You always receives for your money !
It is true that some plotter company deliver free plug-ins at purchase of a new device. It's your responsability to make or not confidence for your business into this kind of "free" software.
Probably it appears as a good solution to start, but is not just a "marketing" argument from the plotter company sellers ? Will it be updated at time for your next evolution ?
Support is a key when you are in production world with so expensive media than vinyle. Support has a cost and I can't believe a "free" product can compete seriously in this world when you have to keep in touch with the pressure of customer delays.
We, at NCS, develop our solution from more than 10 years now and believe that a good product must insure support, at short as at long term.
A good software is a software that you forget you are using. Years after years. It is mostly the case of many of our customers. We keep confident that our strength is not only in the fact to deliver a commercial product, but also in the fact we care to customer far after their first buy-out, ie by providing updates (commonly free) on regular basis, to optimise our solutions by-itself, to keep in touch with new computers (from Quadra to PowerPC, than G3, G4, G5 and now MacIntel), new operating systems (from 7.6 to latest release of OS X 10.4 Tiger for MacIntel at this stage), new versions of Adobe Illustrator (from 5.5 to current 11.0 ie "CS 2.0"), with new communication tools (serial, communication toolbox, USB,...), new plotters features (we includes not less than 350 drivers, with a dedicated interface for each of them). Our customers remind us at the time they change one piece of their environment : if your equipment evolves, NCS will be there to solve your upgrade problems at a time not enough market share for those evolution will lead your "free soft provider" to interest in update.
if you take care to take a look on our website on regular basis, you will benefit of new features. Just available there for free update for common customer of our products
Enjoy your live with signmaking !
Philippe JACQUES,