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just leave the choose service option on choose service. i.e. don't choose one. then put your internal network ip in the box that asks for that ( or something) then put 5900 in all the other boxes
i just tried that and put in just like i connect over wifi but it still wont connect. do i have to change the setup on my iphone vnc? i keep getting an error cannot connect to host port 5900.
im trying to use the same connection that i used to work over wifi. is that wrong?
No, VNC will show you exactly what your monitor at home sees. You are unable to access any other user account than what is currently logged in on the computer.

In that case...can you play practical jokes on unsuspecting users at home, by scaring the willies out of them by moving things around? :D
If you're just controlling computers in your local network, you can enter the computer's Bonjour address (ex. Family-iMac.local) instead of it's IP address (ex. Bonjour addresses are more memorable, and are less likely to ever change. You can find your computer's Bonjour address in the Sharing prefpane.
i just tried that and put in just like i connect over wifi but it still wont connect. do i have to change the setup on my iphone vnc? i keep getting an error cannot connect to host port 5900.
im trying to use the same connection that i used to work over wifi. is that wrong?

If I understand what you're saying, then you're trying to connect to your private network address, which is assigned by your router. What you'll need to do is connect to the IP address your modem assigns to your router. It can be kind of tricky to find, but if you log into your router and check the settings you should be able find it. Port forwarding should take care of the rest. Anyway, that's what I had to do.

To clarify, my desktop has an assigned address of Now, that address is only useful for the local network, and devices outside of my local network cannot see it. My router has an IP address of, and that's the IP address I have to connect to when I'm on EDGE or not on my local network. Hope this helps.

On an unrelated note, the app works surprisingly well over EDGE. Much quicker than I'd anticipated.
first of all thank you for all the help and i hate to keep asking but i am still having trouble. i think i did everything i was told. i chose port mapping and added 5900 in all the boxes and with in the ip address box. then i put on my iphone my routers ip address in the vnc server ip address box and 5900 in the server port. then i put the vnc password that i had entered in the file sharing option when i first started. still says error though. hopefully someone can help me as i would LOVE for this to work over edge and it would be such a huge help. thanks again guys.
It looks to me like everything should be working right. The only other thing I can think of is to make sure your router's firewall is also set to allow that connection. Hopefully that will work, or someone else will have some more insight. I haven't actually done this with my MacBook yet, just with my PC desktop.
With my original iPhone and now my 3g, I used befree4iphone ( ) to remote desktop to my work computer through our vpn. I'm not sure if there's a big difference in that and this software. With what I have, I had to install something on my work computer, but the iphone connects through a Safari browser page. It seems to only come in a Windows verison.
It works over Edge, 3g or wifi, but I have to use the VPN to connect to our work network.
So far, it fills my remote desktoping needs.
you can connect to any computer within your network if you configure your router the right way.
lets say:
port 55001 (on external ip) forwared to port 5900 (on pc_no_1)
port 55002 (on external ip) forwared to port 5900 (on pc_no_2)

this way you can connect to any computer in your network using the external ports.

How do you do this ?
you can connect to any computer within your network if you configure your router the right way.
lets say:
port 55001 (on external ip) forwared to port 5900 (on pc_no_1)
port 55002 (on external ip) forwared to port 5900 (on pc_no_2)

this way you can connect to any computer in your network using the external ports.

How do you do this ?

Find your router, then find "VNC" the guide might be using a different port then what you wanna use.

Also go to to easily see your external IP address.

Find your router, then find "VNC" the guide might be using a different port then what you wanna use.

Also go to to easily see your external IP address.

I can set this up fine for 1 computer just don't understand how to do it for multiple computers. I have 2 computers so how can I forward the ports to connect to both ?

I tried to setup a vpn but my router is a pos and I can only connect to my vpn if I'm with in the LAN , the WRT54g I can't get to allow remote access to it to access my VPN!!!!! I turned off its internal firewall and unchecked block anonymous internet requests but still can not connect remotely from my vpn.

So I would like to setup port forwarding for 2 computers just don't understand how to do it , I can do it for 1 computer no problem.

thanks again for the help
I just double checked everything and i still get an error " cannot connect to host, port 5900.. but that is one of the ports that are forwarded. im stumped
I can set this up fine for 1 computer just don't understand how to do it for multiple computers. I have 2 computers so how can I forward the ports to connect to both ?

I tried to setup a vpn but my router is a pos and I can only connect to my vpn if I'm with in the LAN , the WRT54g I can't get to allow remote access to it to access my VPN!!!!! I turned off its internal firewall and unchecked block anonymous internet requests but still can not connect remotely from my vpn.

So I would like to setup port forwarding for 2 computers just don't understand how to do it , I can do it for 1 computer no problem.

thanks again for the help

You cant forward one port to 2 different computers, you need to configure the VNC servers on the PCs to use different ports.

So lets say PC1 has an IP
and PC2 has an IP

You can set PC1 to use port 5001 and have your router forward port 5001 to, and you can set PC2 to use port 5002 and have the router forward port to

Lets say your routers external IP is, to connect to PC1 you connect to and to connect to PC2 you connect to

So I'm not familiar with these services exactly, what are some possibly uses for this program? Do you just leave your computer on at home and use this to access files?
+1 :D

Some people are just *******s, it's the internet, you can run into anybody. has EXCELLENT port forwarding guides. You select what router you have, then select what application you're forwarding the ports for.

For example, here's their guide to forward ports on a Linksys WRT54G for VNC.

By the way, appleretailguy may be an uber 1337 internet hax0r, but I bet he sux0rz at gettin' laid :rolleyes:

See, I knew that not everyone here was such a prick. :D

Thanks for the help, but it still doesn't help me in my situation because I don't have a router, just the cable modem. Can I still get this app to work without a router? Could anybody help me get this running on a PC with no router? This app sounds so useful but I'm missing out on all the fun! Haha

EDIT: Wooo! Finally got it working! It was alot easier than I thought. I had my ip address in the iphone app, I had the VNC server on my computer, I had my firewall allowing it access, the only thing I didn't do was add the 5900 and 5800 ports in the firewall settings. So now that I've gotten it to work I will help anyone else who doesn't have wifi or a router and wants to use this on a PC.

1. Download this program to your computer

2. Make sure when you get to this step in the installation, XP users have these boxes checked


Vista users, uncheck them.

3. When the installation finishes it will ask for a password, make one and remember it.

4. Finish the installation and XP users should have the program running the bottom right corner, Vista users run the program by going to start > programs > TightVNC

5. Hover your mouse over the icon in the bottom right to get the IP address you will need


5. On the iPhone app touch Menu at the top left, then Edit connections, now touch an open computer, then type in the same IP address you got in the last step, and the password you made in step 3. Do not touch anything else, leave the port as 5900.

6. Now in windows, go to start > control pannel > security center > windows firewall at the bottom, then hit the exceptions tab.

7. Scroll down and make sure that TightVNC is checked, if TightVNC does not show up then hit add program and find TightVNC to add it to the list and check it's box.

8. Now click Add Port, name it whatever, type in 5900 in the Port space and add it. Now Add Port again and add 5800 this time

9. Finally on your iphone hit connect in the upper right and if all goes well it should work as mine did. No wifi, no routers needed!
See, I knew that not everyone here was such a prick. :D

Thanks for the help, but it still doesn't help me in my situation because I don't have a router, just the cable modem. Can I still get this app to work without a router? Could anybody help me get this running on a PC with no router? This app sounds so useful but I'm missing out on all the fun! Haha

EDIT: Wooo! Finally got it working! It was alot easier than I thought. I had my ip address in the iphone app, I had the VNC server on my computer, I had my firewall allowing it access, the only thing I didn't do was add the 5900 and 5800 ports in the firewall settings. So now that I've gotten it to work I will help anyone else who doesn't have wifi or a router and wants to use this on a PC.

1. Download this program to your computer

2. Make sure when you get to this step in the installation, XP users have these boxes checked


Vista users, uncheck them.

3. When the installation finishes it will ask for a password, make one and remember it.

4. Finish the installation and XP users should have the program running the bottom right corner, Vista users run the program by going to start > programs > TightVNC

5. Hover your mouse over the icon in the bottom right to get the IP address you will need


5. On the iPhone app touch Menu at the top left, then Edit connections, now touch an open computer, then type in the same IP address you got in the last step, and the password you made in step 3. Do not touch anything else, leave the port as 5900.

6. Now in windows, go to start > control pannel > security center > windows firewall at the bottom, then hit the exceptions tab.

7. Scroll down and make sure that TightVNC is checked, if TightVNC does not show up then hit add program and find TightVNC to add it to the list and check it's box.

8. Now click Add Port, name it whatever, type in 5900 in the Port space and add it. Now Add Port again and add 5800 this time

9. Finally on your iphone hit connect in the upper right and if all goes well it should work as mine did. No wifi, no routers needed!

On step 2, what are the boxes I need to uncheck? I can't see the image.
Thats weird, it shows up on my computer. I'll fix it in a sec. Anyways you need to check all three of the boxes.

haha thanks man for your help. This app rocks, although it takes a little time to get used to. Especially the mouse.
Much better performance

For the mac users out there, I found that Vine Server provides a LOT better performance than using OS X (Leopard) built in VNC server. It is a huge difference.
So if I'm correct what I need to do to use this app is:
1. Install a VNC program.
2. Go to my router's settings and enable programs.
3. Go to my iPod put in the necessary information and I'm connected.
edit, I'm using windows xp.
ok, by no means a network guru here.

PPC G5 Mac, D-link wireless, 1st gen iphone, 1024x768 res.

Used this tutorial someone mentioned earlier, to get it going....

So I can connect using both this VNC and the VINE. Here's the deal, when I get my desktop and, let's on the apple menu...the drop down appears on my monitor, but no drop down menu on iphone...also, if I "unlock" the mouse on the iphone, it's real jumpy or non moving at all. Refresh helps not....actually makes it blank most of the time.

I have to say, if all I can do is LOOK at my mac... whoop-tee-doo. :)

Any thoughts? Please keep the replies easy to understand...I make pretty pictures...not pretty networks! :)
Hi everyone...I know I'm new here but I felt compelled to post.

I have read at least 4 post from people with polite questions as to how to make this app work. There was one (1) attempt to help...most other replies were ignored or bashed with things like "do you even know what a VPN is?"

I am a frequent forum user and poster...I understand the etiquette. But you are forgetting the fundamental purpose of forums: to HELP other people who need you to lend your expertise and knowledge.

The iPhone 3G and touch updates are truly revolutionary. As a result, there is going to be a huge influx of "nooobs," eager to learn and take advantage of this remarkable product and ALL of its capabilities. Be patient, be helpful...these are people that are jumping onto the bandwagon that you have been cruising on for years. They are finally understanding your passion.

I understand I'll probably get flamed for this. I might react in the same way if someone posted this in a forum that I had frequented for the past few years. That's fine. But please remember that forums are the best resource for self-help techie people like myself, whose area of expertise may *not* be in that particular arena.

This is your chance to shine...don't waste it by being an "i-litist."
first of all thank you for all the help and i hate to keep asking but i am still having trouble. i think i did everything i was told. i chose port mapping and added 5900 in all the boxes and with in the ip address box. then i put on my iphone my routers ip address in the vnc server ip address box and 5900 in the server port. then i put the vnc password that i had entered in the file sharing option when i first started. still says error though. hopefully someone can help me as i would LOVE for this to work over edge and it would be such a huge help. thanks again guys.

I've got the exact same set up as you do and was having trouble for a while and fixed it by doing two things:

First, I noticed that the Private IP Address that's automatically filled in when you get to port mapping was not the same as the Private IP Address under the Sharing tab under System Preferences. I changed the one under port mapping to match the one under the sharing tab.

But that still didn't work. I tried for a while to figure it out and finally did. Like the idiot I am, I forgot to update the Time Capsule to reflect the changes! :rolleyes: Got everything working now!
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