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macrumors 68020
Original poster
Dec 10, 2004
Well I took the plunge for the Core i5 offering. Figured it'll last me at least a few years longer than the Core 2 Duo and I get the better graphics card for a measly $300 more than the base 27".

Apple says November these babies will ship. Maybe earlier? Who knows.. Let's speculate and wait and share our thoughts when they DO in fact ship! Here's to hoping early November!
If Apple says November, then I expect it to ship by the 30th. I ordered a Core i7 model, and would love it early but do not expect it till the end of the month.
waiting on my 24 / i7 2.8 here. i hate to say it but i think "november" will mean LATE november because otherwise you would see the more typical "1-2 weeks" or "nov 15" (like the new remote says) etc. i think "november" is apple's way of saying "5 weeks!" i hope i am wrong.
Well I took the plunge for the Core i5 offering. Figured it'll last me at least a few years longer than the Core 2 Duo and I get the better graphics card for a measly $300 more than the base 27".

Apple says November these babies will ship. Maybe earlier? Who knows.. Let's speculate and wait and share our thoughts when they DO in fact ship! Here's to hoping early November!

Just wondering why not get the i7? Im wondering if I should send mine back (i haven't had it a month...) and get the new one... 9400m sucks... Still suprised they didnt drop it completely from the iMac line.
Just wondering why not get the i7? Im wondering if I should send mine back (i haven't had it a month...) and get the new one... 9400m sucks... Still suprised they didnt drop it completely from the iMac line.

well, with my budget and using a student discount, I could only justify so much! So I couldn't go for the i7. I think the i5 will more than suffice and it's such a huge upgrade over the C2D. More so than i5 over i7.
gave my wallet to apple for the 27in - Core i7 - 8GB here!! cant wait! bday is the 7th, apple do me a favor and ship it early for once!
Just wondering why not get the i7? Im wondering if I should send mine back (i haven't had it a month...) and get the new one... 9400m sucks... Still suprised they didnt drop it completely from the iMac line.

I spoke with Apple Chat while I was comparing the i5 and i7 online. I was advised that for the typical video editing, music/videos and recording music with logic.... among other uses... that the i5 would be plenty of a workhorse for my needs. I used the extra money to get 8GB RAM and 2TB HD instead... can't wait. It will be a heck-of-an upgrade from my current 1.67GHz PowerBook G4... I think I'll refrain from going to the Apple store until I get mine... that way, I can be in COMPLETE awe when I open that baby up!
gave my wallet to apple for the 27in - Core i7 - 8GB here!! cant wait! bday is the 7th, apple do me a favor and ship it early for once!

So, you're ordering the 8gb memory upgrade.... My question, which version of 8gb? 4 - 2gb or 2 - 4gb.

My first thought when I looked at the memory prices was "Typical Apple, jacking up the memory price". Then I stopped off at Cruical and checked their prices. They list it at 319.99 each making the 2 - 4gb option from Apple a better deal.

Wondering if others are looking to buy memory which won't require tossing out should you want 16gb (still wondering if I would ever really need that much).
yea i chose the 4 - 2GB sticks. Truthfully, i wasnt even gonna go with the upgrade but at $180 i just though what the hell. As per the 16GB ram, i dont see the need for 16GB of ram in computers for while at least and so no point in spending that crazy amount of money to upgrade either.
4 2GB sticks is absolutely the way to go. It will cost you $166 on NewEgg if you don't mind installing it yourself (very easy to do), $180 pre-installed by Apple if you receive an educational or federal discount, or $200 pre-installed if you are a regular Apple customer. Apple is charging a totally fair price in my opinion.

The only reason you should ever buy the 4GB sticks is if you're going for 16GB. In a year or two, 4GB sticks will go from $350 a stick to less than $100...guaranteed.

4 2GB sticks is absolutely the way to go. It will cost you $166 on NewEgg if you don't mind installing it yourself (very easy to do), $180 pre-installed by Apple if you receive an educational or federal discount, or $200 pre-installed if you are a regular Apple customer. Apple is charging a totally fair price in my opinion.

The only reason you should ever buy the 4GB sticks is if you're going for 16GB. In a year or two, 4GB sticks will go from $350 a stick to less than $100...guaranteed.


I mostly agree with you. Just keep in mind... you a really paying $200 (or $180) for 4 MORE gigs of RAM. So technically, it's not THAT fair. BUT, since you would have to pay $160 bucks anyways to replace 4x1gigs with 4x2's you pay almost the same either way. I'm happy though, that they seem to have dropped their price on RAM upgrades ALOT. More comparable with actual costs.
I went to buy the i7 and was reminded by Apple that they do not ship to APO addresses (military PO boxes overseas). Soooo... I'm stuck paying an estimated shipping cost of around 60 bucks to have a middleman ship it to me. That eats up some of my Federal employee discount. But seeing that I don't think I can get the i7 anywhere else, I might be stuck. Unless I give in and by the i5 instead... but I'm not sure I'm willing to make such a sacrifice! LOL
Well I took the plunge for the Core i5 offering. Figured it'll last me at least a few years longer than the Core 2 Duo and I get the better graphics card for a measly $300 more than the base 27".

Apple says November these babies will ship. Maybe earlier? Who knows.. Let's speculate and wait and share our thoughts when they DO in fact ship! Here's to hoping early November!

so you are saying that i5 will stay longer than c2d? like how many years could c2d stay? i was planing to buy the 21.5" and use it for at least 4,5 years(or before it dies), is it not possible? do i really need i5?:confused:
I ordered an i7 model thinking it would be here by Firday :eek:

Then I read on engadget they were shipping the quads in November, it crushed me :(

Do they guys think that apple is waiting until 10.6.2 is finalized and released so they can ship out the quad core imacs? Maybe 10.6.2 has the software/drivers essential to the new chipset? Just a thought
Is the end of November really the tentative date for the quad-core iMacs? I have my eyes set on the i5 and was hoping it was released the same time, but have to wait a little bit more. Are there any confirmation of when they will be shipped out?

I am glad to say that it was definitely worth the wait.
Do they guys think that apple is waiting until 10.6.2 is finalized and released so they can ship out the quad core imacs? Maybe 10.6.2 has the software/drivers essential to the new chipset? Just a thought

Would kinda make sense - to my very basic knowledge its not a new chip so production cant be an issue - and they surely cant just be anxious that its gonna flop so only building to order? :p

Its just nice that they announced it at least - nothing would of been worse than buying the C2D and then them releasing a quad a month later ... I think i would of cried :rolleyes:

Im happy to wait a lil more for awesomeness ( its been months as it is :eek: ) - :D
I mostly agree with you. Just keep in mind... you a really paying $200 (or $180) for 4 MORE gigs of RAM. So technically, it's not THAT fair. BUT, since you would have to pay $160 bucks anyways to replace 4x1gigs with 4x2's you pay almost the same either way. I'm happy though, that they seem to have dropped their price on RAM upgrades ALOT. More comparable with actual costs.

Well, I stand corrected. I just noticed that it actually ships with 2x2gig sticks... which leaves 2 slots still open! That means you can go to newegg and buy 2 more 2 gig sticks for less then 100 bucks... WAY CHEAPER! I guess it's not a fair deal AT ALL.

Here's what Newegg has
I'm waiting. 27" iMac 2.8 Quad I7, 8GB RAM, (2x4) 1TB Drive.

I hope it ships sooner than later but November is only 10 days away.
Well, I stand corrected. I just noticed that it actually ships with 2x2gig sticks... which leaves 2 slots still open! That means you can go to newegg and buy 2 more 2 gig sticks for less then 100 bucks... WAY CHEAPER! I guess it's not a fair deal AT ALL.

Here's what Newegg has

that is PC3 8500 where the apple is 1066 does it matter? either way i didn't think about that, they are charging for 2 sticks for the price of 4.
10.6.2 beta doesn't have support for core i5 yet. Maybe it'll be added last minute before release (there are no beta testers with i5/i7 yet anyway...) or in 10.6.3 ... if it's going to be 10.6.3 then the new iMacs will ship not earlier than the very end of November. Or there's going to be a special version of 10.6.2, like the Nehalem Mac Pro's had in the beginning before Nehalem support was officialy added to the os.

Adding i5/i7 support is really very trivial, especially as they are based on the already supported Nehalems. Apple can add it in a day and issue a quick update.

PC3-8500 is another name for DDR3 1066MHz, those are the same chips.
with 4x2GB you have all your memory slots occupied, so if in future you'll want to upgrade your ram you'll have to throw out (sell) your memory and install new. with 2x4GB you have only 2 slots occupied and 2 free. If you'll want to upgrade your ram you'll just add 2 more sticks.
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