LOL fortunately no, but I did buy a Thunderbolt 4 cable specifically to migrate my old iMac to my new one because I only had very slow little cables sitting around. I usually have used Migration Assistant through a Time Machine backup, but this time I decided to go direct from computer to computer.I hope it didn’t take you 26 hours and a failed migration to figure it out. Why do I say that? Oh, no reason. No reason at all. 😫
No shame to anyone reading this thread and didn’t know all of this. A lot of us explaining didn’t know it either until we made a mistake that forced us to understand.
Oddly the first time it tried to migrate over wifi even though the cable was attached. I had to stop that mess from happening (which probably would've taken ages for 750 GB of data) and re-initiate the process through Thunderbolt. Once I did that, it flew through it brilliantly.
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