If anything does hit you would be in the same boat as it is more than likely your defintions would not be up to date enough to catch it. If anything major happens, all the AV makers are going to have to scramble around to stop it. They are just sitting and waiting on the Mac side. This quote from the ClamXav site: "Today, the number of viruses actively attacking OS X users is...NONE!"
You are not being protected, the Windows users you send attachment to however are being protected. The AV software does no good outside of that. We can all sit around and wait for a strike, but I guarantee that the first big one that hits is gonna get you like it will everyone else.
So... what you're saying is that antivirus software on any computer (Windows or Mac) is pretty much useless since when a virus first hits you're not going to be protected as the definitions won't be updated?
The best practice is smart computing habits. Don't download from shady sites, stay off Limewire and the likes. So IMO, no, AV software should not be used unless you often need to scan things for Windows viruses before passing them to a Windows user.
I am connected to a network with around 4,500 other machines (Mac & Windows) and share a lot of files with Windows users. Hence why I have AV software
P.S. Don't use fear tactics to justify your use of AV software.
I'm not. I'm practising safe computing.
Anyone who spends money on AV software for a Mac (and for a Windows machine, let's face it