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Just bought an i7 for my college work. Went via the UK educational store and everything seemed to check out ok with the credit card check. As I logged in using my usual .mac address I didn't get any confirmation sent (I don't have a mobileme account).....

Any ideas how to get a confirmation re-sent?

My order is on the orders screen ok so is this enough to believe that everything is A-OK?
OK. Changed my order.

I am now in the queue, meaning late November for all I know.

Buying the Quad Core i7 Version. Only option is Apple Care.

I will upgrade the memory after I get the machine to 8gb

This will be my upgrade from my 24" 2.16 C2D 7600GT iMac that has served me well. It will also be my first "new" Mac product, having bought all previous ones used or refurbished.
The shipping time for the new Apple Remote is listed as 2-4 weeks. It would seem logical that Apple would release it simultaneously with the new iMac. While not very precise, it does give a loose time frame for the i7 model release.
I got a delivery date on my IMAC 27"/2.66QC/2X2GB/1TB/4850-512MB-SWE

Shipping date:18 Nov, 2009
Delivery date:23 Nov, 2009
and the wait begins...

Totally don't need it, but at the same time "must have" it! Ordered the i7, 2TB... I have two 4GB sticks of RAM in my early 2009 iMac, so I'll add them to the 2x2 that comes stock in the new iMac for a total of 12GB. That ought to do the trick!

I'm still in love with my early '09 iMac, so I'm not salivating over the delivery date... yet. I know when the calander says November I'll be on these forums ten times a day, as if that gets my new IMac here any faster. I am so pathetic.
I got a delivery date on my IMAC 27"/2.66QC/2X2GB/1TB/4850-512MB-SWE

Shipping date:18 Nov, 2009
Delivery date:23 Nov, 2009

That's really going to be a painful wait, any idea if that date is likely to change at all?
Ships: 18 Nov, 2009
Delivers: 25 Nov, 2009

Is there any way to check which processor I selected? - Paranoia is a horrible disease :p
After reading reviews of the i7 and i5, I ordered an i5. The performance was almost the same, and I don't think I'll need the HT. I want to see how the machine runs with 4Gigs, and then I'll decide if I want to add another 4Gigs of RAM. Also, I'll probably buy Applecare next year before it runs out.
The i5 does tempt me to no end. Don't really think the extra money for
the i7 is worth it. And now the Power Mac upgrades can't be far behind.

Now maybe its worth the bucks to pop for the 4850 graphics card.
I want to see the new PM's before doing anything.
27" 2.8 Quad i7/1TB/4GB will be ordered soon.

Additional 4GB of Crucial RAM will be ordered from newegg for ~$60.

FU apple for the redonk RAM charge.
That's really going to be a painful wait, any idea if that date is likely to change at all?

well middle-late November..Oh well. I guess I can wait a month! IDK about that. Mine isn't updated yet though. What happened with the MBA? Did that end up shipping earlier than anticipated or no?
hey guys needing some help. I know you guys are uber smart. I'm looking at the 27" I saw the link with the differences between the i5 and i7, but how much faster is that than the C2D? Thanks for the help
hey guys needing some help. I know you guys are uber smart. I'm looking at the 27" I saw the link with the differences between the i5 and i7, but how much faster is that than the C2D? Thanks for the help

I went to Anandtech for this article

As you can see, on simple benchmarks the C2D does very well, then get into encoding, or even some games, and it suddenly falls behind, yet can occasionally come back to equality depending on how gpu taxed you become



I looked at it this way. I could not see buying the BOTTOM 27' because I would definitely get the 3.33 which was +200. Well then I saw that to have the same graphics as the quad core I needed to buy the 4850 for +150 which means I am +50 over the cost of the bottom quad, or 150 from the max quad.
Thanks I really appreciate it. I've been waving back and forth about buying a referb model that have a great price right now or buying a 27" and taking the money and buy other cool stuff.
Yes I'm the thread creator :) but I cancelled my order. Couldn't wait that long. And also though 27" too big for me now. I went with the 21.5 C2D. I think it will suffice for my iLife and photoshop/lightroom needs.

But my uncle will get the i5!
So the Quadcore iMac's are arriving just in time for the holiday shopping season huh? Does anyone know when they will arrive at stores?
So the Quadcore iMac's are arriving just in time for the holiday shopping season huh? Does anyone know when they will arrive at stores?

I was told within the next couple days as an estimate by an Apple employee. However, I don't know if he was just talking about the 27" in general or if the quads will come a bit later... it seems that those who didn't do a lot of upgrades to their quads are getting them around November 18th or so... I haven't been given a date on my built-to-order i5 yet...
I was told within the next couple days as an estimate by an Apple employee. However, I don't know if he was just talking about the 27" in general or if the quads will come a bit later... it seems that those who didn't do a lot of upgrades to their quads are getting them around November 18th or so... I haven't been given a date on my built-to-order i5 yet...

Cool, thanks for the reply. Hopefully Apple Stores receive them earlier than some of the shipping dates that were posted here (no offense :)) I suppose I'll just have to wait and see.
Cool, thanks for the reply. Hopefully Apple Stores receive them earlier than some of the shipping dates that were posted here (no offense :)) I suppose I'll just have to wait and see.

Yea, I would expect a standard i5 with the 1tb drive and 4gb of memory to show up in stores before some of the custom orders.

If you alter that configuration at all, i7, 2tb, memory, keyboard, whatever plan to wait a little longer....

Never been a stock person so I'll wait.
Yea, I would expect a standard i5 with the 1tb drive and 4gb of memory to show up in stores before some of the custom orders.

If you alter that configuration at all, i7, 2tb, memory, keyboard, whatever plan to wait a little longer....

Never been a stock person so I'll wait.

Simply this is all I'm looking for...I just want the i5. Sweet.
i have owned macs since 1984, with the first macintosh (128k), and i have NEVER, EVER seen them appear in stores (or now Apple Stores) prior to at least a first batch of preorders being shipped. it may well be that certain customizations (2TB hard drives, 16 GB RAM, etc. may delay an order a bit but if you ordered a "stock" quad-core from yesterday i very, very much doubt you will see the same computer in an Apple Store prior to you getting your order.

also for those hoping for early November, even mid-Nov, i too hope for that... but let's face it, apple said "november" for a very specific reason, to sound better than "5-6 weeks" which is what end of November would sound like.
I just ordered my 27" i7 iMac. I was told by an apple employee that it would be 2 to 3 days to ship but i don't believe that she knew what she was talking about. I cant wait. Just ordered 4gb of more ram for this beast.
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