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So, let me get this straight. Somebody sat there and approved iFart and the 100 other iFart "like" applications, but decided to turn down an application that actually made sense?

This is why I have no desire to spend time on an iPhone app that could ultimately get rejected.

Is this app available for jailbroken phones / touches?
So, let me get this straight. Somebody sat there and approved iFart and the 100 other iFart "like" applications, but decided to turn down an application that actually made sense?

This is why I have no desire to spend time on an iPhone app that could ultimately get rejected.

Is this app available for jailbroken phones / touches?

Just another reason why this whole App Store has been an utter and complete let-down and failure on Apple's part. We have loads of fart apps, apps that let you make boobs in a pic jiggle, and so on available to us in the App Store. When Apple first informed us of the App Store and what it would do for us, my imagination ran wild on what the world's most sophisticated and elite phone would allow us to do, and all of those anticipations have been crushed. I really had high hopes that an elite name and company such as Apple would not lower their standards to allow such apps into the App Store and keep out useful qualtiy apps such as this one from entering the App Store. Oh well there is always the Slacker Radio App for now!!!!
How can applications like iHeart and Pandora be granted access and something like this be rejected?
What a disappointment. I was REALLY looking forward to this application. It saddens me that Apple would reject this app, yet approve other useless applications that cost money.

Is the App store the only way they can distribute this application? Presumably, they were able to distrubute the app to beta testers through some method, why not use that method to turn a profit on the app and circumvent the app store?

I'm not all that familiar with the development process for iPhone apps, so my question might be a dumb one.
I never stream SiriusXM on my PC - I only listen in my car. If I had the iPhone app now, I would certainly take advantage of the deal before the March 10(?) deadline. With the app in limbo I won't bother. Then, a few weeks later Apple will approve the app and I'll be forced to pay the extra $2.99 a month. Its a conspiracy.
The only acceptable answer I can think I will accept is:
"Sirius is upgrading servers and bandwidth to accommodate all the extra internet traffic to it's servers with the 128kb feed and iPhone users."

If this is it, just come out and say it.
The only acceptable answer I can think I will accept is:
"Sirius is upgrading servers and bandwidth to accommodate all the extra internet traffic to it's servers with the 128kb feed and iPhone users."

If this is it, just come out and say it.

Sorry, did you pull that quote from somewhere or is it your own speculation?
I think it may have one of two reasons...
One, because only a 128kb stream will be available there may have been bandwidth issues.
Two, as I've said before, I seriously doubt SiriusXM would have allowed a third party who has no afiliation with the company to make a profit off of their subscriptions. I don't see how the developers thought they could get away with this.
I would not be surprised to see SiriusXM bring out an app of their own and get approved no problem.
I think it may have one of two reasons...
One, because only a 128kb stream will be available there may have been bandwidth issues.
Two, as I've said before, I seriously doubt SiriusXM would have allowed a third party who has no afiliation with the company to make a profit off of their subscriptions. I don't see how the developers thought they could get away with this.
I would not be surprised to see SiriusXM bring out an app of their own and get approved no problem.

I take it at face value - the developers have said numerous times that they were working through Sirius on this to make sure there weren't any issues.
I think it may have one of two reasons...

Two, as I've said before, I seriously doubt SiriusXM would have allowed a third party who has no afiliation with the company to make a profit off of their subscriptions. I don't see how the developers thought they could get away with this.
I would not be surprised to see SiriusXM bring out an app of their own and get approved no problem.

I 100% agree with this comment. Siriusxm would never let another company make money on them, especially when they are doing so poorly. I do hope the usirius starplayr guys wise up and approach Siriusxm soon before they miss opportunity to sell their product.
I 100% agree with this comment. Siriusxm would never let another company make money on them, especially when they are doing so poorly. I do hope the usirius starplayr guys wise up and approach Siriusxm soon before they miss opportunity to sell their product.

you guys saying that sirius/xm wouldn't allow this app to be sold and make a profit for another company are forgetting one thing: they already DO allow this app to be sold. for windows mobile at a price of $13. why would they let the company (nicemac, i guess?) to sell it for win mo, but NOT apple?
you guys saying that sirius/xm wouldn't allow this app to be sold and make a profit for another company are forgetting one thing: they already DO allow this app to be sold. for windows mobile at a price of $13. why would they let the company (nicemac, i guess?) to sell it for win mo, but NOT apple?

... because then we'd have nothing to complain about? haha I dunno, I think everyone is just anxious and is looking for any reason to explain it. Personally, this is the first app that I feel I 'need'. I've wanted other ones but had no problem waiting. Recently my work blocked sirius online and even more recently my Stiletto broke so unless I'm at home on my laptop I am without Sirius... of course I say 'need' in a relative way.
... because then we'd have nothing to complain about? haha I dunno, I think everyone is just anxious and is looking for any reason to explain it. Personally, this is the first app that I feel I 'need'. I've wanted other ones but had no problem waiting. Recently my work blocked sirius online and even more recently my Stiletto broke so unless I'm at home on my laptop I am without Sirius... of course I say 'need' in a relative way.

oh, don't get me wrong... i want the app as much as everyone else. i just don't agree with all the conspiracy theory being thrown about here. lol. not that i know or would even hazard a guess as to why apple rejected it. but i doubt that apple and sirius are in cahoots either.
oh, don't get me wrong... i want the app as much as everyone else. i just don't agree with all the conspiracy theory being thrown about here. lol. not that i know or would even hazard a guess as to why apple rejected it. but i doubt that apple and sirius are in cahoots either.

Yeah me too. Some of the reasons mentioned here could pass as legit but others are a little too 'tin-foil-hat' type ideas.
IT ALL GAY GAY GAY......I WANA LISTEN TO MY NFL RADIO.....WAAAA WAAA WAAAA... give me the app apple or i will......i will...i will do nothing....

(as aidricksdad walks away crying, a small boy in asia finally smiles when he hears of an app called ipoor for apple's iphone that simulates the effect of being rich, infact, so true to life that the small boy quits his job at the chicken leg factory to travel the world and cure disease. one day he will rule to world, in glorious fashion all from the 3.5" screen of the G.P.O.A.T.)
These guys just need to release the app on Cydia and IF by some miracle it ever does get approved by Apple there are still MILLIONS of people out there without a Jailbroken iPhone that will buy it. This wait has been insanely long for nothing. Release the app already! If it works right and becomes popular and SiriusXM sees that this could be a way to get another million subscribers just listening on the iPhone than you better believe they will lean on Apple to approve it cause they OBVIOUSLY need the money badly.
Wirelessly posted (BlackBerry9530/ Profile/MIDP-2.0 Configuration/CLDC-1.1 VendorID/105)

In the words of the great Jim Norton. " a boooo "
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