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macrumors 68020
Dec 4, 2005
Still here.
boy, u name calling me as defender, and u didn't quote anything i said as "untrue"? whats your logic? is this the way how u reasoning?
Mr. Defender is a term of endearment as well as a pun, in reference to the "Windows Defender" software and the sub-par job it does. :p

Were the quotes I used not originally posted in response to what you had said? Are they not valid arguments against the claims you had made about Vista? If not, why?

The only real argument I've seen you make is that you can change the theme in Vista to look more like previous versions, which is irrelevant as an argument because it was in response to the negative comments primarily regarding the LAYOUT of items in Vista, and not so much the theme used (which could also use some work, IMO).

You've yet to really post any type of solid argument against anything that has been said in this thread (other than the general opinion of yours that everyone is simply wrong). My last post contains the general points of this thread all gathered neatly to make them easier for you to look over, so take you're time.


macrumors G3
Aug 6, 2006
Mr. Defender is a term of endearment as well as a pun, in reference to the "Windows Defender" software and the sub-par job it does. :p

Were the quotes I used not originally posted in response to what you had said? Are they not valid arguments against the claims you had made about Vista? If not, why?

The only real argument I've seen you make is that you can change the theme in Vista to look more like previous versions, which is irrelevant as an argument because it was in response to the negative comments primarily regarding the LAYOUT of items in Vista, and not so much the theme used (which could also use some work, IMO).

You've yet to really post any type of solid argument against anything that has been said in this thread (other than the general opinion of yours that everyone is simply wrong). My last post contains the general points of this thread all gathered neatly to make them easier for you to look over, so take you're time.

hehe, whatever, u might think its irrelevant, but its a solution for users who feel bad about aero glass, isn't it? Isn't this supposed to be a place to look for solutions?

I made another point, which is "is there any data support the statement that new UI of vista confuses ppl", nobody answered it, u can try if u can find any reports related to that.

It sounds more like you WISH I would have made some false statements to defend windows, rather than I DID.

I will keep posting what I think is fact, of course, u are always welcome to point out whenever Im wrong.


macrumors 68020
Dec 4, 2005
Still here.
clevin said:
hehe, whatever, u might think its irrelevant, but its a solution for users who feel bad about aero glass, isn't it? Isn't this supposed to be a place to look for solutions?
Solutions to questions that were asked, yes.

clevin said:
I made another point, which is "is there any data support the statement that new UI of vista confuses ppl", nobody answered it, u can try if u can find any reports related to that.
So, people posting to say "The new UI of Vista confuses me." isn't enough evidence to support the theory that the new UI of Vista confuses people? I would like to hear you explain that one.

clevin said:
It sounds more like you WISH I would have made some false statements to defend windows, rather than I DID.
I don't recall claiming your responses were anything other than irrelevant opinions. Please quote the portion of my posts where I accused you of making false statements.

clevin said:
I will keep posting what I think is fact.
The fact about what you think is that what you think is opinion. This thread is full of opinions, but only you are bold enough to label yours as fact.

clevin said:
u are always welcome to point out whenever Im wrong
I have, more than once, and you simply refuse to answer any of the questions posed in this thread, choosing rather to respond with irrelevant "facts" in a trollish manner.

Until you choose to provide us with your thoughts (read: opinions) on the arguments in this thread, I refuse to continue to dignify your posts with any type of response.


macrumors G3
Aug 6, 2006
Solutions to questions that were asked, yes.

So, people posting to say "The new UI of Vista confuses me." isn't enough evidence to support the theory that the new UI of Vista confuses people? I would like to hear you explain that one.

I don't recall claiming your responses were anything other than irrelevant opinions. Please quote the portion of my posts where I accused you of making false statements.

The fact about what you think is that what you think is opinion. This thread is full of opinions, but only you are bold enough to label yours as fact.

I have, more than once, and you simply refuse to answer any of the questions posed in this thread, choosing rather to respond with irrelevant "facts" in a trollish manner.

Until you choose to provide us with your thoughts (read: opinions) on the arguments in this thread, I refuse to continue to dignify your posts with any type of response.

huh, without my opinion, u refuse to discuss.


without my "opinion", u never hesitate to name calling me "windows defender", didn't you?

Im sorry you have such a nice double standard in discussion. actually I do have my personal thought on this topic altho I chose not to argue with personal opinion without facts support, i would msg u if u need, but to keep going on this track and give u chance to name-calling me? nada. good night.


macrumors 68020
Dec 4, 2005
Still here.

I'm sorry, I couldn't make sense of your post.

clevin said:
huh, without my opinion, u refuse to discuss.
Okay, I'd like to hear your opinion. Right, we've already established this like 20 minutes ago.

clevin said:

clevin said:
without my "opinion", u never hesitate to name calling me "windows defender", didn't you?
The Windows Defender thing was a joke I couldn't help but make. C'mon, that's funny! Sorry if you took offense to it, that was not my intent.

clevin said:
Im sorry you have such a nice double standard in discussion.
Care to elaborate?

clevin said:
actually I do have my personal thought on this topic altho I chose not to argue with personal opinion without facts support
These would be the opinions I've been asking to hear about. What is an argument without opinions? And you haven't posted any facts, only irrelevant opinions which you claim are somehow "facts".

clevin said:
i would msg u if u need, but to keep going on this track and give u chance to name-calling me? nada.
I already apologized earlier in this post for you taking that the wrong way. I don't think I need to twice (it was funny, though).

clevin said:
good night.
Goodnight! :)


macrumors G3
Aug 6, 2006
ok, if defender is a joke, then let me elaborate my OPINION, and i don't guarantee the truthfulness.

1. there are some guys @MR rant about new vista UI being confusing.

2. I am playing with My Roommate's Vista machine for almost a week, I didn't find anything confusing, and I finish my task easily.

3. So i ask, should I take two ppl's complain as a major issue? does vista provide no options to resolve it? and of course, nobody give me any data saying "this report suggest significant amount of Vista users complain about UI being difficult", at the same time, for ppl who does have problem, classis UI is there

4. Go even further, there are actually quite a bunch of ppl rant about OSX's green button being confusing, why nobody think those complaints are legitimate?

These are my thought, of course, I won't provide any data to support them. pick whichever u like.

i was banned twice, for mysterious reasons, so I m very cautious always put fact as much as I can, in case my negativity enrage some powerful ppl, My sig is also to remind ppl, maybe u don't like my facts, but its reality, like it or not. :D


macrumors 68020
Dec 4, 2005
Still here.
clevin said:
ok, if defender is a joke, then let me elaborate my OPINION, and i don't guarantee the truthfulness.
Haha, okay! :D

clevin said:
1. there are some guys @MR rant about new vista UI being confusing.

clevin said:
2. I am playing with My Roommate's Vista machine for almost a week, I didn't find anything confusing, and I finish my task easily.
And? What was your task?

clevin said:
3. So i ask, should I take two ppl's complain as a major issue? does vista provide no options to resolve it? and of course, nobody give me any data saying "this report suggest significant amount of Vista users complain about UI being difficult", at the same time, for ppl who does have problem, classis UI is there
Classic theme has nothing to do with the seemingly random rearrangement of the most familiar of Windows' clickable items and options, nor does it help with the inconsistancies. See attached image near the beginning of this thread.

Search Google for Vista reviews or Vista-OSX comparisons, or even Vista-XP comparisons. Vista is a visual mess, leaving many XP power-users forced to relearn the location of many of the tools they are used to using. Why all the changes? I'll post this question again because I want you to answer it this time.

Why all the changes? What good has come of them? Since you know Vista so well (having used it for an entire week and all), please list just a few of the primary changes in the UI and explain to us why they are necessary?

clevin said:
4. Go even further, there are actually quite a bunch of ppl rant about OSX's green button being confusing, why nobody think those complaints are legitimate?
Who said those complaints were not legit? I certainly didn't. I even recall posting an example earlier of how us Mac users complain about OSX inconsistancies as well. There just aren't nearly as many of them and they aren't as intrusive and disruptive to our workflow.

clevin said:
These are my thought, of course, I won't provide any data to support them. pick whichever u like.
What data could you possibly provide to support anything you just said? It is nothing more than your expert opinion (I say 'expert' because you felt qualified enough to argue it against the opinion of someone who has been using Windows for over 20 years now) based on using Vista for a week. :rolleyes:


macrumors 6502
May 6, 2004
Clevin -v- Someguy

Nerd Fight!!!!

:p :p :p :p

I've only played with Vista for a few minutes in the store, but it did seem rather cluttered and confusing. The control panel is a mess. I can only imagine the headache it is going to be for non-geeks to figure it out.

I use macs at home and as my personal computer at work, but our front office computers are all XP. There is absolutely no way I'm updating them for a long time to come. My receptionist and tech have enough trouble just getting online, using MS word, keeping the appointment book, etc. God forbid if the printer doesn't work, or we have trouble with the back-up drives. I'm not an IT specialist by any means, but I'm the best we've got in our office. XP is a big enough headache, why make the situation worse?


macrumors Penryn
Jul 11, 2003
I just has it installed on my work laptop. After getting it back from IT, I booted it up, spent 5 minutes looking around and shut it down. That was 2 days ago. Haven't turned it on since.

I'll give it a try this weekend but I think I'm going back to XP.


macrumors 68020
Dec 4, 2005
Still here.
All I know is that their slogan department is smoking some powerful, powerful stuff...

And I want some. :(
So that's why Vista is so colorful!

Doesn't everybody get it?

Microsoft's finally figured out how to make the Mac community say positive things about XP.
I wouldn't say positive - maybe less negative, but you may be on to something. :D

They should actually make a Vista commercial where some dude reads this entire thread, then says,

Wouldn't that make a better Mac commercial?


macrumors G3
Aug 6, 2006
sorry, nerd is back, i was discussing my project with boss just now.

my opinion is actually simple: can't take MR ppl's rant about windows too seriously when they offer only personal feelings without data, after all, what can u expect a mac fan base's feeling about windows? :p


welcome point out any false statement i made

and welcome bashing windows if u can provide solid data.


macrumors 68020
Dec 4, 2005
Still here.
can't take MR ppl's rant about windows too seriously when they offer only personal feelings without data, after all, what can u expect a mac fan base's feeling about windows?
You're the only one talking about data, which has nothing to do with what we were talking about. No data is needed to see how inconsistant the UI is in Vista.

Several times over I've asked you why MS changed the layout of its OS so much and you haven't given me a real answer. I even bolded the question and asked it twice in a row so you wouldn't miss it. Do I need to quote it or can you find it own your own? Maybe you should download this thread to your desktop and use Microsoft Windows Vista Supreme Super Special Search 2.0 (or whatever the hell it's called) to locate the question you seem to have trouble spotting.

You aren't even really contributing to the discussion, but instead offering only mindless, irrelevant, repetitive sentence fragments hinting that I accused you of making false statements at some point in this thread (which I asked you to quote for me earlier and also got no response).

clevin said:
and welcome bashing windows if u can provide solid data.
Data for what!? What are you talking about? No one is bashing Windows here.

This is my last post in this thread. You are nothing more than a troll with only questions and no answers, coherent thoughts, or real facts to support whatever it is you think you are trying to say.

Goodnight! :p :cool:


macrumors regular
Original poster
Apr 7, 2004

Oh, I've seen the WoW! alright. As in WoW! this is a piece of horse manure.

My good man, if you honestly worked with the same Vista I have installed on my iMac (the one made by Microsoft), and still feel the UI is anything more than a complete trainwreck (that can even give open source UIs a run for their money) then your brain is very differently wired than mine.

Vista's UI is a cluttered, disorganized mess.


macrumors G3
Aug 6, 2006
Several times over I've asked you why MS changed the layout of its OS so much and you haven't given me a real answer.

M$ changed UI, I don't know why in Vista, but my guess is just like in XP when they get new start panel UI, because they "employed a team, did some research, found these UI to be nice and easy to use."


macrumors 68020
Sep 10, 2006
Indianapolis, IN
Damn you guys are annoying. You want data, clevin? Here's data:

I have used Vista every day at work since late January. It's annoying. The crazy colors and total inconsistency between application interfaces is annoying. The lack of icons on the entire right half of the Start menu (Computer, Documents, Control Panel, etc) slows me down and is annoying. UAC is beyond annoying -- it takes me four UAC clicks to create a folder in Program Files. If you turn all that crap off, you're basically back to the way XP was -- so there's no point to Vista at all. It is tiresome, and it slows my work down. If MS was trying to make things easier, they failed spectacularly. Part of my team's job is actually designing user interfaces, so this is something I know stuff about. I would never have allowed an interface that horrible to go on any project of ours.

When an operating system is all about how it helps the user operate, my personal experience is your data. It sucks, and I've been using Windows for 15 years. You can't deny my personal experience, even if it works well for you. So both of you put your e-penises away and accept that some people are going to see it differently.

Oh, and clevin: for the love of all that is holy, learn to spell out whole words and write complete sentences. Your lack of doing that is, like Vista, annoying.


macrumors 6502a
Mar 30, 2007
Atlanta, GA
Back on topic: When Vista first came out, I got a copy through my company.. Vista Ultimate full and upgrade. I went ahead and loaded up VMWare on my PC, and loaded Vista Ultimate Full..

What a piece.. I don't have anything additional to add on top of what has already been mentioned, but it was one of the final straws that pushed towards buying this MBP. Completely hideous, and worthless..


Mar 6, 2007
Vista + Office 2007 = Insanity

Back on topic: When Vista first came out, I got a copy through my company.. Vista Ultimate full and upgrade. I went ahead and loaded up VMWare on my PC, and loaded Vista Ultimate Full..

What a piece.. I don't have anything additional to add on top of what has already been mentioned, but it was one of the final straws that pushed towards buying this MBP. Completely hideous, and worthless..

Long time Mac user (17 years) and Windows user at work (13 years). Installed Vista as soon as it came out, spent a week with it, and then wiped the drive and went back to XP. The eye-candy was nice for about half-an-hour, became dull, and then reality of Vista set in. I was disappointed because I really was hoping for a Mac-like interface in Vista.

Ironic that I actually felt happy to be back in XP. Oh and Office 2007 -- shudder -- never never never again.


macrumors 6502a
Aug 8, 2006
I am a Mac user but can get by with Windows when necessary. Recently I got to play with Office 2007 on our work computer and I actually liked the interface. After a short adjustment period I was able to find all the functions I needed quite readily and, for the most part, when and where I expected them to be. I think the interface is better than that of Office 2003.
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