What CAD/CAM apps are you using? And what rendering are you doing? I’ve done some Revit renders on a 2012 rMBP and tried the Autodesk a cloud rendering and I thought it was hit and miss and would rather have the power in house but would certainly welcome hearing your workflow and experience.HEY!!!
(fwiw, i don't do this forum anymore.. waiting for nMP V2 or this new thing got too tiresome + i needed to actually get some work done... (+ MVC got banned so i didn't have anyone as fun to battle with)...
i'm now on an iMac/MBP instead of Mac Pro.. the newer iMacs (not pro) are pretty freaking sweet for CAD/CAM these days.. rendering is all, or mostly, cloud based for me the past couple of years too.. i doubt i'll ever need something more than what these 'prosumer' things are capable of these days)