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macrumors 68000
Original poster
Mar 8, 2007
Blue Dot, Red State
The release of Leopard has has raised my awareness of how many others, like me, still rely on G4's as our primary systems.

I thought it might be fun for people to post their vintage Macs in action. I'll start with my G4's that I use every day at work.

The 500 MHz TiBook is mine, but I'm letting a lab-mate use it. It's running Leopard great.

The Quicksilver is a 733 still running Tiger, but I'm trying to get the owner to let me upgrade it for her.

Opposite the Quicksilver is my workhorse, a dual 867 MDD, with 2 gigs of RAM.

Excuse the mess, like I said, these are real-world action shots of these "vintage" beasts.

More to come from my home setup.


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Oooh, I'll have to take a photo tomorrow of my school's computer lab. Five Power Mac G3s(B&W) and a bunch of G3 iMacs of varying ages.
Well I don't think mine is VINTAGE, but I have a 14inch, 1.07 GHz iBook PowerPC G4, with 256mb of Memory, and a 30gb HD running 10.4.10. This is my first Mac, and I'm hooked. I bought it a couple years ago off a friend. I can't believe it falls, according to you FJ218700, as vintage, but really it has been out dated for awhile. I have no real trouble with the 1GHz or 256mb of memory for what I do right now, but I can't wait till I purchase my FIRST BRAND NEW MAC. I'm going to get a 20" iMAC, and I can't wait either.
Here is mine well it's all of my computers but you can see the G3s The plans for one of them is to be turned into a Server and the other one I have overclocked to 400mhz from 350 and am using it as a desktop.

now for the home setup

The widescreen LCD on the left is powered by a dual 1.3 GHz Sawtooth (10.5). The LCD the far right is powered by a 350 MHz B&W (10.4.10) and is used only for watching movies. The 3400c and the i"Book" work great but are not currently "in action". Not shown is my PB 1.67 on the living room coffee table.

BTW, the TV is a 1985 Sony. Between the TV and the G3's LCD is a "docking station" where my PB sits to share internet with the G3 when needed and to back up with Time Machine to one of the externals.


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I was an early (and lonely) adopter, even had a minidisc head-unit in my car for a while. For a while I had my BetaMax player under it.

Dang, you've been technologically unlucky. You should go out and purchase a high definition DVD player, that way we'll know the opposite of whichever one you choose will become the industry standard!:p
Good stuff guys!

I'll have to get around to posting some of my older stuff. I still use my 466MHz G4, and if only my 400MHz TiBook's screen wasn't dead....

I like older Macs. Until last month, my 17" iMac was my fastest computer. :eek:
Well as of now I dont have a camera but Ill tell ya what I got!
My Main computer is unfortuanatly a PC, untill I buy my self a new Mac Mini, but as for for "Vintage" This is what im working with:

iBook G3, for basic computing and web surfing.
Powerbook 170, I got this from my unkle who started his buisness like 18 years ago on all mac systems. I was lucky enough to be donated this beast along with a:
Mac Classic, and
Mac SE.


The hard drive is a NewerTech Guardian Maximum (2 500GB drives in a RAID1 array) and the mouse is the new Logitech V470 bluetooth notebook mouse (awesome mouse btw). I'd hardly call something that does Bluetooth and FireWire 800 vintage, but it's a G4 so I guess it belongs here :D
Pics later, But I've got an original Bondi Blue iMac G3 (Just for looks, man they're beautiful), a white iBook G3 (as web surfer for when I'm away from home) a Macintosh Classic (Just cuz I had $30 to blow) and an Apple IIc (Saw one in my school, HAD to have one)
I thought it might be fun for people to post their vintage Macs. I'll start with my G4's...

The Quicksilver is a 733 still running Tiger...

...a dual 867 MDD, with 2 gigs of RAM.

...action shots of these "vintage" beasts.

Wow, did you honestly just say Power Mac G4's are VINTAGE? :eek: Quicksilvers? That's wrong.

Oh no, I'm outta here... :mad:

I don't have a picture right now, but my main machine is a 12" powerbook, I also have a 350Mhz B&W G3, and a 500Mhz Blue iMac G3. and also a wallstreet powerbook with a broken screen, that Iam going to fix someday.
My main unit at the moment is an 867MHz Titanium PowerBook, with an iBook G3 700MHz being used as the family web surfer.

My former main unit was a Dual 500MHz Gigabit Ethernet PMG4, but I have since listed the beast on craigslist to consolidate my computing down to one unit. The PowerBook was seeing much more usage and despite it's speed it was just sitting idly most of the time.

I'd be a lot more content if my PowerBook's combo drive would function, but I suppose I can go without burning a CD for a while...Stupid thing only reads DVD movies.
Well, these are old pictures, but pictures nonetheless.

iMac G3

iBook G3

Macintosh Classic (Was going to sell it, hence the odd spot it is in.)

Apple IIc (In storage at the moment)
I like that microscope set... now that looks like it's vintage, like my microscope set I got in 5th grade from my aunt for the holidays cause she thought I liked "science"
My G4:
G4 Cube 450MHz, 1gb Ram, 160gb HDD (120gb usable), Mac OS X 10.4


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If my iBook G3 with 384MB RAM (upgraded from 256MB) and 900MHz CPU hadent died I would be posting its picture up here now. RIP old laptop...

CAN I PUT IT ON MY 800MHZ EMAC!?!?!?!?! PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek:
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