this sounds like a faulty phone to me. This is 1st issue I heard of problems op having. I suggest you do a exchange and if same thing still in the 14 day period to return.
Perhaps you’d like to buy the OP’s phonePlease don't return your phone... You will regret it because there are people who are dying to get the remaining iPhone 15 Pro Max inventory right now! I myself would die for any 15 Pro Max 256GB model since I am in Japan and the inventory is scarce here.
Won't happen.[...] I am also glad that the local launch of my iPhone 15 Pro Max is next month so by then all the bugs experienced by this month's users would be squashed.
You're such a generalist.Won't happen.
Apple never ever fixes all of the bugs - not until next month, not until next year. Even not until next major release: At the very end of the software life cycle (currently represented by iOS 16.7), there is still a huge amount of OS-related daily annoyances.
But that's just how software development works - in reality, there is no such thing as a bug-free release. Apple makes no exception here, other important platforms like Windows, Android etc. just do the same. The only difference is the number and severity of the bugs present - and the average time to fix.
I updated to 17.0.2 before activating my 15PM, set up as new, and downloaded my apps one by one, and I’m still having massive battery drain. I love my 15PM, but I definitely have to carry my Anker portable charger with me to top up before I get home from work.OP: when you set up the new iPhone, did you use Quick Start, do a transfer, or use a backup?
Try this, seriously. Wipe the iPhone 15 Pro Max. Wipe the iPhone and do a clean install of the latest iOS, plugging into your Mac to do it, if you can. Then install your apps, one by one. Then upload your data from iCloud. Don't use anything else other than clean installs of the latest apps, and import data via iCloud, Dropbox, Drive, or whatever else you use.
Do it. Then report back and see if that fixed the issues. There are multiple reports that a clean iOS install is fixing battery issues, heating issues, and software issues.
I think it's worth a shot. If nothing else, you can provide us with some additional data, and inform us whether this resulted in major improvements, or none at all.
Thank you for the beautiful compliment.You're such a generalist.
Yet iOS 17 is all the 15 Pro runs. There are no guarantees as to if and when these specific problems are fixed. Try and return any iPhone due to an unresolved iOS bug months down the line and let us know how that goes.To me, 3 out of 4 of these seem more iOS 17 bugs rather than iPhone 15 Pro related problems.
God forbid users post about their user issues in a user forum.This is your issue. User issues. Not widespread at all. Get a new phone.
Stores keep a stock in all color and size configurations just for these situations. They did it with my hot 7 and that’s what the Apple rep told me. At the time, the 7 was in great demand as it had just releasedHow would Apple give out a replacement, if they are unable to instantly ship iPhone replacements that are lost during transit right now?
I actually really love my new iPhone 15 Pro Max - the new photo capabilities and lighter design have me won over...I really want to keep it and use it as my actual phone. After a week of use though I think the software, from my experience, is a buggy mess which has spoiled the user experience.
I purchased the highest storage 1TB Pro Max - I take a lot of family photos so need the space. The new features in the Photos app are very valuable - I'm able to get 'live' pics with a portrait effect, marvellous!
Unfortunately I've been plagued by the following bugs:
- Half the time I actually can't share photos, they get stuck forever at the 'preparing' dialog.
- The 'preparing' photos bug also applies when I try to take them into a third party app to edit.
- When I'm editing in the Photos app, it gets very slow and hot. Like it will take 15 seconds for the crop tool to appear after I tap it, that kind of thing. The Photos app seems littered with 'edge case' bugs.
- The phone randomly gets warm which can make it drop maybe 8% battery for no reason, it's terrible.
What really highlights these bugs to me is the fact that I still have my iPhone 14 Pro Max set up and it performs all the tasks I try on the new phone without any hesitation or heat.
It basically feels like in switching to the 1TB 15 Pro Max from the previous one I'm paying €2000 for a buggy, unreliable downgrade - not a smart move really.
I do think that this is all software related and will likely get sorted out by January or so but why use a buggy phone for a few months in the interim? The random heat will have a knock-on effect on the battery, I don't want that.
I honestly think I'll re-purchase the iPhone 15 Pro Max maybe in February or so when it's got the software issues fixed - I love the phone. I think Apple need to rethink how they release new phones, the software needs to be more solid. The bugs I'm seeing are show-stoppers to me. I get a new iPhone every year and have never sent one back - this is an unhappy first.
Good hardware is only half the story, Apple needs less buggy software to support it. The iPhone 15 Pro Max feels like buying a new Porsche 911 which won't go into reverse. It's almost great...but the bug is a showstopper, so annoying really.
EDIT: I've also actually even installed the new beta of iOS 17.1 - it solves none of my problems. I've submitted bug reports to Apple.
EDIT 2: I’ve tried wiping the phone and setting it up fresh, not from an iCloud backup - to see if the backup was corrupted. This didn’t fix the issue.
Originally I used an iCloud backup.
Wait a few months later and decide again. Maybe you won’t even feel the need/want to buy the phone again.I think I will re-buy the phone. Just in maybe 4 or 5 months, when the software issues are well ironed out. It’s a great phone, just not necessarily ready for release currently I think.
This is why we get second batch phones around Black Friday when all the Christmas deals come out. Never had an issue with the second batch phones that almost always come with .1 installed. And for what it's worth, I'm running 17.0.2 on my 11PM just fine and probably going to update my oldest's 8+ this evening just for lols.I think I will re-buy the phone. Just in maybe 4 or 5 months, when the software issues are well ironed out. It’s a great phone, just not necessarily ready for release currently I think.
This is why we get second batch phones around Black Friday when all the Christmas deals come out. Never had an issue with the second batch phones that almost always come with .1 installed. And for what it's worth, I'm running 17.0.2 on my 11PM just fine and probably going to update my oldest's 8+ this evening just for lols.
Does the 8+ get iOS 17? I always forget where they draw "the line" on new iOS updates.This is why we get second batch phones around Black Friday when all the Christmas deals come out. Never had an issue with the second batch phones that almost always come with .1 installed. And for what it's worth, I'm running 17.0.2 on my 11PM just fine and probably going to update my oldest's 8+ this evening just for lols.
How can I upload the data via iCloud? I haven't seen this option. The only option I have seen is to restore from iCloud backup or from the MAC backup, which restores everything from the backup, such as settings, data, etc. Thanks.Wipe the iPhone and do a clean install of the latest iOS, plugging into your Mac to do it, if you can. Then install your apps, one by one. Then upload your data from iCloud. Don't use anything else other than clean installs of the latest apps, and import data via iCloud, Dropbox, Drive, or whatever else you use.