I'm waiting. 27" iMac 2.8 Quad I7, 8GB RAM, (2x4) 1TB Drive.
I hope it ships sooner than later but November is only 10 days away.
Got the exact same computer as you! I can't wait!
I'm waiting. 27" iMac 2.8 Quad I7, 8GB RAM, (2x4) 1TB Drive.
I hope it ships sooner than later but November is only 10 days away.
Its 9 days now! Woohoo! I'll start calling Apple November 1st. "OK Apple its November, wheres my iMac"?![]()
Its hardly a rip off. Yes, you can buy bottom dollar cheap RAM for what? $90 + shipping. Spend 30 minutes opening up the panel and then slap it in. For what my time is worth ordering RAM and installing it I just spent $200 anyway.
I'll order once I know it's shipping. Or just go to a store if they carry it. For all we know it won't ship until Nov 30th.
November 18 is what a lot of people are saying.
For as far as I know, there was only one person on this forum who said November 18th.. without a screenshot or what so ever..
I just have no idea when it ships.. still hoping it will be early November though..
I can't believe you charge yourself 100 dollars for a half hour! Man that's expensive!
So the Quadcore iMac's are arriving just in time for the holiday shopping season huh? Does anyone know when they will arrive at stores?
I'll order once I know it's shipping. Or just go to a store if they carry it. For all we know it won't ship until Nov 30th.
I phoned my local Apple store, Lenox Square Atlanta, they said the core 2 duo 27's would be in stock by the weekend and the quads sometime in November. She didn't have any idea of when in November, just November!
I was under the mistaken impression that the core 2 duo's in the 27's were the same mobile cpu's in the previous generation. Apparently that's not true and they too are desktop cpu's. This makes them slightly more appealing. Although, I'm still going for the i5 and upgrade the ram later. This will be my first Mac!
pretty sure the C2D are the mobile version. Am I wrong?
Check out the iFixit breakdown. The say it's a 3.06GHz E7600, Core 2 Duo, LGA775 socket T CPU.
Newegg $149 USD http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16819115059
sweet. Is that for the 21.5 as well? How does that compare to the mobile C2D?
I ordered an i5 through Amazon. I live in California so the taxes alone would prevent me from adding any options so 1995.00 through Amazon was the best deal. The waiting a month for this is going to be brutal.
Reason for the delay is the ATI Radeon HD 4850. You can see this by feigningly ordering a 27" 3,06 iMac, which has an shipping estimate of 1 - 3 days, and changing the card from the 4670 to the 4850--the estimate magically morphs into 'November'.
I didn't deem the following text important information when I wrote this post, but as people are still hoping for an early November release it may be useful.
Untill yesterday the shipping estimate didn't morph into 'November' but into '4 - 6 weeks'. Now that that has changed one may quite safely assume that:
1. The ATI card is indeed the problem; (But more importantly,)
2. The quads will come not before the 17th of November.
Just thought I'd throw this inference in.
Just FYI...if you order through a place like MacConnection, you can avoid tax AND shipping charges. I'd prefer to go through the apple store down the street from my house, but saving like $250 makes it worthwhile for me to order on-line.
I'll order once I know it's shipping. Or just go to a store if they carry it. For all we know it won't ship until Nov 30th.
Yup, I charge myself $200 an hour.....If only that would translate into the real world.....
Can you get the i7 from amazon? Would save you quite a bit of dough from taxes. I'm thinking no since it's an option.