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Click on the photo for a more detailed breakdown, but basically there's my Pismo (which is my main computer), the Cube, the LC III, and a shell of an iMac G4.
<snip>The 500 MHz TiBook is mine, but I'm letting a lab-mate use it. It's running Leopard great.</snip
:eek: How did the upgrade to Leopard go on the TiBook? I have the same model but haven't entertained the thought of upgrading to Leopard. I'd love to have the latest OS on my TiBook, but I didn't think it was possible. (As many experienced KP's with modding the Leopard install)
:eek: How did the upgrade to Leopard go on the TiBook? I have the same model but haven't entertained the thought of upgrading to Leopard. I'd love to have the latest OS on my TiBook, but I didn't think it was possible. (As many experienced KP's with modding the Leopard install)

the upgrade went fine, I pulled the drive and did a clean install in a FW enclosure from my PB 1.67. I would have just installed via T-mode but the FW port is blown on the Ti book.

Leopard runs fine, CPU processes are comparable to Tiger. The major limitation is the 8 MB VRAM.

I say go for the upgrade. I did it mainly for the native screen sharing feature, which works great.
G4's In Action

I only recently got the Macbook for Christmas. Other than that, I have been using a Powermac Quicksilver 733, and Sawtooth 400, and Pismo 500 for school :). They did the job fine. The Monitor/ TV was powered by the Quicksilver.


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Apple IIc at work

Here's my Apple IIc loading Wheel of Fortune. :)
Sadly, that iBook G3 I posted above now has a dead inverter board, so it's no longer a laptop. But with a $15 mini VGA adaptor, it's going to begin a life as a second desktop! :)

I'll post pictures of my blueberry clamshell iBook when it gets here.

As much as I'd love to post a picture of my PowerBook G4 (667Mhz) I can't. Mostly due to the fact that I do not currently own a digital camera....
Here is my Power Macintosh (B&W) 400Mhz that i have that i have upgraded it now runs Mac OS 10.4 (was OS 10.3.9 until the other night) with 640MB of RAM also popped in a DVD-Rom drive. It will be a grate computer when i can put the Full 1GIG RAM, 80GIG HDD, USB2 & wifi card in the system then maybe later upgrade the 16MB graphics card to a 64MB or 128MB card then the system will run fine with Mac OS 10.4 maybe will get hold of Mac OS 9 and run OS 9 & 10.4


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Ok, I got my PowerComputing computer in the mail, hooked it up, and it's my main desktop now, so I guess I can post it here!

Currently running OS 9.1, going to do some upgrading of it this weekend. It's a 480Mhz G3 (upgrade with 512MB of RAM, and I'm gonna slap in an extra IDE drive and a Rage 128 for slightly better video. Whee!


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Ok, I got my PowerComputing computer in the mail, hooked it up, and it's my main desktop now, so I guess I can post it here!

Currently running OS 9.1, going to do some upgrading of it this weekend. It's a 480Mhz G3 (upgrade with 512MB of RAM, and I'm gonna slap in an extra IDE drive and a Rage 128 for slightly better video. Whee!

Out of curiosity.. is there a reason it's beneficial to use the PowerComputing computer over your Cube as your "main" desktop?
Here is a picture of some servers at a High School when I first started working there. Pretty awful but there's a 466MHz Power Mac G4 Server which was running 10.2 Server at the time to supply Macintosh Manager login to Mac OS 9 clients (which used Windows 2000 Server for file services):

This blue and white G3 ran AppleShare IP 6.1 while I was in High School:

2003 had me using an indigo iMac, a 500MHz iBook for work, and I outfitted a Performa 6320 with TV tuner, maxed the RAM and was running a ColorOne Scanner off of it:
Out of curiosity.. is there a reason it's beneficial to use the PowerComputing computer over your Cube as your "main" desktop?

I used to have the Cube as my desktop computer, and I just had nothing but bad luck with it. I even went so far as to upgrade it to a dual 1.5Ghz G4, but nothing but burnt-out processor boards and trouble came of it. I've relegated it to server duty, and it's performed admirably at that. I like the PowerComputing desktop because it holds numerous hard drives, has a floppy, a zip, and two DVD drives (one is a DVD-RAM), and is expandable even further.

I mean, to be honest, it's just a personal preference. I really like this PowerComputing computer, and I like the experience of using it. It's like using a little bit of Mac history every day. The Cube, while great... well, it hasn't been so great to me.
not a computer but I still thought it was kinda cool. found it while digging through some junk last wk. apple quick take


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Its used to be my dads but somehow it found its way into my junk over the years. I'm pretty sure he got it back in 97. I did a quick wikipedia search on it and found it was sold from 92 to 97.
Plus iSights mirror everything for some stupid reason...

Maybe because that's how your brain expects to see yourself? So when taking stills of yourself it acts like a mirror? Because that's the right way to do things?

not a computer but I still thought it was kinda cool. found it while digging through some junk last wk. apple quick take

That's a pretty good piece of history there! Linkety
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