I read this thread today, then while I was browsing the net for info on Apple's Time Capsule, I stumbled upon this and thought it might be relevant to the thread. I have no opinion myself on the article as I don't even yet own a Mac (soon, but not soon enough).
Here is what the article says:
"Security researchers at SecureMac say they've spotted Mac OS X malware in the wild capable of taking firm control of a victim's computer. The company says that distribution of the Trojan currently appears limited, though its warns it could escalate soon."
"With the rise in popularity of Apple's (Nasdaq: AAPL) Mac computers and the OS X operating systems they run, dangerous malware , viruses and Trojans are now being targeted for the Mac, too. The most recent case in point comes courtesy of a security advisory released by SecureMac. The advisory warns that multiple variants of a new Trojan horse -- out in the wild -- is ready to run roughshod all over OS X 10.4 and 10.5.
SecureMac notes that while the Trojan, which is based on AppleScript and currently called "ASthtv05," is only being distributed from a hacker Web site at the moment, discussion has been edging into how it could be distributed more widely."
There is more to read and here is the link:
I'm not trying to fuel the fire, just thought it might be an interesting read/discussion.
Interesting, but I would still need to download the file and execute the AppleScript to have it compromise my machine. I find it difficult to believe that a user could unknowingly do this.