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macrumors 68000
Original poster
Feb 16, 2009
Those of you who have heard when your local Apple store will be getting the i5 quad core in stock, please post in here. The earliest I have heard is the end of this week from one of my local stores as they said they have been shipped and on their way. My other local store said not until the middle of the month, a bit more vague and not sure the sales rep knew what they were talking about and just wanted me to leave them alone. :rolleyes:
Is this really happening? Apple needs to get these computers out to the forum members quickly or my eyes are going burn from reading all of these updates and semi-updates on how close someone is to actually touching a computer they were charged for two weeks ago.

I don't even want an iMac yet I still find myself excited when someone gets one step closer..."Processing Order to Shipped!" :) and now this thread with what are going to be "sightings" around the country! Apple Marketing/Brainwashing ftw.
Hopefully I will receive mine in the end of next week according to the sales person in one of the local apple resellers. :D

I suppose that we're not as highly prioritized as US customers.
I'm going to stop in tomorrow on the off chance that they come in that day. I won't hold my breath, though. If only they were shipping from Cupertino instead of China...
Unfortunately the sales reps at the Apple stores don't know much either. Basically they have no idea what they get on a day to day basis and said they will only know when they open up each days deliveries. Just will have to call them once a day! :D
Well stopped by my local Apple store to see if they had them; they don't. They told me "the quad's aren't even shipping yet." I told them that I would beg to differ but knew they wouldn't understand. They said as soon as they start shipping they would have them in the store. So I asked why they didn't have them in stock and the sales guy looked back at me like I was an idiot. :D Anyways, hopefully once Apple updates the shipping time on the website the stores will start selling them. Hope for the end of the week or this weekend.
I've been calling every day. I've gotten everything from a "we don't have a date on that" to "they were supposed to be in already," so they're obviously out of the loop. I'm just hoping they're in by Saturday because after this weekend I won't be around an Apple store until after Thanksgiving...
I went to an Apple store yesterday.
After talking to a sales rep for about 10min, he took down my name and number and told me that he would give me a call THE SECOND they got in the store.

Assuming he keeps his word, I'll post when I get 'the call' so others can start checking their stores. I REALLY hope they get in no later than this weekend.

also... we should mention where the stores are located. Currently, I'm 'monitoring' Danbury, CT and Stamford, CT since those are the 2 closest to my house and office.
Had my Dad back home check the Chicago- Michigan Ave store. Nothing in today. I will check out the two Apple stores here in St. Louis later today.
When I asked a "Genius" at the University Park Village store if they had i5/i7 iMacs in stock, she told me, "No." When I asked if she had any idea when they would be in stock, she told me, "No."

They must be getting inundated with the question because she wasn't even nice about it.
Here's my report:

Boston, MA Store
me: hi, I have a question about product availability
SR: sure, how can I help you?
me: I'm sure you've heard this a million times... but do you know when you'll have the new quad-core iMacs in stock at the store?
SR: which quadcore?
me: uhm... the i5
SR: no, we don't have a release date yet. but maybe 2 weeks or so
me: you asked me 'which quad core'... does that mean you'll be getting i7's too?
sr: uuuhhmm......(pause)....basically everything you see on our stores website is in our retail
me: ok, thank you
(I'm pretty sure this guy does not know what's going on...)

Danbury, CT sotre
me: hi, I have a question about product availability
SR: sure, what's your question?
me: I'm sure you've heard this a million times... but do you know when you'll have the new quad-core iMacs in stock at the store?
SR: in about a week (she didn't even think it twice, seems like a canned answer)
me: a week? sure?
SR: yeah, check back in a week
me: ok....thanks

Stamford, CT store
me: hi, I have a question about product availability
SR: yeah, what's up?
me: I'm sure you've heard this a million times... but do you know when you'll have the new quad-core iMacs in stock at the store?
SR: not sure, but I'll say in about a half a week to a week maybe, but ordering on-line is your best best.
me: awesome, thanks

5th ave NYC store
me: hi, I have a question about product availability
SR: sure, how can I help you?
me: I'm sure you've heard this a million times... but do you know when you'll have the new quad-core iMacs in stock at the store?
SR: no, no clue
me: really? not even an estimate or an educated guess?
SR: no, not even a guess. but your best bet is to just order in on-line.
me: hhhm... I find that heard to believe... but thanks anyways

order on-line? are they mad? don't they think I've already considered that option and I have good reasons for not doing it?
maybe I can't take any random day off from work to wait for the package?
or maybe I don't want to wait until December for my order to ship

anyhow... that's what I've got for today
morficus, that basically sums up my experience earlier in the week at my local stores. Each sales person gave a different response. I guess they really won't know until the i5 box hits them in the face. lol
Bethesda Row did not have as of 10am this morning either. Said "they're shipping to users" but did not know when they would get theirs. He said "I hope before Black Friday" for whatever that means.

I have a 27 c2d and would like to supplement (or replace) with a quad.


PS I wonder how come the thegoldenmackid is not here telling you to call the store yourself as he did when I posted a similar thread when the first 27-ers came out. Thought he was going to have an apoplexy.
I still dont know why you would replace? restocking fee. 15%

Bethesda Row did not have as of 10am this morning either. Said "they're shipping to users" but did not know when they would get theirs. He said "I hope before Black Friday" for whatever that means.

I have a 27 c2d and would like to supplement (or replace) with a quad.

Thought he was going to have an apoplexy.
Just stopped by the Saint Louis Galleria store and they do not have them yet. Called the West County store and they also haven't received them yet.

Well depending on when they bought their computer (14 days) and their relationship with the store manager, many store managers will look the other way and waive the restocking fee if you want to upgrade to a faster computer. Obviously this is store dependent, but Apple really wants their customers to be happy.
UK Stores

I asked two UK Apple retail stores and both of them said that if you order online, you'd get it much faster. When asked "when are they coming in store"... they said we are waiting for the delivery any day now.
I asked two UK Apple retail stores and both of them said that if you order online, you'd get it much faster. When asked "when are they coming in store"... they said we are waiting for the delivery any day now.

why are they recommending you order on-line? I don't see that as being faster... Apple will only get your money faster.
I'm sure they are already being shipped to retail stores, and once they hit... I could just walk over (maybe run actually haha) and pick one up in place of waiting for 2 weeks for it to ship.

maybe they are just trying to reduce the amount of volume the stores will see?
maybe they are just trying to reduce the amount of volume the stores will see?

If this forum is any indication of how excited the public is, these are going to sell quickly at the stores. That is why I call/visit every day so that I can pick one up the day they arrive. :D
If this forum is any indication of how excited the public is, these are going to sell quickly at the stores. That is why I call/visit every day so that I can pick one up the day they arrive. :D

yeah, same here.
that's why I gave my info to a sales rep - the second he calls me I'm leaving work to head to an apple store (nearest one is < 10min drive)
I still dont know why you would replace? restocking fee. 15%

There's more to the story. I bought the C2D first couple days of release. About 8 days in I started noticing hard drive noise. On day 14, back to the store I went. They said he didn't hear the noise BUT he did notice a number of bad sectors so he offered to replace it. That was last Friday. I saw on the boards that some people's quads had changed to "ship soon" so I decided not to open the box until I got some of the early reviews. I am particularly noise sensitive (amongst other things) so I didn't think the quad would be an option. First reports are so good that the unopened C2D might be going back tomorrow for credit towards a quad.

I very much enjoyed the humongous screen but I could stay with the MBP just a little bit more waiting for the quad. Now i5 or i7? Always quandaries.
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