I bought the card from amazon looks just like this
Im at work atm so will have to have a look at the revision when I get back.
I have a 5,1 2010 Mac Pro upgraded with a hex 3.46ghz 48gb ram.
When you upgraded to yosemite was it a clean install or an upgrade from mavericks? Ive just got the machine so its a fresh install of yosemite. Wonder if the drivers transfer? I have a drive with Mavericks so I will give that a go later too.
I also have a 2008 oct 2.8 so il give it a go in that too.
Like I said the card is showing but doesn't recognise any devices, just frustrating.
Mountain Lion support, are you sure? Is the chipset Asmedia ASM1142? Others are reporting no support except 10.10.3 and newer.
Yes, I am sure. And yes, it is Asmedia 1142 chipset, the only USB 3.1 chipset for now in the market.
Thoughts, suggestions, etc?
I'm drawn towards the Inateck 4004 since no power cables is always a good thing (especially since I would have to draw off the DVD bay(s), and that means making some custom cables to keep things clean...), but it's a single controller for all 4 ports... if running 2 or 3 devices I'm thinking that might bottleneck a bit (all speculative of course, but it needs USB 3 for a reason...).
Final question: Are there any known hardware incompatibility issues between cards and specific mac pro models (i.e. 1,1 vs. 5,1) or are all the compatibility issues just drivers or device quirks (which are pretty common in windows too... what is up with 3.0 being so wonky?)
Ah thanks, I completely forgot about the lane stuff. I think the 1,1 is only PCIe 1.0 as well. Not a huge deal, just want to know about viability of swapping the USB card into the old system if required at some point (for some external driver work or whatever).
Once again the "Edit" button has disappeared on the first post, so I am no longer able to update the first post thread summary unless it magically reappears again (as it has once before).
If anyone knows what makes that go away and come back, I'd love to know.
I just reported the issue, and requested that be corrected. Hopefully soon...
Although .... it appears everyone here can edit it as well ... I see the "EDIT" button as well on the first post of this thread.They just fixed it now by converting it to a wiki post.
Although .... it appears everyone here can edit it as well ... I see the "EDIT" button as well on the first post of this thread.
They just fixed it now by converting it to a wiki post.
A while back when you asked me to take over that post, I inquired about it. The moderator told me he wouldn't mind but it could only work if converted to a wiki. I declined because I personally felt that the content should be handled by one or two people only. Now it seems this is the only way. I don't think it's ideal, but we'll see what happens next.
Although .... it appears everyone here can edit it as well ... I see the "EDIT" button as well on the first post of this thread.
It looks like I can toggle the wiki status. So if there are problems with abusive editing I'll just toggle Wiki status off and then only toggle it on when I make updates myself.
CRJackson, please feel free to make any corrections, additions, or any other kind of improvements any time.
If I install a HighPoint RocketU 1144C USB 3.0 card into my 2008 Mac Pro and use a PCIe 1.1 4x slot, will the aggregate 10 Gb/s bandwidth limit each of the four USB ports to 2.5 Gb/s or will the card support up to 2 ports at the full 5 Gb/s each simultaneously?
Both PCIe 2.0 slots are already in use, otherwise this would not be an issue.
Given HighPoint advertises support for PCIe 1.0, I would expect each port would receive at a minimum 2.5 Gb/s of bandwidth.I don't have access to an older MP for testing. It should still allow all ports to work 1/2 speed, but I have no way of confirming this, it's just my personal opinion.
My question is what happens if I have a single USB 3.0 device plugged into this card. Since the aggregate PCIe 1.1 4x bandwidth is 10 Gb/s, will that port have access to the full 5 Gb/s rate? If so, I would expect up to 2 ports could be active simultaneously with each receiving up to 5 Gb/s, and the card only throttling with 3 or 4 ports active if the aggregate bandwidth demand across all ports exceeded 10 Gb/s.