well almost perfect, ive lost refit boot. my mac pro use to brring up the screen on startup and list all the HD's i have, giving me the option to pick which one i wanted to startup on. thats gone now.
it didnt do it until i installed the new video card.
If you can't see the boot manager when booting with Option key, you've bought an unflashed or badly flashed PC card.
i think the problem is that the screen is staying black to long before the apple grey screen comes up. so im not seeing the refit screen and its automatically booting into the last HD i was on.
the drive i use the most is in in bay 3. so your saying that if i install it in bay 1 it will boot faster.
its the flashed video card. even though i get the apple boot screen i still get a black screen for the first 30+ seconds.
its the fact that im connected to my apple monitor thought DVi. connecting to my samsung hdtv though the VGA it boots fast, real fast. why this card is setup to work properly only though VGA i dont know.